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Author Bob Plott, an expert on the cultural heritage of the Smokies, will share stories of life during the past centuries at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.

Plott, also an accomplished wood-carver and historical re-enactor, traces his family roots in the Old North State back to 1750, when his great-great-great-grandfather Johannes Plott arrived here with five of the family hunting dogs. These dogs would later become renowned as the premier big game hunting dog breed in America: the Plott bear hound.

Plott has three books: Strike and Stay – The Story of the Plott Hound, A History of Hunting in the Great Smoky Mountains, and Legendary Hunters of the Southern Highlands: A Century of Sport and Survival in the Great Smoky Mountains.

“I have known Bob for several years now and I’ve enjoyed hearing him read from his books,” said Blue Ridge Books co-owner Allison Best-Teague. “But I’ve loved hearing him talk about life in the Smokies and I respect the historical research he has done on our area. I think people who call the Smokies home as well as the many visitors to our area will enjoy hearing Bob’s stories and learning the history of the mountains.”

Blue Ridge Books is located at 152 S. Main Street. 828.456.6000.


Naturalist Doris Mager, also known as the Eagle Lady, will introduce the public to some of her favorite birds of prey during a program at the Mountain Farm Museum from 11 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park outside Cherokee.

Mager will also do a program at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 22, at the Highlands Civic Center sponsored by the Highlands Audubon Society.

Mager has been working with raptors for over 35 years. At age 84, Mager still travels the Eastern United States giving educational programs. She has cared for more than 80 injured eagles and hundreds of other raptors, and has housed up to 36 birds of prey in her backyard at one time.

She will have four birds with her, including an American Kestrel, a Screech Owl, and a Great Horned Owl. The public will have an opportunity to “get up close and personal” with these fascinating creatures.

Located on U.S. 441 north of Cherokee at the main N.C. entrance to the park.


A new exhibit on the early natural history explorer William Bartram is on display at the Macon County library.

The exhibit, “The 1775 Journey of William Bartram to Western North Carolina,” traces Bartram’s life and his keen observation of not only plant life, but of the people and places he encountered throughout his travels.

Bartram’s observations were published in 1791 as Bartram’s Travels, considered a classic of early American travel writing, influencing numerous naturalists as well as Romantic thinkers of the 19th century such as Henry David Thoreau, William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

The exhibit was created as part of a three-way collaboration between the WCU Mountain Heritage Center, the Highland Biological Station and the Cashiers Historical Society.

The exhibit will be up through Nov. 20.

828.526.3600 or


Mountain farmers are encouraged to tap into two different grants to expand and diversify what they grow, as well as create better in-roads into the marketplace.

Funding for both comes from the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund, helping farmers in regions that were once tobacco dependent make forays into new areas of agriculture.

• WNC AgOptions gives small grants of $3,000 to $9,000 for farm diversification projects to help farmers offset the risk of trying new ventures. There will be around 40 grants given out.

Projects this year have included a propagation house for food and medicinal plants, hops production, a maple syrup finishing cooker, no-till production of specialty winter squash, and a screened greenhouse for commercial disease-free strawberry plants.

The program is also getting additional funding this grant cycle through the new Family Farm Innovation Fund.

Deadline Nov. 1.

• Grants of up to $20,000 will be awarded for projects undertaken by groups of farmers to improve the local agricultural system, solving processing, marketing, packaging and other distribution issues.

Past grants include farmer’s market renovations, alternative crop research, agricultural marketing campaigns and developing markets for value-added food producers.

www.tobaccotrustfund.or 919.733.2160.


Blue Ridge Forever, a coalition of nine land trusts in the mountains, will exceed its five-year goal of protecting 50,000 acres in Western North Carolina. The land trusts expect to surpass the target by as much as 8,000 acres by year’s end.

“The land trusts had to overcome untold obstacles to reach this goal, working quickly to protect the places we all love in Western North Carolina before they were lost to development,” said Phyllis Stiles, campaign director for Blue Ridge Forever. “But, whenever the goal seemed too lofty, our treasured mountains, forests, farmland and streams inspired us to press on.”

When the campaign was launched, the national recession wasn’t on the horizon.

“That was unexpected and made it a lot harder. A lot of money that would have been used for land conservation disappeared,” said Gary Wein, director of the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust.

Meanwhile, when real estate developments faltered, landowners and developers facing foreclosures offered up their property for conservation at reduced prices. Opportunity was abundant, but the funding wasn’t there to take advantage of it, Wein said.

“Money has been hard to come by,” he said.

Plus, what grants and donations were available were earmarked for projects themselves, leaving little for daily operations and overhead of running the land trusts.

The land trusts collectively saved 350 tracts of land from development over the past five years, sometimes by outright purchase of the tracts and other times by securing a voluntary conservation agreement from the landowner.

Some of the saved tracts are wild, while others are farmlands, which will continue being farmed without threat of development.

“Once a farm becomes a housing development it will likely never again be worked. The protection of good agricultural lands is vital to the future of farming in our mountains and in our state,” said Bill Yarborough, special assistant to N.C. Commissioner of Agriculture.

While the campaign’s success is a critical milestone, Stiles said the work is far from over. Many important places in the Blue Ridge Mountains are still at risk of development.

Public funding from state and federal sources came to $110 million, and private donations totaled $32.5 million. Landowners contributed $196 million by donating property outright or at a reduced market value.

“Without all those land owners donating conservation easements, we never would have done it. It takes a village to conserve land,” Wein said.


The children of workers who constructed the Fontana Dam in the 1940s are holding their annual reunion this week, returning to the place they were raised to reminisce of about life growing up in Fontana Village, a town built from scratch to house some 5,000 workers and their families.

Fontana Village, which is now a resort, was originally created by the Tennessee Valley Authority as a way of keeping workers and their families content so they would stay with the grueling construction project. The village was complete with 15 dormitories, countless homes, two churches, a hospital, schools, a general store and barber shop, a recreation hall, swimming pools and a ball field.

For the children of the dam workers, the village was a brave, new world in the Appalachian wilderness. Between 1942 and 1946, there were more than 600 students from 46 states who attended school at Fontana Village. History was made in November 1944 when the lake began to fill, and power generation became a reality the following spring.  Once the dam was completed, home as they knew it was no longer necessary. Most all of the children and their families scattered back across the country to the states from which they came.

Today these “Dam Kids” still stay in touch by returning to Fontana Village.


A program on wolves, featuring a couple of live wolves, will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 19, at the Maggie Valley Pavilion.

“Wolf Tales” will feature Rob Gudger, a wildlife biologist who lives in Maggie Valley, and animal handler Robert Edwards accompanied by Wayah, Amaroc and Mohican. Learn about the life of a wolf and witness the gentleness between man and wolf. The program is hosted by the Great Smoky Mountains chapter of the Audubon Society.

828.926.4628 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Western North Carolina students captured most of the prizes in the Student Laureate Awards sponsored by the North Carolina English Teachers Association this year.  

The annual awards, begun by the family of former Laureate Kathryn Byre, are established to recognize excellent writing by middle and high school students around the state.

In the high school category, judge Cathy Smith Bowers, the state’s current Poet Laureate, chose Edward Madill’s poem “You Mom.”

Wow, this young poet is amazing,” said Bowers. Madill is a graduate of Smoky Mountain High School in Sylva and now attends UNC Asheville. Honorable mentions went to Mandi Dean, Smoky Mountain High School’s Macon County Middle school in Franklin swept the awards, with two students sharing first prize, Caitlin Parris for “Cathy” and Lindsey Dodge for “Everything.” Second-place winner is Abrianna Berry for “Squirrel Hunting with my Dad.”


David Watkins of Cullowhee will offer a free personal budgeting workshop at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16. The program is based on his book, Little is Much: Learn How to Live Within Your Means — Seven Steps to Financial Freedom.

The workshop is free and open to the public. Copies of Little is Much will be available and can be autographed by the author.


Poet John Thomas York will be at City Lights at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16, to read from his new collection, Naming the Constellations, which was published by Sylva’s Spring Street Editions in collaboration with Ash Creek Press in Portland, Ore.

The event will also serve as a celebration of Spring Street Editions, which has published several works of poetry by local and national writers.

The title poem in the collection has won the Poet Laureate Award from the North Carolina Poetry Society in 2008. Other of York’s poems have appeared in the Greensboro Review, which awarded him its Literary Award for Poetry in 1985.

A career public school teacher, York was named the 2003 Teacher of the Year by the North Carolina English Teachers Association. He lives in Greensboro.


Poetry continues on Sunday afternoon when Nancy Simpson will be at City Lights for a special reception and reading at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 17, to read from her new collection, Living Above the Frost Line.

The book is the inaugural title in the new Carolina Wren Press Laureate Series, supported by the North Carolina Arts Council.

For more information about any of these events call 828.586.9499.


To the Editor:

In a few days, Jackson County voters will be choosing the leadership of the county for the next four years. As a U.S. Army veteran (1961-64, Ft. Bragg and West Germany), I commend the current board of county commissioners for their combined and individual support of military veterans and their causes, and for making it a priority to address the needs of veterans at the local level.  

The commissioners have often supported specific programs of the county’s veteran organizations, and have personally participated in programs that honor veterans, such as those on Veterans Day in November and Memorial Day each May.

Several years back, they took the initiative to fix the fountain area at the foot of the courthouse steps in Sylva, transforming it from an embarrassing eyesore into a fitting and well-maintained tribute to the sacrifices made by Jackson County veterans who served in our country’s wars.

More recently, the commissioners provided crucial major support to the Rotary Club’s Honor Air project.  Over the last couple of years that project has transported numerous Jackson County WW2 veterans on carefully planned, day-long roundtrips to Washington, D.C. There these men and women had the opportunity to make unforgettable and often emotional first visits to the great new World War Two Memorial, plus other area monuments that honor the service of America’s veterans.

The commissioners have also ensured that the county’s Veterans Service Officer continues to be a highly-qualified, dedicated, and pro-active individual who works hard to make sure that veterans and their dependents get all federal and state mandated health and other support due to them from the Veterans Administration, the Department of Defense, and additional federal and state agencies.

For these and their other efforts on behalf of veterans, I salute the current commissioners and urge their re-election.

Jim Nicholl



To the Editor:

Over the course of the past year or so our Jackson County commissioner have been faced with a number of difficult decisions including salary raises for county employees, the Dillsboro dam and new mountain ordinances while keeping our taxes third lowest in the state. Those reasonable, responsive and thoughtful commissioners are Brian McMahan running for re-election as Jackson County commission chairman, Tom Massie, commission vice chairman and William Shelton, commissioner.

The Tea Party is supporting candidates (according to yard signs they appear to be Jack Debnam and Cody Elders) this year. At the Home Builders Association meeting in Cashiers not long ago their only solutions were to audit county programs, evidentially unaware the county conducts an annual audit. They also advocated spending $1 million to conduct an off-year revaluation of property and spending $4 million to complete the community center while advocating a rollback in property tax revenues and county services.

As one candidate put it “county employees are a drag on our economy.” They were critical of the purchase of sparkling new vehicles by the county only to be reminded by our commissioners the vehicles had not been purchased as part of the 10 percent reduction in county expenditures enacted over the past year. They were critical of not using local contractors for a building project at Southwestern Community College only to be reminded the project is a community college project not a county project.

I am sure these folks supported by the Tea Party crowd mean well and care as much for our county as we all do. However, they tend to offer misleading messages and simple solutions to complex county problems. Their solutions include cutting taxes, reducing the size of government, eliminating county services and turning stewardship of our mountains and rivers over to private enterprises, many of whom would treat our mountains like coal mine operators treat the mountains of West Virginia.

We can elect these well-meaning conservatives who appear dedicated to reducing services and personnel or we can return Brian McMahan, Tom Massie and William Shelton for reasonable, responsive and thoughtful stewardship of our tax dollars and county resources.

Ron Robinson



Sign-up for teams is now under way for Haywood Regional Health & Fitness Center’s Night of Fright Dodgeball Tournament, to be held from 6 to 9 p.m, Oct. 28.

Teams for the tournament may consist of four to seven participants, sporting their best Halloween costume.

Last year’s event attracted 16 teams and more than 150 participants, and this year may be even bigger and even more ghoulish.

“Will last year’s champs the “Nuts-n-Hunnies” be able to retain their title for another year?  Or will runners-up, the “Young Gunz,” be out for vengeance?” Aquatics and Recreation Coordinator Shawn Smathers asks.

Registration is $50 per team. Register by Thursday, Oct. 21. 828.452.8056


The Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a seminar entitled “The Power of Email Marketing” from 3-5 p.m. on Oct. 20 at Center for New Mountain Business located at 673 Siler Road in Franklin. The 1.5 hour seminar is free to chamber members and $10 per person for non-chamber members.

Attendees will learn how to get their message heard in a world of increasing e-mail communications, along with tips, strategies and techniques.

Anissa Starnes, Regional Development Director of the Carolinas, will lead the event. Starnes brings 19 years of experience in small business and nonprofit management, including Vice President of the Charlotte Chamber, Senior Vice President of the York County Regional Chamber and most recently President and CEO of the Burke County Chamber of Commerce. 828.524.3161 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Cecil Groves, former president of Southwestern Community College, is the new CEO of BalsamWest FiberNet.

Groves, who had moved to Texas to be near family, replaces David Hubbs, who announced he was leaving to pursue personal


Davis Woodard, a veteran law enforcement officer in Jackson County, has been selected as Sylva’s new police chief.


A new state bill aims to encourage children to put down the sugary juices and frolic on the playground outside.


The Swain County Sheriff’s Office has received a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice under the 2010 COPS Hiring Program.

The grant, in the amount of $125,811.00, will cover one officer position for a three-year period. The grant will be used to pay the wages and related benefits for the officer during that time. As part of the grant, Swain County will be required to retain the officer for one additional year after the completion of the grant period.

Commissioners will have to act to accept the grant before it can become effective.


The job training and life skills program, sponsored by REACH of Jackson County, has moved from its original location at the Client Service Center to Mariposa Boutique, the REACH thrift shop on Skyland Drive in Sylva.

New Choices is a program for any displaced homemaker starting over in the job market, desiring to be more self-sufficient or wanting to make a positive change in life. The program is available through REACH and funded by the N.C. Council for Women.

828.586.8778 or 828.506.0844


A golf tournament will be held Monday, Oct. 18, at Highlands Falls Country Club in Highlands.

Registration begins at 9 a.m. The “Playing for a Purpose” tournament will benefit REACH of Macon County, a nonprofit agency serving victims of family violence and sexual assault.

Mary Cathey, LPGA teaching professional, will conduct a golf clinic at 9:30 a.m., before the tournament.

The tournament will be four-person teams, shotgun start at 10 a.m. Registration is $125 per person, due with entry. Lunch, salad buffet, drinks and dessert will follow play.



Training for hospice is scheduled for the end of this month at Lake Junaluska First Baptist Church.

Haywood Regional Medical Center Hospice & Palliative Care will hold the volunteer training series on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 25, 26, 27 and 28.

The 12-hour program will orient volunteers to the hospice philosophy and program, and help them to find their niche in hospice volunteerism.

Volunteer opportunities include: patient and family support; companionship visits; respite care for caregivers; errands; bereavement support; delivering a single rose to the family after death; office assistance; chaplaincy and other professional services; fundraising and community events planning.



A forum for Macon County Commissioner candidates will be hosted by the League of Women Voters of Macon County at 12:15 p.m. on Oct. 14 at Tartan Hall, First Presbyterian Church of Franklin.

Incumbents Ronnie Beale (D) and Bob Simpson (D) will face Charlie Leatherman (R), Ron Haven (R), and Vic Drummond (I) for the two District 2 seats. Incumbent Brian McClellan (R) will face Allan “Ricky” Bryson (D) for Highlands District 1 seat.


A radio tower that caused an outcry in Franklin because of its height — 471 feet — and its location — on the outskirts of town, in a residential area — won’t be built there after all.

Instead, following a meeting of town, Macon County representatives and the state Highway Patrol, the tower will be placed near the Welcome Center several miles south of town on U.S. 441, Town Manager Sam Greenwood said.

It also will be shorter than originally proposed, just around 300 feet, he said, because the new location south of town is a better all-around site.

The state Highway Patrol had proposed erecting the tower just off U.S. 28 on Ivar Street.


A conference at Lake Janaluska Dec. 2-4 will be, “Embracing Christ’s Multi-Ethnic Body: Breaking Down Barriers and Building Bridges.”

This represents Lake Junaluska’s second multicultural conference.

During this event, people will experience life-changing times of listening and learning as participants share stories of challenges, disappointments, hopes and triumphs along the pilgrimage to make churches the inclusive communities of love and respect.

“The Lake Junaluska Multicultural Conference will be a place for embracing diversity,” said The Rev. Jimmy L. Carr, executive director of Lake Junaluska. “Persons will come together in a safe, life-affirming and life-transforming environment to explore the common bond of God’s love for all.”

Leaders include: The Rev. Eric Law of Kaleidoscope Institute (via Skype); Bishop Gregory Palmer of the Illinois Area; Bishop Will Willimon of the North Alabama Conference; Kristina Gonzales, associate director of Connectional Ministries for the Pacific Northwest Conference; Anne Marshall, a community activist who speaks on Indigenous issues, racism, and human rights violations around the world; Tim Tyson, award-winning author of Blood Done Sign My Name, and Senior Scholar at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University; The Rev. Mary John Dye, who began her ministry as the first cross-racial appointment in the Mississippi Conference; and Bishop William Morris (retired), who provides leadership for the Design Team of the Multicultural Conference.

Early registration ends Oct. 16. One CEU credit available. Call 828-454-6656 or visit to register or for more information.


The famous Inspirations Gospel group will welcome fall at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts in Franklin on Oct. 15-16.

The Fall Colors Festival will feature The Family and Friends Tour, The McKameys, and The Inspirations on Friday, Oct. 15, beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets range from $9 to $18. Saturday, Oct. 16, features The Dove Brothers Quartet, Tim Surrett and Balsam Range, The Perrys, Marshall Henson and Gem City, The Punches Family and The Inspirations.

The show begins at 1 p.m. and tickets range from $10 to $20.

The Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts, located in Franklin, is a modern 1,500 seat facility featuring a state-of-the-art, concert-grade sound system.  The center showcases artists from Western North Carolina and the surrounding areas and seeks to nurture the development, understanding and appreciation of the arts throughout the community and the region. To purchase tickets to any performance at The Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts, to get more information, or to see a schedule of coming events, go to or call 866.273.4615.


The Smoky Mountain Brass Quintet will perform a free concert at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26, in the recital hall of the Coulter Building on the campus of Western Carolina University.

Pieces include Contrapunctus IX by J.S. Bach, “Laudes” by Jan Bach, a tuba concerto by Christer Danielsson, Music Hall Suite by Joseph Horovitz, “Killer Tango” by Sonny Kompanek and “Guantanamera” by Jean-Francois Michel.

For information about the Smoky Mountain Brass Quintet, call Ulrich at 828.227.3274 or go online to


Approximately 3,500 students from 23 high schools will compete for top marching band honors during a daylong competition Saturday, Oct. 16, at Western Carolina University. The 10th annual Tournament of Champions, a showcase for elite high school marching bands, will begin with a preliminary session at 9 a.m. at E.J. Whitmire Stadium. The top 10 advancing bands will be announced at 4:30 p.m., and the evening session will begin at 7 p.m., with finalists competing for the grand champion Chancellor’s Trophy. For more information call 828.227.2259 or go online to


The Fourth Annual Mountain Music Jamboree at Eaglenest Entertainment in Maggie Valley is Oct. 15-16 and will feature several well-known performers.

Featured entertainers include:

Bill Yates and Friends “A Tribute to the Country Gentlemen” is the result of the love of the “Real” Country Gentlemen music and an impromptu jam session. Bill Yates was a member of The Country Gentlemen from 1969-1989, recording 17 projects with the group and traveling the world over.

Bobby and Blue Ridge Tradition is a five-piece bluegrass band from Asheville that plays a unique mix of traditional and not-so-traditional bluegrass music. The band’s style is clearly not your standard run-of-the-mill bluegrass.

Cody Shuler and Pine Mountain Railroad, an award-winning national touring band and Rural Rhythm Records recording artists have been busy entertaining at festivals, concerts, and other performance venues in the United States and abroad. Now into their eleventh year, this five-piece bluegrass band is led by Cody Shuler, the nine-year veteran performer.  

Lost & Found became quite popular in the early 1970’s, with Allen Mill’s exceptional songwriting contributing much to the group’s fame. “Love of the Mountains” was recorded then and has become a contemporary bluegrass standard.

Balsam Range is a band based in Haywood County that entertains all ages with bluegrass, gospel and country music. Their songs, many written by band members, reflect the musical heritage and traditions from the Southern Mountains, The Grand Ole Opry, and influences of the Appalachian settlers.

Barachah Valley was formed five years ago when friends wanting to play, and sing, traditional bluegrass and gospel music decided to get together to play their favorites and put a traditional spin on modern renditions.

The Fourth Annual Mountain Music Jamboree kicks off Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. and continues Saturday, Oct. 16 at 6:30 p.m. For information and tickets call 828.926.9658 or visit our web site at


The 21st Annual Leaf Lookers Gemboree will be held Oct. 15-17 at the Macon County Community Building just south of Franklin off U.S. 441. Gem and mineral dealers from across the country will be on hand displaying and selling fine jewelry, gems, minerals and more.

The Leaf Lookers Gemboree will feature a wide variety of items including fine finished jewelry, rough and cut gems, lapidary equipment, minerals, fossils and collectibles. Dealers will also be available to custom make that special piece of jewelry you’ve always dreamed of or for the upcoming holiday season.

“All dealers who attend our Gemborees return year after year because the Franklin shows are among the best in the country,” said Linda Harbuck, executive director of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce.

Admission price is $2 for those 12 and older, free for those under 12. 10 a.m. to 6 pm. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. 828.524.3161 or toll free at 800.336.7829.


The Smoky Mountain Community Theatre’s fall production will be “Twelve Angry Jurors – The Encore.”

The play was performed in July, but now it is back by popular demand.

A 19-year-old man has just stood trial for the fatal stabbing of his father. It looks like an open-and-shut case — until one of the jurors begins opening the others’ eyes to the facts. It becomes personal at times, with each juror revealing his or her own character as the various testimonies are re-examined, the murder is re-enacted and a new murder threat is born before their eyes.

The show will run at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 14-18. Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for students ages 6 to 18. Children under 6 are free.  

The theatre is on Main Street in downtown Bryson City. For information or reservations call Director Toby Allman at 828.488.8103 or 828.508.6645.


Haywood County writer Michael Beadle will give a program on Haywood County history at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 17, at the Haywood County Public Library in Waynesville.

The program includes a slide show of rare photographs from Haywood County’s past, interactive discussion, and a question-and-answer session on Haywood County’s history. The program includes information on the coming of the railroad and industry to the heyday of hotels and resorts, to the families and events that have shaped its mountain communities and towns.

The presentation will be held in the downstairs auditorium of the library. Refreshments will be served. The program is part of the Sunday Concert Series, a year-long, once-a-month series of free concerts and lectures available to the public, co-sponsored by the Haywood County Arts Council and the Friends of the Haywood County Library.

Beadle is the co-author of Haywood County: Portrait of a Mountain Community as well as the author of two recently published Images of America books: Haywood County and Waynesville (the latter written with Peter Yurko). After spending the past several years researching, gathering materials, and writing about Haywood County as part of the bicentennial celebrations for Haywood County and Waynesville, Beadle has been helping to organize the Haywood Snapshot Project, which seeks to save, share, and sustain Haywood County’s historic photo collections for future generations.



The 5th Annual Big Rigs and Antique Trucks Show will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 15 and 16 at the Acquoni Expo Center in Cherokee.

The event is sponsored by the Western NC Truck Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society. Last year more than 2,200 spectators and participants attended, and this year organizers expect more than 150 trucks to be on display. Models range from the antique to the working class, including pickup trucks, semis, dump trucks, and more.

Anyone with an antique truck may register. Parts and swap meet vendors and food displays will also be available at the show. For all trucks approved for display, the registrant and a guest will receive free admission.

Admission is $5; children 12 and under are free. 828.421.9399.


The 22nd annual Haywood County Apple Harvest Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 16, in downtown Waynesville.

The annual festival, which celebrates the beauty of the harvest season in Haywood County, features handmade arts and crafts, locally grown apples and apple products for sale. In addition, the festival will feature food vendors of all types, educational and information booths, authentic mountain music, dance groups, and a children’s fun area.

Scheduled performers for this year’s festival include Gray Wolf, the Hominy Valley Boys, Simple Folk, Frog Level Philharmonic and the Josh Fields Band. Adult and youth clogging groups will also perform throughout the day providing non-stop entertainment from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. With more than 25,000 people attending last year’s festival, Haywood County looks forward to a great vendor turnout and a great day for visitors, local merchants and local residents.  

New for the 2010 festival is the Miss and Master Apple Harvest Festival Natural Beauty Pageant. The pageant will be held in the children’s fun area next in the United Community Bank Parking area. Applications may be picked up at Fun Things Etc. prior to festival day.

The Haywood County Apple Harvest Festival is presented by the Haywood County Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Waynesville Association, the Haywood County Extension Service and the Haywood County Apple Growers.

Festival sponsors include Progress Energy, BluePrints for Business, New Meridian Technology, Clear Channel Communications, O.C.’s BBQ, The Smoky Mountain News, Fun Things Etc. and The Mountaineer.

For information contact the Greater Haywood County Chamber of Commerce at 828.456.3021.


Bryson City

The 20th annual Bryson City Chili Cook-off will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad Depot.

The contest includes awards for both professional and amateurs and a people’s choice winter. The festival — which includes arts, crafts and entertainment —annually attracts about 3,000 to the downtown area.

For more information contact the Swain County Chamber of Commerce at 828.488.3681 or visit



The Downtown Sylva Association’s 3rd annual Chilly Fest is set to begin at 12 p.m. on Nov. 6, at the Bridge Park and Poteet Park in Sylva.

The event is in need of both professional and amateur Chili Cook-off contestants as well as crafters. For an event application visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 828.586.1577.

Live music from Ian Moore’s Mountain Music Miscellany and The Vinyl Brothers Big Band, children’s activities and host crafters will provide entertainment during the cook-off.

An after party will be held from 5 p.m. to 11p.m. at The Village at Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company featuring beer from Heinzelmannchen Brewery, live music and food and drink specials. Chilly Fest crafters are invited to move their booths to The Village at Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company during the after party.


Artist James Smythe has opened a new upstairs art studio in the Downtowner Building at 563 West Main Street in downtown Sylva.

Smythe has created a salon style hallway gallery to display and sell paintings. For the past 40 years he has been a painter of oils, acrylics and pastels using various styles.

Smythe was a full professor in the art department at Western Carolina University for 31 years. He and his wife Sylvia have moved their residence from Webster to his family home in Sylva.


The Green Energy Park in Jackson County will hold a two-part mold making workshop Oct. 18 and Oct. 22.

Experienced artists may skip the mold making workshop and bring their own molds on the day of the pour.

• Mold making, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 18. $5 plus materials fee of $5 to 20 depending on size of finished mold. No experience necessary, beginners are welcome.

• Aluminum pour, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 22. $5 plus $1.50 per pound for aluminum use. Experienced artists may bring their own leathers and safety gear, and potentially participate in the metal pour. Wear closed-toe leather boots, long pants and clothing made of natural fibers.

Space is limited. Advanced registration required for both. 828.631.0271.


The Haywood County Arts Council will host the Appalachian Pastel Society’s second National Juried Exhibition beginning Wednesday, Oct. 20, through Saturday, Nov.13.

Grand prize for Best of Show is $1,000. Many other prizes will be awarded including pastel sets, other art supplies and product certificates. In conjunction with the show, artist and exhibition juror Ann Templeton will be teaching a workshop on “Abstracting the Landscape in Pastels” Oct. 14-18. Templeton is a nationally known oil/pastel-conceptual impressionist. For more information on the workshop visit:

The National Juried Exhibition finalists include more than 30 artists. Those from Western North Carolina include Peggy Duncan of Bryson City; Joyce Kay Gordon of Marshall; Nancy Clausen of Swannanoa; Susan Sinyai of Asheville; Carol Branton Morrow of Swannanoa; and Fran Greenberg of Asheville.

For more information about the Appalachian Pastel Society visit the web site at


See the show

WHAT: “Appalachian Pastel Society National Juried Show,” an exhibition of  pastel works by thirty-nine US artists

WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 22 through Saturday, Nov. 13. Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Artist’s reception on Friday, Oct. 22, from 6 o 9 p.m.

WHERE: Haywood County Arts Council’s Gallery 86 located at 86 N. Main Street, Waynesville.

ADMISSION: Free and open to the public


The Gallery at Southwestern Community College’s Oconaluftee Institute for Cultural Arts will feature two Cherokee artists in October as part of a new series of shows.

Horizons: Dean Reed & Henrietta Lambert opened on Oct. 1 and will run through Nov. 21. A reception for the artists will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 13, from 4 to 6 p.m.

“Opportunities to showcase local artists give our students a chance to network and derive inspiration from the community,” said Jeff Marley, program coordinator for OICA. “It is a natural fit to our program at OICA that we promote local artist.”

Reed has been working in clay for over 37 years, following a traditional Cherokee style of stamped pottery. He was a founding member of the Cherokee Potters Guild and a member of the Qualla Arts and Craft Mutual in Cherokee.

Lambert focuses primarily two-dimensional work, such as painting and drawing. She is the first graduate from OICA and is currently perusing her bachelors at Western Carolina University.


By Leon Grodski de Barrera • Guest writer

There are a lot of ways to spin Christopher Columbus’ accomplishments or his misdeeds, depending on which version of history you go by. Some call him a hero, some a murderer, many a discoverer and many a thief, and the list goes on and on.

One that you don’t hear so much is public relations guru. Whether it was intentional or not, he initiated one of the longest lasting and most successful PR campaigns in history, that of the dehumanization of indigenous people. With the goals of conquest, riches and spices, Columbus played upon the racism and greed of the king and queen of Spain, the members of his crew and the throngs of conquistadors who followed in his wake. Invisibility and marginalization of indigenous people paved the way for their projects.

From the first mention of contact in his journal from the first voyage, Columbus portrays the people — whom he calls “Indians,” thinking he is in India — as at once noble and empty, deft guides and ready-made slaves for the king and queen of Spain. Columbus weaves these ideas prominently through his journal, and this legacy, this habit of mind continues as a prominent thread in the fabric of greater American society to this day, more than 500 years later.

In “Reclaiming Cultural Ownership: Challenging Indian Stereotypes,” Shan Goshorn is determined to reclaim cultural ownership for Native Americans. In her artist statement, Ms. Goshorn, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, said, “History has proven that a way to successfully eliminate a people is to deny them their culture. We remember the obvious attempts of boarding school practices, but we can equate racist commercialism as an attempted genocide as well.”

Goshorn has created an art installation that draws a direct contrast between racist commercialism that necessitates the invisibility of Native Americans within greater American culture and photographs of the everyday lives of people of different tribes as seen through the artist’s eyes.

When entering the gallery, one is immediately struck by the dramatic contrast between the varied and colorful commercial objects presented on several pedestals inside glass cubes that are thoughtfully situated throughout the floor space. These objects employ native stereotypes and appropriate native names to sell goods and services neither owned by nor representative of Native Americans. Goshorn presents her black and white photographs, taken through the 1990s, one next to the other at eye level completely lining the room. It’s almost as if they are surrounding the colorful and seductive lies of commercialism with a black and white look at and affirmation of everyday life of native people today.

The photographs are a sample from the artist’s greater collection that are at once unique to this group of people and common to everyone. People represented are from many North American tribes, including Cherokee, Cheyenne, Yuchi, Seminole, Muscogee and Lakota. These people and tribes are as varied culturally and linguistically as the Germans, the French, the Polish and Spanish or people of any other nations who have different customs, religions and histories. As  Goshorn is part of the lives of the people in the photographs, she is able to represent them in a way that is snapshot and sophisticated document, avoiding the “sweep in and set ‘em up, size ‘em up and leave” shots that we frequently see in national magazines.

One may notice some trends in the objects. There are the wild-Indians-made-in-China-plastic-toys such as the “cowboys and Indians” action figures sets, some of which are packaged with pictures of non-native boys dressed up as “Indians.” There are the wildly happy looking team mascots and sports caps. Then there’s the back-to-the-earth food product, or better yet an Italian ice cream that has nothing even remotely to do with any native culture. Advertisements for industrial products, like tires, seem to use native names for their catchiness and ease of recognition. In the Unocal oil company’s sponsored foam-hand-shaped-Braves-souvenir, the continued connection between the empty use of native images with corporate goals is clear. The made-in-China-plastic “Pocahontas, Indian Princess” is up there in its implied racism with the stripper who is marketed as an “Indian Fire Goddess.” Wow!

Any of Goshorn’s photographs could stand alone, with their professional composition and unique viewpoint, yet their greater power in this exhibition is their cumulative effect. Grouped together they surround all the seductive and colorful lies put forth by corporations and their interests, using native images for the sake of creating money for non-natives. The photographs work directly against popular pigeonholing, mere dollar accumulation and simple stereotyping. As the black and white images show, none of these stereotypes have much to do with Native Americans as they really are and the contrast of the characterization of “Indians” with the multiplicity of real lives as seen in the photographs draws this to mind.

All of the photographs are particularly indigenous, by the nature of the subjects and artist. And some show elements of life that are unique to native people, or to particular tribes; Enos Taylor, Eastern Cherokee, is gathering honeysuckle vines for traditional Cherokee basket making; Russell Means, Lakota, protests the Cherokee Strip 100-year “celebration” of the Oklahoma ‘sooners’ settling tribal land; and Elsie Martin wraps bean bread in corn husks before boiling them.

In all of these pictures the content of what people are doing is special to their heritage and way of being. Yet the smiles, togetherness, accomplishments, struggles and love are universal.

You can see this through many of the other photographs: an elder, Margaret Davis, is sitting in her comfortable chair using her hands passionately while speaking; Nancy Bradley, Ina Driver and Melonie Bradley, women of three generations, sit together, the granddaughter with a warm, shy smile; two well respected multi-media artists, Richard Ray Whitman, Yuchi/Pawnee and Joe Dale Tate Nevaquay, Yuchi/Commanche are in a booth at an art exhibition. Director Mona King, Ottawa/Quapaw, and Curtis Zunigha, Delaware/IslettaPueblo are editing a show for television. Judicial Magistrate Charles Tripp is in his court. These people with joys, growth spurts, duties, generational differences, in their exposure, subvert the common questions one can hear in Cherokee, North Carolina, every day: “Where can I find some Indians?” or “My great grandmother was a Cherokee princess,” or “Can I take a picture with that Indian?” and so on.

And as with any other people on Earth, change is evident. The boy, Steven Ross, Eastern Cherokee, writes on a chalkboard words in the Cherokee Syllabary, reclaiming the language that had been forcibly taken from his family through the boarding school process. Junior Miss Indian Tulsa, Denise Graham, Delaware/Yuchi, gets dressed and prepares “cans,” a modern-day versions of turtle shell rattles for the American Indian Heritage Center’s Summer Celebration Stomp Dance Demonstration. American Indian Movement activists gather to support change at the United Nations World Hearings on Racism as a Violation of Human Rights.

The layout of the space encourages multiple viewings of objects and images, a back and forth between the vibrant colors of smiling, big teeth feather in the hair baseball caps, kitschy books about white women taking on native identities, made-in-china plastic warriors in canoes and large scale black and white photographs such as an elder standing in front of the frame of a sweat lodge, tribal council holding session, kids in school saying the Pledge of Allegiance and a grandfather adjusting his grandson’s clothing. The seconds that pass walking between the clichés of commercialism and the rare treat of visiting the individuals through the artist’s empathetic eyes allow for the time necessary to build layer upon layer of dissonant images, that when understood altogether incite an openness to change and the obliteration of the cliché.

(Leon Grodski de Barrera is the great-grandchild of Italian, Irish, German and Polish immigrants who came to the United States via Ellis Island over 100 years ago. He is an artist, writer and coffee man based near the Qualla Boundary in Western North Carolina.


Check it out

The exhibition Reclaiming Cultural Ownership: Challenging Indian Stereotypes runs until October 24th at the Western Carolina University’s Fine Art Museum. For more information on Shan Goshorn visit


The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, along with the North Carolina Wildlife Federation and the North Carolina chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, has unveiled a green-growth initiative that encourages wildlife-friendly practices for new and existing residential developments.

The Wildlife Friendly Development Certification program recognizes residential land developers who promote the conservation of wildlife habitat and use environmentally sound construction practices in their developments.

To acquire certification, developers work closely with the staffs from the Commission and Federation to determine what wildlife friendly features will be incorporated into the development to earn certification. Developers must include a certain number of wildlife friendly features throughout all phases of the development’s planning and construction, and must maintain these features once the development is completed.

“North Carolina is experiencing unprecedented growth. Through sustainable development practices outlined in this program, we can contribute to the conservation of wildlife habitats alongside new developments,” said David Cox, the Commission’s Technical Guidance supervisor. “This voluntary program allows for growth but, at the same time, conserves wildlife resources and improves the quality of life for homeowners.”



Raccoons across WNC may stumble upon unexpected tasty treats this week: fish-flavored morsels containing an oral rabies vaccine.

More than 700,000 baits will be scattered over the mountains of North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia by fixed-wing aircraft this week, and another 120,000 by hand.

The oral rabies vaccinations are coated with a fishmeal flavoring and come in one-inch square cubes or two-inch plastic sachets. Humans and pets cannot get rabies from contact with the baits, but are asked to leave them undisturbed should they encounter them. 

The mountains are part of a vaccination zone to prevent the westward and northward spread of rabies. Geographic features such as large lakes and rivers as well as the Appalachian Mountains act as natural barriers to rabies’ spread.

The oral vaccine has been shown to be safe in more than 60 different species of animals, including domestic dogs and cats. Dogs that consume large numbers of baits may experience an upset stomach, but there are no long-term health risks. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is in charge of the effort.

Raccoon rabies is found in virtually every county in North Carolina, and raccoon-variant rabies is responsible for the majority of rabies cases in domestic and wild animals throughout North Carolina. There have been 164 confirmed cases so far this year.


A put-in on the Nantahala River that had seen better days has gotten a stunning new makeover.

The put-in at Ferebee Memorial Park on the Nantahala River, along U.S. 19 in the Nantahala Gorge, now features rock retaining walls along the river bank, new sidewalks leading down to the river and a new launch ramp.

The new ramp can accommodate larger rafts and groups. The put-in is now also handicapped accessible. In addition, the stream bank has been stabilized with new vegetation, benefiting the health of the stream.

Ferebee is used as a put-in by individual paddlers rather than commercial rafters, and also offers a wayside stop for those paddling the length of the Nantahala or touring the Gorge by car. It has picnic tables, grills and restrooms.

The project cost $200,000 and was funded with federal stimulus money. The work employed five people locally. 828.525.6441.


Bicyclists, ghosts and goblins will be on the road for the Tour de Franklin “Halloween Hunard” charity bicycle ride on Sunday, Oct. 31. The race starts at 9 a.m. from Smoky Mountain Bicycles in Franklin, which sponsors the annual autumn ride.

More than 100 cyclists participated in last year’s ride. It’s popularity has spread because of the beauty of the courses, the festive Halloween atmosphere and the great post-ride meal.

Routes feature rides of 28, 66, and 103 miles with total climbing elevations ranging from 2200 to 8500 feet.

Smoky Mountain Bicycles owners Dave and Pam Forshee mapped out the routes to include spectacular mountain scenery when the fall colors are at their peak.

“We welcome volunteers — Halloween costumes encouraged — to help provide support at rest stops,” Pam Forshee said. “Last year, our generous sponsors and volunteers helped make the ride a great success.”

All proceeds will go to the Franklin Fire Department first responders and go toward the purchase of an automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine. Cost is $35 before Oct. 15 and $45 afterwards. The ride fee includes fully stocked rest stops, a commemorative custom t-shirt, and a post-ride meal. Sponsorships, which include the sponsors name on ride T-shirts are $100.

828.369.2881 or check out for maps and cue sheets.

The Plateau Fly Fishing Club will hold its last meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 18, at the Albert Carlton-Cashiers library. The meeting will feature Jeff Curtis who will discuss fly fishing in the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Curtis is the co-founder of Curtis Wright Outfitters, camp director of Trout Unlimited’s “Rivercourse” and local guide for the past 15 years. His family operates Sourwood Inn outside Asheville.  

Following the presentation, a raffle featuring an Orvis 9’ 5 weight midflex rod and other fly fishing essentials will end the ninth season of the Plateau Fly Fishing Club. Event is open to the public. Call 828.885.7130 for information.


Parks and rec departments around WNC are jointly hosting a unique disc golf tournament for the first time ever on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 23 and 24.

The disc golf course at the Waynesville Rec Park along Richland Creek is one of four sites where the Region 9 Sidewinder Disc Golf Tournament will be held. Others are Black Mountain, Mars Hill and Fletcher.

Top four winners from the regional sites on Saturday advance to finals on Sunday at the Richmond Hill Disc Golf Course in Asheville.

There are three divisions for all skill levels: novice, recreation and professional. The novice will place 18 holes and the recreational and professional teams will play 36 holes. The format is 2-person teams with a captains choice format.

The tournament is a fundraiser to support the North Carolina Recreation and Park Association. Cost is $20 per novice team, $40 per recreational team, and $50 per professional team. Lunch will be provided at each regional location on Saturday, and everyone gets a disc and T-shirt. Play starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday.

828.456.2030 or rThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or 828.452.6789 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


An outdoor author who embarked on a modern day pilgrimage to follow in the footsteps of William Bartram, a naturalist and explorer in the region more than two centuries ago, will talk about his journey during a special program at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 14, at the Macon County Library in Franklin.

Jim Kautz, author of Footprints Across the South: Bartram’s Trail Revisited, will give a talk called “What I Learned Following William Bartram Across the South” being sponsored by the North Carolina Bartram Trail Society.

Bartram explored the frontier from North Carolina to Louisiana just prior to the American Revolution, capturing the landscape and its inhabitants with eloquent descriptions.

Kautz set out to retrace that route — over the course of five years, 15,000 miles and seven states — comparing then to now and the historical, environmental and cultural occurrences that had occurred since. He tramped trails, paddled and motored rivers and streams, and interviewed dozens of residents, scientists, and community leaders in revisiting Bartram’s trail.

“Bartram’s writings give us a benchmark,” he says. “I found a few spots that have changed little in 230 years. A modern traveler can easily imagine the Cherokee town of Cowee in quiet pastureland and rows of corn beside the Little Tennessee River…. On the other hand, environmentalists struggle to restore the health of lands and streams that Bartram found lush and thriving.” or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway are playing host to a visiting entourage from Iceland, who are looking to the parks here as a model for a new national park of their own called Vatnakokull.

Specifically, the new Icelandic National Park hopes to copy the relationship between the Smokies and its non-profit support arm, Friends of the Smokies. A non-profit Friends group for the Icelandic park enlisted George Ivey of Waynesville, the former director of N.C. Friends of the Smokies, as a consultant to help them get started.

“Vatnajokull and the Smokies are different in many ways,” said Ivey, who also family roots in Iceland. “However, they share many common interests, including support for educational programs, scientific research, recreation, volunteer programs, and park philanthropy. We see a lot of potential for the two parks and the two friends groups to learn from each other over time.”

Vatnajokull National Park includes Europe’s largest glacier, Europe’s largest waterfall, and tremendous volcanic and geological resources. At more than 5,000 square miles in size and covering around 13 percent of the entire country of Iceland, Vatnajokull National Park is more than six times bigger than the Smokies.


The “shadow of the bear,” located in southern Jackson County near Cashiers, will be visible for 30 minutes daily between 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. from mid October through early November.

During this period, the bear-like shadow comes out of hibernation when the autumnal sun sets behind Whiteside Mountain. The mountain, with an elevation of 4,930 feet, boasts sheer rock cliffs that are among the highest in the eastern United States.

Tourists and photographers come from near and far to catch a glimpse of this natural phenomenon, which also occurs in late winter from mid February through early March.

800.962.1911 visit


The 17th annual Bethel Half Marathon and 5K race will be held Saturday, Oct. 9.

The two routes follow back roads through the pastoral setting of Bethel. The race is known for its unique awards given to top finishers in each age class.

The race starts at 8:30 a.m. from the Bethel Middle School gym on Sonoma Road. Organizers will use chip timing for the first time this year.

Day-of registration starts at 7 a.m. Cost is $25 and includes hot soup, fruit, drinks and door prizes.

Proceeds benefit the Bethel Rural Community Organization. or 828.506.0939.


By Reggie Jay • Guest writer

As the Benton MacKaye Trail turns 30 this year, a dedicated group of volunteers who toiled over the creation of the 288-mile footpath through the remote southern reaches of the Southern Appalachians are savoring the milestone.

The Benton MacKaye Trail Association, a group of trail lovers who know all about hard work and more work, have spent the past three decades “leaving a footpath for generations to follow.”

One of the charter members, George Owen, recalled the stops and starts along the way and the hard-fought negotiations with the forest service to allow the new trail to be built.

Owen says his involvement with the BMT has been “the biggest thing in my life besides my family.”

“It’s been my goal to keep the trail going and accessible for families,” Owen said. “It kept me totally occupied and brought me longtime friends. I’m 72-years-old and still leading hikes.”

The BMTA held the long-awaited ribbon cutting ceremony on the completion of its 288 mile trail on Mud Gap off the Cherohala Skyway on July 16, 2005.

The work continues, however, as volunteers now focus their efforts trail maintenance.

Simply reaching parts of the trail pose a challenge, like the portion that traverses the shore of Lake Fontana in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

“It’s 36 miles of trail, uninterrupted by road crossings,” said Dick Evans of Graham County, who has been a maintainer along the stretch. Evans.

Trail volunteers must first take a boat across the lake and then hike in to the backcountry campsites to remove any trash and generally spruce up the campsites. They also check to make sure the bear cables are functioning and clean ashes from the fire pits.

So why would someone want to spend their free time working this hard?

According to longtime member, Darcy Douglas, it wasn’t just a chance to “create primitive trails in the southeast.”

“It was the people that drew me in,” Douglas said “A group of dedicated, hard-working individuals with a common purpose can accomplish a great deal, and it is rewarding to be a part of such a group of people. The human element is what has made it work, and what has made such lasting friendships.”

Reggie Jay is a member of the Benton MacKaye Trail Association who lives in Trenton, Ga.


What is the Benton MacKaye Trail?

A 288-footpath from Spring Mountain in Georgia to the Smokies is named in honor of Benton MacKaye, the visionary and creator of the Appalachian Trail and a Harvard-educated conservationist.

By the time MacKaye passed away in 1975, the 2,174-mile-long Georgia-Maine creation had become a haven for those seeking time in the wilderness. But all those footprints on the AT took a toll on the trail.

In the late 1970’s, a group of Georgia hikers got together and decided to pursue an alternative southern route to alleviate the traffic on the AT and provide a more primitive trail.

While the AT travels along the eastern ridges of the Appalachians and lies mostly in Western North Carolina, MacKaye envisioned a southern route that instead lay to the west, passing from Georgia into Tennessee, then skirting the stateline along the edge of Cherokee and Graham counties before reaching the Smokies.

That route is the basis of the trail that bears his name.


Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville is offering a full lineup of special events this month. For more information on any of these events call 828.456.6000.

• 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 9: Vicki Lane, the popular regional author of the Elizabeth Goodweather mysteries, including Signs in the Blood, Art’s Blood, Old Wounds and In a Dark Season.

Lane’s new book, The Day of Small Things, tells the story of Miss Birdie, Elizabeth’s octogenarian neighbor. Lane and her family have lived on a mountain farm in North Carolina since 1975. The Elizabeth Goodweather books are a direct reflection of that experience.

• 9 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 9: Watch stained glass artist, Dianne Lee, work on the deck. Lee will design a one-of-a-kind, original work of art of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

With fourteen years experience in stained glass design as well as her background in horticulture and landscape design; all combine to capture the beauty, color, texture and light of our ever changing western North Carolina Mountains. 

• 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16: Bob Plott is the author of three books written about the Smoky Mountains: Strike and Stay-The Story of the Plott Hound, A History of Hunting in the Great Smoky Mountains, and Legendary Hunters of the Southern Highlands.

Plott is a North Carolina native who can trace his family roots in the Old North State back to 1750, when his great-great-great-grandfather Johannes Plott arrived here with five of the family hunting dogs. These dogs would later become renowned as the premier big game hunting dog breed in America — the Plott bear hound.


Mary J. Messer, author of Moonshiner’s Daughter, the recently published Haywood County based Appalachian memoir, presented a check to REACH of Haywood at their annual board meeting Sept. 20. Messer’s donation will to help REACH in its effort to prevent domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse and to assist survivors as they seek healing and safety during recovery.  

She also donated over 30 copies of Moonshiner’s Daughter to the Within REACH Resale Store in Hazelwood.  In her memoir, Messer tells the tale of her own harsh childhood and adolescence in Haywood County.

Messer will hold a free reading and book signing on Friday, Oct. 8, at Malaprops Bookstore in Asheville. For information, e-mail Messer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or 828.452.2539 or visit


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