Like mercury on slick glass
To the Editor:
Please don’t even try to convince most people that Republicans are slow to change due to some long-standing conservative ideology or a spiritual (Christian) base which they claimed only a few years ago with their “Contract with America” and/or “Moral Majority.” Think back a few months to the Republican campaign. Republican establishment leaders were doing everything they knew how to prevent Donald Trump from becoming their nominee for President of the United States. Little did they realize (or want to admit?) how keenly Trump sensed the mood of rural Americans. It seems now that rural Americans as well as establishment Republican leaders knew very little about how closely Donald Trump associated with Vladimir Putin on a personal/business basis. This potentially dangerous relationship will now play out during Trump’s presidential term.
Fast forward to Trump’s grab for power by winning the Republican primary. Once Trump benefited from the devious “Christian” influence of Franklin Graham asking his followers to “hold their noses” and FBI Director James Comey mailed his damning letter undermining Hillary Clinton, most of the erstwhile Trump critics lined up in support of their brand-new, billion-dollar hero. This success at the voting booth was enhanced by massive advertising dollars from the National Rifle Association as well.
Fake news, false statements from Trump, devious utterances from the FBI Director, sheep-herding by a famous evangelist’s son, hacking by Vladimir Putin will all be accepted now by Republican leaders in the Congress of the United States. Why? Christian values? American values? Dedication to Democracy? Insistence on fair voting in every precinct? Making every vote count? Hardly! The answer is Republicans won the fraudulent election. They not only maintained power in Congress, they gained coveted seats giving them enormous political power. But, political power does not automatically confer moral influence to those holding the power.
Do Republicans want to investigate the influence of hacking by Vladimir Putin? Few of them have shown any inclination. And, most are fighting the idea of a bipartisan special committee and disclosure to the American people. If they do agree with an investigation they will try to hide the truth from us (the American citizens who are told “Your vote counts”). But, how can every vote count if they have been tainted by the hacking of a foreign power? We are left to ponder — Who elected the President of the United States?
What Americans believed to be a bedrock, a cornerstone of our system of transferring power has shifted like mercury on slick glass-much like the speed with which Republicans rushed to get on the Trump wagon. Now, instead of Republicans joining Democrats and demanding the suspension of all subsequent legal moves until we can feel assured of the validity of this election, they have moved swiftly to install the man they once labeled as a fraudulent, racist, unfit, womanizing buffoon.
Has there been that much of a moral shift within the Republican Party in the last decade? Has there been that much of a shift with most Americans? Do we prefer political party power at the expense of the voting power of all Americans?
Are there other people who are getting bored with the false claims that Republicans are more patriotic, stronger Christians, more dedicated to constitutional principles? Could Franklin Graham possibly be acting Christ-like when he calls Democrats “atheistic, godless progressives”? Is it not getting clear as a bell that what they strive for is Republican Party power at any cost? Democrats need not get pious now. They can be just as guilty of the same excessive struggle for power.
Perhaps politics has always included chicanery. If so, why do Christians rush headlong into it? Can they really uphold biblical principles while seeking earthly power? Few expect that Republicans will change like mercury on slick glass. But, would it not be wonderful for America if enough listened to their consciences and decided to do what is right morally rather than what is politically expedient in this crucial hour? Democracy could use a little good news like that.
Dave Waldrop