News Headlines
Progress on storm recovery, broadband highlighted at town hall
On Friday, March 14, Representatives in the North Carolina General Assembly hosted a town hall to update the public and local elected officials about the progress of both Hurricane Helene Recovery and broadband expansion in the region on Friday March 14.
‘I can’t do it alone’: Green invites community engagement in education
The aim of newly-elected State Superintendent of Public Schools Mo Green’s “Mo Wants to Know” tour is simple — to garner as much input as possible about the direction North Carolina Public Schools should be heading in the coming years.
VA secretary greeted by demonstrators during visit to Asheville
Less than a week after a raucous congressional town hall where Republican Rep. Chuck Edwards faced intense criticism over cuts to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs — a disabled retired Army veteran was kicked out of the event after causing a disturbance — VA Secretary Doug Collins visited the Charles George Medical Center in Asheville to try to ameliorate some of those concerns. Demonstrators outside weren’t buying it.
Out of the lion's den: A Christian author with a long list of abandoned business deals and unpaid creditors finds a new home for his work in Macon County. He says it's a chance for redemption. Others aren't so sure.
Most novelists dedicate their books to loved ones, sources of inspiration or the memory of someone who has passed away. Cliff Graham dedicated his 2024 book, “The Boundary of Blood,” to “every man that has ever been broken.” The dedication might be self-referential.
NC attorney general warns of Helene-related fraud
North Carolina Attorney General Jeff Jackson is warning Western North Carolina residents of ongoing scams related to Hurricane Helene recovery.
Chuck Edwards' longest day: Asheville congressman faces fierce opposition at town hall
It had been a warm spring day that finally gave way to twilight of cobalt-grey, sharpening the flashing red and blue police lights slashing through dusk restless and unyielding. Demonstrators waving signs and banging rhythmically on locked glass doors, their chants pulsed through the cool evening air.
“Save our democracy.”
Cabe appointed Macon County manager
Commissioners appointed Warren Cabe as the new manager for Macon County after he had served just over four months as interim county manager.
“I appreciate the opportunity,” said Cabe at the March 11 meeting when commissioners appointed him to the position.
Macon Commission changes rules on public comment
In a split vote during its March 11 meeting, Macon County Commissioners decided to reduce the time limit for people speaking during public comment. The decision was made to allow more people to speak during the monthly, 45-minute public comment sessions.