Another constitutional crisis for Obama
To the Editor:
Dear House and Senate national representatives:
Are you going to allow Obama to precipitate another constitutional crisis without some sort of consequences to himself?
As reported widely — only after it was a done deal — U.S. ambassador to the UN Samantha Power chose to raise the issue of Iran’s continuing human rights violations. These were avoided during the negotiations, when the U.S. had leverage. Now, like bringing the deal to Congress, this is all for show.
Mr. Representatives, from what has been reported widely, what Obama is doing is blatantly unconstitutional and illegal.
Obama can call this abomination an agreement all he wants. Poppycock! The bottom line is that it is a treaty between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Treaties between the U.S. and other countries MUST be ratified (or not) by the Congress.
These unconstitutional actions have been going on far too long by Obama. As reported widely in the media, both his administrations have been replete with one scandal after another and felonies too numerous to list,committed by himself or his henchmen.
Isn’t it time that he was removed from office for his numerous crimes? Isn’t it time that Obama and the other criminals in (and the ones who have resigned or been forced to resign) his administrations be brought before the bar of justice and the legal process ending in incarceration for their crimes against the American people begins? Or are we so far into the interregnum that the rule of law no longer applies and we are truly living under the rule of man? I demand to see some leadership on this issue — soon. Otherwise, there’s always “An Appeal to Heaven.”
Carl Iobst