Lawmakers begin work on latest Helene recovery bill

For the fourth time in four months, the North Carolina General Assembly has introduced a bill to address lingering unmet needs in communities affected by Hurricane Helene last year — and there’s a strong chance it won’t be the last. 

Local officials feel good about Pactiv mill parcel sale in Canton

Apprehension over the fate of a huge industrial parcel in the heart of Canton is now transitioning to cautious optimism.

2024 A Look Back: Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree award

This one goes out to the North Carolina General Assembly and Congress, but it will take a little explaining. 

General Assembly overrides governor’s veto of controversial flood relief bill

After decades of paying for hurricane recovery operations along the North Carolina coast, Western North Carolina taxpayers finally had a reason to ask the rest of the state to return the favor in the wake of Hurricane Helene. On Dec. 11, the rest of the state answered with a resounding “no.”

General Assembly approve private school vouchers

Last week the North Carolina General Assembly passed a conference report, also referred to as a mini budget that includes $463 million to clear the waitlist of families that have applied for the Opportunity Scholarship Grant Program and provide voucher money for those attending private schools. 

Bus drivers wanted: Local schools face non-certified staffing shortages

Finding enough bus drivers to operate all necessary routes has become a common issue for school systems across North Carolina and districts in the westernmost part of the state are not immune.

UNC Board of Governors repeals DEI policy

After the UNC Board of Governors approved a new policy on diversity and inclusion within the University of North Carolina, Western Carolina University will have until Sept. 1 to make a plan for compliance with a policy that could spell the end of some diversity- and inclusion-focused positions. 

Weatherman, Boliek advance in Republican runoffs

The final two candidates for North Carolina’s Council of State have been chosen by voters after a May 14 runoff election that saw very light turnout — even by runoff standards. 

Unintended consequences: Jackson County school board signs suicide screener resolution

The North Carolina General Assembly passed the Parent Bill of Rights in August of last year, and now school systems in the state have found a potentially life-threatening oversight in its language. 

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