Guns in parks? Court says not so fast
The ban on guns in national parks will continue to remain in place for the time being, despite a move by the outgoing Bush Administration to lift the ban.
Environmental groups and park ranger associations joined forces in filing a lawsuit to keep the ban in place. The U.S. District Court granted an injunction that will keep the guns out of parks until the full case can be heard.
“This decision will help ensure national parks remain one of the safest places for American families and wildlife,” said Bryan Faehner with the National Parks Conservation Association.
Bush overturned the ban on guns in national parks just before leaving office in January. Previously, guns could not be loaded and had to be stowed if passing through the park with one in your vehicle. Bush’s new rule would have allowed loaded concealed guns to be carried on your person.
Park rangers came out en masse against the idea of allowing guns in parks due to safety, but ultimately failure to consider the environmental implications of guns secured this preliminary victory in court.