Snakes and lizards pay a visit to Jackson Library
Two dozen snakes and lizards will make their debut at the Jackson County Library in Sylva during a special “Snakes Alive” program held at 10:30 a.m. June 15.
Herpetologist Ron Cromer will give an hour-long program that includes an educational presentation, a slideshow, and a hands-on session for those who want to stroke the soft, shiny scales of his traveling cold-blooded pets.
Cromer’s Snakes Alive presentation dispels common myths associated with snakes and instructs attendees in the proper way to hold a snake. He will show pattern identification, provide an overview of a snake’s anatomy and characteristics, and offer a strong warning about handling snakes in the wild.
The “hands-on” session will be an opportunity for participants to hold and pet the snakes. The session will conclude with the handling of a giant python. There will also be a “snake-free” zone for those who do not wish to participate in the petting session. 828.586.2016 or