Local artists sought for exhibit
Local artists in Swain and surrounding counties are invited to submit up to four original works for the annual community art exhibit at Swain County Center for the Arts. Artwork for this nine-week exhibit will be received in the lobby of the Center for the Arts between 8-11 a.m. on Thursday, July 28, or earlier by appointment. All artwork submitted should be available for display through the end of September and can be priced to sell.
The venue is equipped to show almost anything that can be hung on the wall or large sculptures that sit on the floor. There are four maple cases with locked glass doors where items such as pottery, jewelry, baskets, carvings and other handcrafted items or small paintings can be displayed.
If artwork is sold as a result of this exhibit, artists are asked to agree to donate ten percent to the ongoing programs and exhibits at Swain County Center for the Arts.
828.488.7843 or visit www.swain.k12.nc.us/cfta.