Biden and Trump have major flaws

To the Editor:

Glenn Duerr certainly painted an ugly picture of Donald Trump while making Joe Biden look like an angel with wings. People tend to do that when they hate someone. They also ignore the faults of those they love and who agree with them. Let's be honest — Biden has major flaws.

Moderates should talk to each other

To the Editor:

There have been several interesting letters to the editor in The Sylva Herald and the Smoky Mountain News over the past few weeks. I agreed with some of their lines of thoughts and ideas; with others I did not agree. But they were all trying to express their ideas, and I will give them that. 

GOP bows to Trump’s immigration edict

To the Editor:

Politics Trumps responsibility.

I apologize to readers for the terrible pun, but I could not help myself. In recent days, we have heard much criticism from all over the political spectrum of President Biden’s recent executive order concerning capping the number of daily asylum seekers accepted at our border.  

Could Trump be a president for all?

To the Editor:

Recently Donald Trump spoke at the NRA convention and promised to roll back gun control measures enacted under Biden and fire the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Some legislation really helps

To the Editor:

Everyone deserves to live a healthy life with financial security. We want to pay less for prescription drugs and live in a world that we can pass on to our grandchildren where carbon pollution is dramatically reduced.

Border situation is a disaster

To the Editor:

It is amazing how people focus on the abortion issue yet ignore important issues that affect far more people. I guess focusing on abortion keeps liberals from focusing on the failures of the Biden administration and the awful state of our nation.  

Democrats try to scare voters

To the Editor:

In a letter in SMN’s April 10 edition, a former official of the Haywood County Democratic Party challenged Christians to defend an array of typically awkward Trumpian statements and actions during Holy Week that she characterizes as “unholy.” What is notable about the letter is not what it contains, but what it does not contain, which is any evaluation of how the actions of her party’s current national standard-bearer — indeed how the actions and policy aspirations of her party as a whole — bear even a remote resemblance to genuine Christianity. 

I fear we will go back in time

To the Editor:

In North Caroline we have a candidate for governor who is reputed to have said “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote … We want to bring back the America where Republicans and principles and true ideas of freedom rule.”  

Let me know when this is published

To the Editor:

The only extremists in this country are the people who support publications like yours. Liberals support child groomers and other vile people and live in some fantasy where they think the world belongs to them. 

Corbin should vote against more vouchers

To the Editor:

Since the beginning of the new year, I have seen several photos of Sen. Kevin Corbin, R-Franklin, handing out oversized checks in some of Western North Carolina’s eight counties.

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