Highlands Center offers online experiences
The Highlands Nature Center may not be physically open, but it continues to provide the community with environmental content and resources that can be enjoyed from the comfort of home.
In-person Nature Center programs have been canceled for now, but daily activities and ideas are posted on the HBS Facebook page as part of our “Nearby Nature” series for those who have young children at home along with nature book and movie recommendations for our adults.
Also featured are snapshots of what you can see if you tour the Botanical Gardens as part of our “Spring Sightings” series. Starting soon, regular programming such as “A Garden in Every Season” tours will be posted to HBS’s Facebook page as tours are live streamed for all to enjoy. Keep an eye on the HBS Facebook page for more details.
In accordance with Western Carolina University’s policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Highlands Biological Foundation is taking steps to help keep staff and community safe while still fulfilling its mission to educate the community about the natural world. The HBS office and Nature Center are currently closed and all programs that take place at the Nature Center have been cancelled through April 30. In the meantime, the Botanical Garden remains open dawn to dusk, and the public is encouraged to get outside during this time as long as mandated safety protocols and social distancing recommendations are adhered to.
For more information on programming contact www.highlandsbiological.org