Debris removal from flood to cease until Nov. 29

This week marks the 90-day post-flood milestone after Tropical Storm Fred impacted Haywood County. As that date nears, the second pass of residential debris removal is nearing completion.
After Friday, Nov. 12 all right-of-way debris removal operations cesed and will resume Nov. 29.
This break in operations will allow time for residents to prepare for one final storm debris removal pass, and to allow crews to spend time with their families for Thanksgiving.
The final debris removal pass will begin Monday, Nov. 29, and is anticipated to take about a week. Residents should plan to have all debris pre-sorted and next to the road for pick up before Nov. 29 to ensure it will be picked up in the last pass.
As of the date of this release over 35,000 cubic yards of debris (or about 11 Olympic-size swimming pools) have been removed from Haywood County properties.