Jackson County hosts BirdFest

Balsam Mountain Trust announced its seventh-annual Bird Festival celebrating World Migratory Bird Day.
This year, BirdFest’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds,” which aims to highlight the critical relationship between healthy invertebrate populations and thriving bird communities. BirdFest aims to raise awareness of this crucial interdependence and inspire action to safeguard both birds and their insect allies.
Attendees can expect a lineup of free educational programming, including bird, insect and native plant-related walks, live bird ambassadors and interactive crafts activities suitable for all ages.
Birdfest will begin at 10 a.m. May 11 at Monteith Farmstead and Community Park in Dillsboro.
For more information on the festival and pre-festival community events, visit bmtrust.org/birdfest.