This must be the place
Yeah, it’s true.
I had originally planned to be a teacher. When I was thinking about what I wanted to choose to major in at college, I had shifted my attention to education. The idea of standing in front of a classroom of eager and impressionable minds intrigued me.
This must be the place
So, do you?
This must be the place
You never forget where you came from.
This must be the place
I awoke to yelling outside.
This must be the place
It is the eternal quest.
This must be the place
America has never been great.
Let’s just get that out of the way. Sure, we’ve had plenty of high points, moments solidified in time as historic milestones for humanity. But, all in all, we do right now live in, what many could say (myself included) is the greatest era of our country.
This must be the place
It snuck up on me.
This must be the place
I stepped out of the airport and into the afternoon sunshine.
This must be the place
That space between freedom and responsibility.
This must be the place
They say clarity is found when it becomes your last option.