Take the money out of politics
To the Editor:
We the people of these United States deserve a better way to put into power those who run for office. Money is currently the primary player in our elections. Morally, this is wrong!
There is a ballot measure, the We the People Act (HB 453 and S 354), making its way through the legislative process stating that corporations are not people and money is not speech. This ballot measure opens to the people of North Carolina a chance to vote on the measure in 2018.
Contact your legislators in the Committee On Rules and Operations of the Senate and tell them to pass S 354 out of committee and to the floor of the Senate.
Contact your legislators in the Committee On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House and tell them to pass H453 out of committee and to the floor of the House.
One person, one vote is our constitutional right. Your input is very important. Go to www.ncwethepeople.org to read and sign the petition. Encourage your family and friends to get on board. Contact your representatives. They need to know of your support. Remember, corporations have no soul!
Joan Palmroos