Running seminar to be held at MedWest in Sylva
A free running seminar will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, at MedWest Rehabilitation Services on the MedWest-Harris campus in Sylva with expert orthopedic physical therapist and competitive runner Todd Watson.
Watson is a professor of physical therapy at Western Carolina University and a two-time Boston Marathon finisher. In the seminar, he will help attendees learn more about the Chi Running technique, barefoot running, what physical therapy can do for runners and how to improve or begin a running program. Both the Chi Running method and barefoot running concept are designed to reduce wear and tear on joints, minimize impact and maximize the efficiency of running for improved health and fitness.
The seminar will consist of a talk about optimal running technique and Chi Running, a demonstration and discussion. Attendees will also be able to sign up for free individual injury screens as well to identify existing or potential problem areas and receive treatment options.
Both beginning and experienced runners can benefit from attending this seminar. Attendance is limited and is available on a first-come first serve basis.