One-man show coming to WCU
The Galaxy of Stars Series will present the one-man show “Man 1, Bank 0” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center at Western Carolina University.
The show is the true story of a man, Patrick Combs, who deposited a junk-mail check labeled non-negotiable into a bank account only to see things erupt into an adventure pitting a “David” regular guy against the “Goliath” of the banking industry. The production, which has enjoyed sold-out runs worldwide, is “an extraordinary tale of men in black, tense phone calls and a fake check for $95,093.35.”
As one might suspect, complications ensue, including angry banking officers threatening jail time and death, a leading authority on banking coming out of retirement, astonishing legal twists and worldwide media coverage.
Tickets cost $21 for adults ($15 in groups of 20 or more), $16 for WCU faculty and staff members, and $7 for students/children of any age. The show is sponsored by the Holiday Inn Express.
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