Gullible Republicans are a problem

To the Editor:
I was really not surprised that a once-responsible political organization allowed its representative to peddle hilarious falsehoods. Mr. Stello, chairman of the Haywood County Republican Party, claimed that volunteers for the Democratic Party are being paid by foreign organizations (From the August 7 edition of The Mountaineer).
I must have missed my check in the mail. I have been volunteering for the Haywood County Democratic Party for about 30 years and still haven’t got my check!
Mr. Stello is probably one of those gullible personalities who believe other bizarre and weird ideas promoted by Russian trolls and paranoid conspiracy theorists here at home. For example:
• California wildfires were caused by Jewish lasers from space (Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican congresswomen from Georgia and serial adulterer).
• Women who have been raped can’t get pregnant because their bodies shut down. (Tod Akin, former Republican Congressman of Missouri).
Related Items
• Drink Clorox to cure COVID (Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States and proud self-proclaimed grabber of women’s private parts and serial adulterer).
• Women who won’t — or can’t — have children shouldn’t be allowed to vote (J.D. Vance, Republican U.S. Senator from Ohio and would-be vice president).
• Mark Robinson, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor and Republican candidate for N.C. Governor, said women should never be allowed to terminate a pregnancy even if they were raped because “they didn’t keep their skirts down.” By the way, he paid for his own wife’s abortion a few years back.
Mr. Stello, like many of his party, throws around the “communists are coming to get you” bogeyman tactic yet he has not the slightest idea about the real “communist threat,” which is Vladimir Putin, who despite Mr. Trump’s admiration was trained as a Soviet secret police agent in the arts of murder and deceit and hates everything America stands for. If Republicans are truly worried about communist aggression, they should support Ukraine (talking to you, Sen. J.D. Vance).
All I can say is, great Republicans of the past from Lincoln to Teddy Roosevelt to Eisenhower must be shaking their heads in disbelief at the ignorance and dishonesty that has come to pollute a once legitimate political organization.
Steve Wall