Truckstop traffic is very dangerous

To the Editor: I was heartened to see the recent coverage that the Pilot Travel Center off of I-40 on Exit 24 received from WLOS in Asheville. In this featured segment, the dangerous situation that has developed from the lack of adequate pull-in access for trucks was highlighted.
A big thank you to Cathy and Carson Helms, local residents who were quoted in the article, for stepping forward and verbalizing what so many of us have been thinking for years.
As a local resident that lives up the road from the Pilot, I have seen firsthand the chaos that ensues every day from the traffic backup that is caused by the great number of trucks lined up and waiting to pull into and out of the station. The problem has been made worse by the recent construction that is being done on I-40 at Exit 20. While plans for safety improvements are said to be in the works, the fact that they have been “in process” for over a year and have not yet been approved just sounds like stalling to me.
I would like to see more transparent and frequent coverage of the progress that is being made for the Pilot re-do, in hopes that this will push the matter along more quickly. And while they are at it, management really should do something about cleaning up the mass of garbage strewn about and cascading down the property hillside. It shows great disrespect for the land and for the surrounding neighbors who have to view this mess on a daily basis.
In the meantime, take care while travelling down Crabtree Road/N.C. 209 near exit 24, especially during rush hour.
Cheryl Buchignani