Knife wielding suspect apprehended on Russ Ave

Waynesville Police Chief David Adams released details of an incident that occurred in the roadway this afternoon involving a female pedestrian. The incident occurred at approximately 12:37 p.m. near the intersection of Russ Avenue and Wells Fargo Bank.
Lt. Chandler was driving southward along Russ Avenue, where he observed a female walking on the double yellow line toward Hardee’s. Chandler (wearing a visible police uniform) exited his vehicle and approached the female and asked if she needed assistance with getting out of traffic. She began yelling obscenities at Chandler and begged him to shoot her.
Then, she pulled out a knife with the blade open and threatened to kill him. Chandler shouted out verbal commands for her to drop the knife. She continued to advance toward Chandler, while cursing and lunging at him with her knife. Chandler requested assistance through dispatch and kept moving away from her, as he continued yelling out commands for her to drop the knife.
Det. Holland arrived on scene in his SUV and blocked the female from attacking Chandler. She stabbed the driver’s side of the SUV and ran around the front of his SUV attempting to stab Chandler. Holland struck the female at approximately 5 mph, which knocked her to the pavement. Chandler and Holland attempted to subdue and handcuff her, in the process she stabbed one of Chandler’s hands with her knife. They were able to wrestle the knife away from her and she was handcuffed with the assistance of other officers on scene.
She was transported to the Haywood County Detention Center, where she was identified as Faith Nicole Wilson of Canton and charged with the following crimes.
- Felony - Assault Physical Injury on Law Enforcement
- Felony - Assault With A Deadly Weapon on A Law Enforcement Officer
- Misdemeanor – Resisting Public Officer
Wilson is being held under a $150,000 secured bond. Wilson did not display any injuries and refused medical attention.
Lt. Chandler received Medical Care for the stab wound to his hand.
Waynesville Police were assisted by the Haywood County Sheriff’s Office, NCSHP and citizens who witnessed and videoed the incident.
Lt. Chandler & Det. Holland exercised great restraint and used de-escalation techniques, which saved Wilson’s life even though she was intent on using deadly force against them. Their actions were heroic and prevented this from being a tragedy.