Ban assault-style weapons
To the Editor:
U.S. taxpayers buy rapid-fire weapons for qualified military personnel, which is a vital part of the “common defense” set forth by the Constitution. Yet some U.S. taxpayers obtain those military weapons and use them to kill their fellow Americans. Thus, all Americans are being denied equal protection under our laws.
Our military as well as homeland security must be rendered capable of providing for the “common defense” if we are to have equal protection. Congress must take steps to make this happen. Profit from sales of assault weapons must be sacrificed by the few in order to protect the masses.
Singer Donna Fargo put it like this in a great country song titled “Superman” — “Now, let’s go through this one more time. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. But, honey baby, we got to draw the line if your hang-up starts messin’ with mine.”
The right to own an assault weapon is certainly messin’ with people’s “hang-up” about their desire to live safely in America.
Fund the military. Assure Second Amendment gun rights. Ban assault weapon sales and ownership for non-military personnel. Assure equal protection for all Americans!
Dave Waldrop