Nature photography program to highlight wildlife travelogue
Photos of wildlife and special places taken by members of the Highlands Plateau Audubon Society will be shared during a special program at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 10, in Highlands.
The evening will include a presentation of Ed Boos of Scaly Mountain, a nature photographer who currently has work on display at The Bascoms.
Boos and his wife Cindy have traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada photographing and filming large mammalian predators in some of the iconic Western National Parks as well as nesting behavior and rearing of chicks among birds of prey. Ed’s stunning photos and Cindy’s videos from their trips present memorable images of these special animals in their natural habitats.
They will also share entertaining stories from the extensive time spent photographing these iconic species.
Held at Highlands Civic Center. Refreshments start at 7 p.m. Free.