2023 A Look Back: You Wanted It, You Got It Award

Congrats to Macon County GOP’s newest slate of officers. A dedicated bunch who fought hard, and allegedly dirty, to secure their seats.
In the words of the great John McLean, “Welcome to the Party, pal.”
It turns out running a political party — mustering enthusiastic volunteers and candidates, fundraising, checking all the boxes, communicating with the district and state parties — it’s all complicated and requires experience and tenacity.
The Macon County GOP was in great shape and handled these duties admirably, so Chairman Jimmy Goodman and company inherited a well-oiled machine, one of the most active and formidable county political parties in any of the state’s rural areas. However, it hasn’t taken long for the new top brass to struggle. Along with having substantial infighting — squabbles that have risen to the surface during county commission meetings — there have been issues with party members acting out of turn.
At one point, Rob Tolp, a new precinct chair, sent out an email criticizing some more moderate members of the party that he perceived to be part of some ominous establishment. Goodman claimed Tolp’s letter was not sanctioned by the Macon GOP and “in no way reflects our opinion.” He said in the statement that Tolp would be dealt with, but it’s not clear if there was ever any disciplinary action.
So here’s to you, the new slate of Macon County GOP officers. Everyone wants the throne, but it can be a hell of a thing once you find yourself on it.