Climate plan open for comment

Draft priority measures to reduce greenhouse gases in North Carolina are open for public comment through Sunday, Jan. 28.
North Carolina received $3 million from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the planning phase of the federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program and is eligible to compete for $4.6 billion in implementation funding to be awarded later this year. As part of the program requirements, North Carolina is developing a Priority Climate Action Plan due in the early part of the year and a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan due in 2025.
The Priority plan will identify the state’s highest-priority greenhouse gas reduction measures and determine the method for ensuring these measures are implemented equitably. The Comprehensive plan will update and expand upon the state’s existing climate strategies, ensuring these documents align with the latest available science, modeling and best practices. Public comment on draft priority measures will help develop the state’s climate action plans, determine priorities for the state’s CPRG implementation funding application and identify potential project areas if awarded funding. Projects, activities or measures not identified in the Priority plan may still be included in the Comprehensive plan.
Priority measures cover the transportation, electricity, buildings, industry, waste and natural and working lands sectors.
Learn more or submit a comment at Comments can also be submitted via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with “CPRG Comment” in the subject line or via voicemail to 919.707.8757. The deadline to submit a comment is 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 28.