Haywood master gardeners host information session

People interested in gardening will have the chance to join a network of like-minded folks across the state dedicated to learning and sharing research-based information, enhancing their communities through horticulture and connecting people with benefits of gardening.
A master gardener session will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12, at the Canton Library.
After an initial orientation session on Sept. 19, classes will be held Tuesday and Thursday mornings from Oct. 1 through Nov. 19.
Applications for this next class will be accepted through Aug. 23. The cost to cover all course materials and fees is $175. Candidates must agree to volunteer at least 40 hours in various activities in the 12 months following the class. The class size will be limited.
For an application, visit haywood.ces.ncsu.edu/become-a-master-gardener-volunteer.