Labor Day Events

Some of the Labor Day events we’ve come to know and love have been canceled this year due to the pandemic and/or the recent flooding in parts of Haywood County. However, there are still plenty of ways to get out and enjoy the holiday weekend.
Concerts on the Creek — Start your three-day weekend right by attending the last Concerts on the Creek series performance of the season. SKA City — a British-American nine-piece collective of Ska, Two Tone & Trojan Rocksteady — will perform from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3, at Bridge Park in Sylva.
Comedy benefit — If you are looking for a few laughs this weekend to lift your spirits, check out the comedy show going on at Mad Anthony’s in Waynesville Saturday, Sept. 4. The show starts at 8 p.m. and all proceeds will go to flood victims in Haywood County.
Pride Parade — The inaugural Sylva Pride celebration will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 4, at Bridge Park in Sylva. There will be booths for local LGBTQ nonprofits and organizations, music, a family-friendly drag show, and a parade at noon. There will also be another adult-theme drag show in the evening.
Apple Festival — It just wouldn’t feel like Labor Day without the N.C. Apple Festival in Hendersonville. Festival events run from Sept. 3-6 in downtown Hendersonville and masks are strongly encouraged.
Related Items
5K Race — The annual Friends of the Lake 5K race will be held at 8 a.m. this Saturday at Lake Junaluska. It’s a great way to start your day and to give back to the community. Register at
Leave No Trace — Labor Day is our last hoorah of summer and many people make plans to hike, picnic, go to the lake, tube down the river and other outdoor recreation. However you choose to celebrate this year, remember the Leave No Trace principles to keep our outdoors clean. Whatever you pack in with you, be sure to take it with you when you go!