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To the Editor:

Oh, boy. It’s like 1974 all over again. A high-profile elected official is doing his best to dodge the scrutiny of an investigative agency looking into a sex and misappropriation of funds scandal in his office.

The official is our own Rep. Mark Meadows, R-Cashiers. The agency is the Office of Congressional Ethics. This is the independent, nonpartisan agency charged with reviewing the conduct of members of Congress. Its purpose is to conduct an unbiased review of questionable behavior and issue a public report on its findings.    

There is another committee that serves this function, too. It’s the House Committee on Ethics ... similar name, similar sounding purpose, but with a wholly different approach. It’s made up of House members — not an independent staff — who have an interest in protecting each other. And after the HEC makes its report, the report is not available to the public.

Meadows’ problems started in October 2014, when his chief of staff, Kenny West, made women in his congressional office “uncomfortable,” with three testifying that he sexually harassed them. The next month, Meadows moved the man out of his office, giving him an advisory title, but in essence he did no work. However, he got paid. The same as he’d been paid as chief of staff. By April 2015, it was announced that West was no longer chief of staff, but the payments continued until August of that year.  And that broke the rules outlined in the House Ethics Manual.  

Meadows variously called the payments “severance” or “vacation” pay, neither of which held water with the OCE. Then Meadows refused to cooperate with the OCE, instead saying that he would cooperate only with the friendlier HEC … the one that would hide its report. In his attempt to obscure the facts and avoid transparency in his misuse of public funds, Meadows is hiding something. Just what, he’s not saying.  

So it’s time to make the same demand that the special prosecutor made of Richard Nixon: turn over the tapes so that we know what is behind your cover up.

Shirley Ches



To the Editor:

Mr. Jim Gray’s letter concerning wilderness conservation in last week’s SMN, while well written, is based on a faulty assumption, and so arrives at incorrect conclusions.

His assumption is “wilderness advocates” are backward looking, only interested in returning tracts of our pubic land to a pre-Columbian state. That may have been a fair generalization a generation ago, but today we are faced with new circumstances that require a new perspective on wilderness. We need to look forward and envision a better land ethic.

Looking at current trends and projecting into the future, we see the grim realities of disappearing species and habitats, diminished ecological diversity, and even the possible collapse of whole ecosystems. America needs to preserve our remaining wild areas, not as memorials to some supposed pristine past but as genetic savings accounts that we can draw upon in the future. 

Furthermore, we cannot do this simply by picking out places that look pretty. We must choose wild areas based on where the most critical genetic information is stored.

It is laudable to bring different stakeholders together in order to balance the various forms of consumption each party represents, but it is not enough. We must listen carefully to those who actually have some scientific knowledge of the vital flora and fauna of our mountain habitats, who know which habitats are closest to vanishing forever and who have some overall plan in mind to protect and connect these threatened areas.

Wilderness isn’t a museum of the past; it is an essential bank account for the future.

Boyd Holliday

Lake Junaluska


By David Teague • Guest Columnist

More than 20 years ago, I attended a diversity training in Raleigh. A component of the training was to pair up with a partner, choose a group we identified with, and name something about that group that we never wanted to hear said again. The group identity I chose was white male.


Students at Cherokee Middle School have spent the last two years digging deep into the ecology, culture and history of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park through a partnership between the park and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians honoring the Park Service’s centennial. 


The Great Smoky Mountains National Park has a new chief of resource education in Nigel Fields, who Superintendent Cassius Cash hired following the retirement of Liz Dupree. 


Haywood County Sheriff’s Office is searching for one or more individuals who around midnight Tuesday, Aug. 16, broke into the Quick Pantry store at 6147 Pigeon Road in Bethel.


Rev. Jimmy Pennell was recognized as the 2016 Chief Junaluska recipient during Lake Junaluska Associates Weekend held on Aug. 6. 


To the Editor

You may have noticed that we have an election coming up. With that, one hot topic will be taxes. Based on their stubborn belief in trickle-down economics, most Republican politicians will continue to tell you that tax cuts are the solution to most of your problems.

The story goes that if you cut taxes on higher income groups, investors will have more money to invest which will provide money to companies to build more facilities which will hire more people who will pay more in taxes and result in increased government revenue. 

We have been testing this theory for over 30 years and the results are in. It doesn’t work!

The Reagan tax cuts resulted in unprecedented increases in the deficit during his eight years in office. The tax cuts and relaxed financial oversight during Bush2 led to the next great increase in national debt, middle-class bankruptcies and an international financial crisis. Only recently has the increase in annual deficit spending been reversed as we slowly emerge from the Bush Recession.

At the state level, Kansas and Louisiana have become the poster children for aggressive implementation of trickle-down. Both are economic train wrecks. The deep-red Kansas legislature even debated whether to ignore a valid ruling from their own Supreme Court regarding education funding rather than deal with the real cause of their budget disaster. Kansans threw out many of their trickle-down legislators in the recent primary.

So why hasn’t this worked? Nationally, we now have a concentration of wealth in the upper 1 percent that has not been seen since before the Great Depression of the 1930s. The last 20 years have seen the greatest transfer of wealth in U.S. history. Large corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash and buying other companies — not investing in new production capacity that would create jobs. 

Why is this? We are a consumer economy and the vast majority of consumers — the middle and lower economic classes — don’t have extra money to spend after paying for food and shelter. Companies will not invest in new production and employees if they don’t see an expanding market for their products. That market has been eliminated by implementation of trickle-down tax policies. 

The problem is made worse when legislatures use increased sales taxes to balance budgets. Sales taxes hit middle- and lower-income citizens worse than the wealthy. In North Carolina the vast majority of us pay more of our income in taxes (income and sales) than we did before Gov. Pat McCrory and Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, took charge.

The trickle-down theory has been tested for over 30 years and has been found to be false and dangerous. It’s time to move on and develop policies that invest in the 99 percent of citizens. Trickle down just doesn’t work.

John Gladden



To the Editor:

Glittering gold and gleaming glass

Dominating the miserable humans

Huddled in the shadows

Of the Trump Tower.

This is Donald Trump’s vision, as revealed to me in the summer of 1984.

I was 20 years old and I will never forget it. I grew up in Franklin and, by the blessing of a college scholarship, I was working as a summer intern with the Hartford Police Department. I had the opportunity to explore New York one weekend. The Trump Tower had opened just the year before, and I could hardly believe that someone could build a tower of gold. I had to see it for myself.

Before I could get to the tower, however, I had to pass by a gauntlet of homeless, desperate human beings who lay desolate before the gleaming tower. The poor will always be among us, but I was struck deeply by the contrast of immense apparent wealth and the desperation of those who clung to its periphery. 

I could not escape the question: if you can build a tower of gold, what can you do to alleviate suffering? I could not escape Trump’s apparent answer: nothing.

When I drew closer to the tower, I realized that it was not really gold. By all accounts, it appears golden in color, but on closer inspection, it is built of brass, glass and mirrors. I took the interior escalator up several flights, and was amazed at the high-end boutiques. I could not afford anything offered, so I left empty-handed. But, not alone.

My friend, Andy was with me. He saw what I saw. He is now a physician. He heals people and supports missionaries. 

To all who will hear, please know that our choices matter. Lives can be blessed, or they can be ignored. I know what I saw. And, now he wants to govern us all. I cannot be silent. Leave Trump to his tower and America will be greater than ever. We are only as strong as our weakest link. But they, like most of us, live outside the Trump Tower.

Fred H. Jones



To the Editor:

I want to commend the U.S. Forest Service and district ranger staffs for an excellent job in producing a very thorough analysis of what alternatives should be considered for additional wilderness designation in the Nantahala & Pisgah National Forests new management plan (see story page 50). If you want to read the analysis of each area that was considered for wilderness recommendation go to Here you can read the analysis of each of the 54 areas that were considered and why it was recommended or not recommended.

The Forest Service formed a Stakeholders Forum for input and guidance on the new management plan. This Forum has met monthly for almost a year. I am a member of the Forum. The Forum also included members from the Sierra Club, MountainTrue, Southern Environmental Law Center, Wilderness Society, recreational interests, timber interests, Ruffed Grouse Society, Fish & Wildlife Conservation Council, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (who provided excellent science and hard data) and numerous others. 

All interests had ample opportunity to provide their input and to solicit input from their members. The one group that was not included in the Forum was the counties that have national forest lands within their borders — and 12 of those counties have passed resolutions opposing additional wilderness in their county. The county commissions are our elected representatives and they needed to be heard on an issue this important.

Wilderness advocates have a vision of what the Appalachian forests looked like when Europeans first arrived in North America and they want to go back to that imaginary state. It is essentially a very flawed vision. If you want to read some excellent research of what our mountains looked like then (and had looked like for thousands of years) read chapter 12 of Natural Disturbances and Historic Range of Variation, by Cathryn S. Greenberg (USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station – Asheville) and Beverly S. Collins (Western Carolina University).

We have lots of wilderness in Western North Carolina in the Pisgah and Nantahala national forests (over 93,000 acres) and in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (over 500,000 acres). That wilderness is protected by federal statute. What we need is attention to our local economies, restoration of desirable native forest species and management of wildlife habitat. Those are the things that were not managed properly in the current management plan, and we have the opportunity to get back on the right track. 

And, no, there will be no vast clear-cuts, there will be no polluted streams, there will not be a vast network of logging roads slashed through the forest. The national forest will look a lot like it looks today with the addition of a mosaic of areas where timber has been cut, trees are regrowing, old growth forest will be very common, wilderness will exist as it does today and the forest will become a healthy mix of trees of all ages AND a healthy abundant mix of wildlife species that prefer all those types of habitat.

Jim Gray



To the Editor:

I was very happy to read the article, “Greenway use rising in Jackson County” in The Smoky Mountain News last week. The article stated that recent use of the greenway doubled and had increased five-fold since last fall. Congratulations to all who brought this project to fruition in spite of unforeseen challenges. With the Tuckasegee River running through the heart of Jackson County, the riverside greenway and other recreational amenities are good for both residents and visitors. 

Founded in 2007, Cullowhee Revitalization Endeavor (CuRvE) is a community organization whose mission is to help revitalization the historic center of Cullowhee. Our focus area begins at the Cullowhee dam and flows downstream to Locust Creek, just below the new footbridge. Right now, much of the area is torn up with construction of a new bridge on Old Cullowhee Road. CuRvE has been actively working with DOT to ensure that the bridge will become a centerpiece of the historic town. 

Significantly, a grant from Blue Ridge Natural Heritage Partners in 2012 allowed CuRvE to commission an economic impact study to measure the effect that improved river access would have on our county. Completed by Asheville-based Syneva Economics, a family river park beside the new bridge would bring $1.2 million in new spending dollars to Jackson County every year. That money would support 16 jobs and generate $145,000 in annual tax revenues. 

Surely, such investments in county services are a good thing for citizens and the growing use of the greenway supports that idea.

Anna Fariello



Nearly 1,000 athletes converged on Lake Logan this month, pushing for a finish in challenging half-ironman and triathlon competitions at the 11th annual Lake Logan Multisport Festival. 


Details on Mission Hospital for Advanced Medicine 

The public got its first detailed look at the Mission Hospital for Advanced Medicine when Mission Health unveiled a new website with renderings, real-time webcams, key stats and other information for the more than $400 million replacement project.

The new 12-story patient tower in Asheville will combine the older St. Joseph and Memorial facilities, consolidate the two Asheville campuses, and create 220 patient rooms, a significantly expanded state-of-the-art emergency department with 97 beds, consolidated operating, pre-op and recovery space along with interventional cardiology and radiology space that allows for true multidisciplinary, team-based interventional care with the very latest technology. 

The project is expected to create 1,300 area jobs and is expected to be completed in 2019.


NC prepares for Zika virus

State health officials continue to encourage North Carolinians to take preventive measures against mosquito bites and to stay informed of the risk of Zika virus infection before traveling to areas with local, active transmission, now including Miami, Florida. 

Zika virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infectious Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito, to date, has not been identified in North Carolina, according to a statewide survey of mosquito populations being conducted in conjunction with researchers at East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, Western Carolina University and experts at local health departments. Currently, 33 travel-related cases of Zika virus have been confirmed in North Carolina.

Symptoms of Zika virus include rash and red eyes. Less common symptoms include fever, joint pains and muscle aches. Only about one in five people infected with Zika virus will show symptoms. Sexual transmission of Zika virus is possible, and is of particular concern during pregnancy.


Free tired leg/varicose vein program offered

A free tired leg/ varicose vein educational program will be offered at 5 p.m. Thursday Aug. 25, at the Vein Center at Haywood Regional Medical Center on the 2nd floor.

The event is aimed at educating anyone who may be suffering from aching, cramping or burning pain in the legs, varicose veins, restless legs, discoloration or skin changes, numbness, tingling or pain in their legs after activities such as grocery shopping or a short walk up the stairs.

The program will be led by Dr. Al Mina, MD, FACS and Dr. Joshua Rudd, DO. Register for this session by calling 828.452.8346. Space limited, RSVP required. 


Harris welcomes third general surgeon this fall 

Dr. Joshua Pratt is joining Harris Surgical Associates, a Duke LifePoint physician practice, in September. 

Pratt will join Dr. Billy Noell and Eric Reitz in providing expert surgical care to the region. 

Pratt completed his residency in general surgery at Franciscan St. James Hospitals in Chicago where he served as chief resident. Pratt received his medical degree from the University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth after graduating from Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. 

Harris Medical Associates is located on the third floor of Harris Medical Park, 98 Doctors Drive in Sylva.



Advance directives workshop offered Aug. 30

A workshop on advanced directives, sponsored by Haywood Regional Medical Center Hospice and Palliative Care and Haywood County Senior Resource Center, will beheld from 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30, at the Senior Resource Center at 81 Elmwood Way in Waynesville. 

When planning for an expected event, one can end up making multiple decisions, small and large, simple and complicated. Thinking and talking about your health care wishes at end of life can bring the same reassurance that comes from planning any other life event. 

Participants are asked to bring along with them two forms of identification, one a photo I.D., name of their doctor and names, addresses and phone numbers of family members chosen as health care power of attorney or other designee.

828.452.5039 or 828.452.2370.


Angel Medical named acute stroke ready hospital

Immediately performing life-saving care at any time of the day for people suffering from stroke is among the abilities that earned Angel Medical Center a national certification.

The medical center garnered the Advanced Disease-Specific Care Certification for Acute Stroke Ready Hospital from the Joint Commission and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

The certification recognizes hospitals equipped to treat stroke patients with timely, evidence-based care prior to transferring them to a primary or comprehensive stroke center. AMC underwent a rigorous onsite review to assess its compliance with the Joint Commission’s Advanced Disease-Specific Care certification requirements.


Essential Tremor support group to meet in Sylva

International Essential Tremor Foundation Support Group will hold a meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21, at Mission Community Church, 501 North River Rd., Sylva.

Learn about essential tremor (ET) and other movement disorders. The group serves individuals in Jackson, Macon, Swain and Haywood counties. Essential tremor is a neurological condition that affects 10 million adults and children. Although it is not a life-threatening condition, it is a life-altering condition that causes rhythmic trembling of the hands, head, legs or voice; frequently impacting every day activities such as eating, drinking and writing. 

RSVP to Ted Kubit at 828.631.5543 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Lessons in Mindfulness offered in Waynesville

A six-session anxiety and stress reduction workshop will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Thursday, Sept. 15 through Oct. 20 at 166 Branner Ave. Suite C, Waynesville.

The cost is $15 per person or $25 per couple), per session. Space is limited, registration required. 

Contact Dodi Christiano, Licensed Professional Counselor at 703.609.9107.



• Harris Regional Hospital is seeking volunteers to assist in supporting patients under palliative care of hospice treatment and offering volunteer training sessions beginning in August. Multiple areas of opportunity are available and volunteers are free to choose how much time they will commit. 828.631.1702.

• Harris and Swain Hospitals welcome Chip Thompson, MD to the medical staff. Dr. Thompson will provide pain management services at the Swain and Harris Pain Centers beginning Aug. 22.

• Macon County Public Health is offering a program to help prevent Type II Diabetes. The program offers a fun group atmosphere. The group will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays at the Macon County Health Department starting Sept. 15. It is offered for a one-time fee of $60 with scholarships available for those who qualify. 828.349.2455.

The new budget signed by Gov. Pat McCrory will allow the North Carolina Arts Council to support an extensive arts infrastructure across North Carolina, including arts programs in all 100 counties funded through the Grassroots Arts Program, with more than $7.1 million in grants.


To the Editor:

Chapters of the League of Women Voters in Henderson County and Macon County recently invited the congressional candidates in the North Carolina’s 11th District to participate in forums wherein they would be allowed to speak briefly and then field questions put to them by the audience.

Democratic candidate Rick Bryson accepted.

Republican candidate Mark Meadows declined.

One is inclined to wonder why Meadows would avoid an open discussion with WNC women. Is it because the questions are not vetted by his staff? Is it because they might ask about the ethics issue of paying off his chief of staff who was reported to be too personal with women members of his staff? 

Or could it be that they would openly wonder about his choice of words when he referred to, in a public hearing on women’s issues, a birth control pill as a “... slut pill?”

So, Mark, what’s the story? What don’t you want to say in front of WNC women?

Suzanne Thomas



To the Editor:

A friend recently asked me if I could give her a short answer to a question and I, without thinking, said yes.  The question was ... “Who should I vote for in November for President?”

 I stared at her in disbelief earnestly wishing she’d asked for a short answer to the meaning of life instead. Not having a short (or a long) answer readily available, I have been contemplating the question off and on ever since.

It appears our two major parties have burdened us with candidates few of us like  and consequently we’re apt to awake Nov. 9 believing we’ve elected as President the most corrupt politician on the planet or our country’s most recognizable buffoon.

I was born a Republican, but the Grand Old Party left me eons ago and for many election cycles I’ve been registered “Independent” or “Unaffiliated.” I believe the character and demeanor of the two major candidates demands my putting that independent spirit into reinvigorated practice this November.

I’m going to study the alternative candidates far more carefully than usual and try and determine if perhaps one of them isn’t better qualified and more closely aligned with the temperament, attributes and distinguishing characteristics of the leader I think this great and wonderful nation needs and deserves.

David L. Snell



To the Editor:

I encountered a customer openly carrying a pistol at a local business. I inquired as to the legality of this, and he assured me that this is legal in North Carolina. I checked the N.C. Department of Justice website, and it turns out that he is correct.

While I can agree with the logic of concealed carry in some circumstances, I strongly disagree with civilians openly carrying firearms in public, unless in a designated hunting area during season.

The question is this: do we want to revert to the Wild West mentality? If so, what message does this send to our children? To me and millions of other Americans, open carry is a form of intimidation, an inherent visible public threat.

Given race relations and the state of political division, there is no reason for civilians to openly carry guns in public. Further, it makes the carrier a target for someone who wants to steal their visible gun.

Do you want to encounter men and women walking down Main Street with AKs and ARs? How about in Ingles or Walmart? Would that make you feel safe? What if they had Confederate flags or Nazi flags, Communist flags, or American flags for that matter? 

The police don’t carry rifles because they don’t want to escalate a situation unnecessarily.  

Last year, a man entered the ticketing area of the Atlanta airport carrying an AR-15 with a 100-round magazine. Law enforcement agencies have better things to do than stop idiots, do background checks and see if they are allowed to own guns.

It’s time for the Republican politicians in this state to use some common sense and put a stop to open carry other than for law enforcement and hunting.

Civilians visibly carrying guns in the streets and businesses makes us all less safe. It’s a recipe for tragedy and heartbreak.

Don Kowal



To the Editor:

Most papers lean to the left a little and some a lot. I believe your newspaper is impartial when it comes to letters to the editor. I can see you print both sides, congratulations.

I am an independent, I was a blue-collar worker all my life, I retired with a 38-year pension and a four-year enlistment in the Navy. I am 79 years old and consider myself a patriot. I have been involved in politics since the first time I could vote, when I was 21. 

My observations are as follows: this country is in trouble. We have a president that is screwing up so badly he’s making Jimmy Carter look good. Bubba Clinton went to school in England and chose not to join the service or was not drafted. Hillary Clinton equals liar, liar, pants suit on fire. I understand she just won four Pinocchio awards. 

Now it’s time to pick on so-called Republicans. Romney equals loser, McCain equals loser, this year’s 16 hopefuls equal losers. RINO Ryan equals a man that did Obama’s work and raised our national debt. It was the first thing he did.

Donald Trump is far from perfect but he is the only game in town — unless you want lying Hillary. He is proud of his accomplishments in life and will go out of his way to make himself look good. If that happens, America would benefit. God only knows how important this election will be to our country and the rest of the world.

Al Goodis



To the Editor:

This is a letter of appreciation to the people that live in Haywood County as well as to those that live elsewhere but call us friends. I want to begin by humbly saying thank you from the bottom of my heart for all who display appreciation for law enforcement, but especially for those of you that have in some way expressed your thankfulness over the past several weeks. I wish it was possible for us to come to your doorstep to thank you in person. I feel our message would simply be “thank you for taking a moment out of your day to choose love and support to those of us that wear the badge.”  

After a seemingly never-ending string of tragic, unfortunate and senseless incidents that have occurred in our nation recently, it has felt as if everywhere I have turned there has been a sense of “a heavy and broken heart” for our law enforcement families and for our nation in general. However, I will be forever grateful and thankful to those in our communities throughout Haywood County who have chosen to push for unity and collaboration during these most pivotal times, rather than tip the scale in a direction of division.  

To the pastors and their churches and our faith-based community here in Haywood County as a whole, your prayers and support have been felt in a mighty way. I want to thank you for the times you have been in our parking lot and even our lobby to pray for the healing of our nation, our state and protection for the law enforcement officers in our county.  I also want to say thank you for being so kind to many of our officers and deputies’ spouses, children and other family members.

  When the moment arrives for people to choose to rise above and show generosity after a tragic event, or get lost in the darkness that surrounds violent acts, the citizens of Haywood County have risen to a level that is unparalleled. In a world where so many are looking over their shoulder more than ever before, the people of Haywood County have shown the world they would rather send a smile or a kind word our way more than anything else.

So many of you have expressed to us at the Sheriff’s Office loud and clear that you accept us. You found the strength to dig deep in a turbulent time and show us your hearts. Please know that you will always have ours. We will never forget the kindness and love that has been shown.

Haywood County Sheriff Greg Christopher


Anyone with an internet connection can now pull up a map showing where they might encounter any of 1,800 Smokies species, thanks to the newly launched Species Mapper web application.


The Haywood County Sheriff’s Office will soon have full 9-1-1 text message capabilities.


Maggie Valley Board of Aldermen adopted a budget in June that includes a new $5 solid waste fee for all households.


After a seven-month search that included more than 40 candidates, the Waynesville Board of Aldermen selected former Pittsboro, Southport and Lumberton town manager Robert William Hites as Waynesville’s new town manager.


To the Editor:

My dad, Ron Mau, is running for Jackson County Commissioner. I am voting for my dad because I know he is the best candidate for the job. Ron Mau values people above partisan politics. He is committed to doing the right thing, every time.

At least once a week, my dad asks, “Why is party even listed for local candidates?” His meaning is simple: local issues are more important than a political party. As a community, we don’t first ask, “do the Republicans or Democrats want a bridge to the backside of SCC?” or “should we fix the schools’ leaky roofs?” Instead, we ask, “does a $30 million bridge to SCC make sense?” and “why haven’t we already fixed the leaky roofs?”

Before considering an issue, Ron Mau asks two questions:

• Does this make sense?

• Is this in the best interest of the people?

These two questions can take us a long way forward.

Just in the past few months, Ron Mau has worked to improve voter access, limit and prevent tax increases on the poor, and fix our school buildings. Imagine all that Ron Mau can and will do when we elect him for the next four years.

Ron Mau is a loving father, passionate educator and active member of the community. He is a registered Republican, but that is just a label. My dad will place people above partisan politics.

I am voting for Ron Mau because I know he will bring the change our community needs. Come November, I ask Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and unaffiliated voters alike to vote your conscience and vote Ron Mau for Jackson County Commissioner.

Rusty Mau



Mountain Wildlife Days, a weekend of wildlife-oriented fun, raised $2,600 this summer to go toward wildlife education programs in Western North Carolina Schools.


The numbers are in, and this year’s National Trails Day, organized at locations across the country by the American Hiking Society on June 4, offered more trail activities than any other year since the inaugural year 1993. 


A high-intensity meteor shower will light up the sky next week, and the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute will host an observing session 10 p.m. to midnight Thursday, Aug. 11. 


The harvest is coming in, and for a contingent of growers and volunteers in Haywood County, that means gleaning season.


Kids spent a day learning about gardening and raising animals — while also enjoying swimming, fishing and hay rides — with a field trip marking the 13th year running that Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center has ventured to Selah Farm, in the White Oak community, as part of its Summer Enrichment Program. 


When Western Carolina University alumnus Greg Boothroyd of Haywood County issued a call for donations of soccer equipment for a church mission trip to Jamaica, the women’s soccer program at his alma mater answered.


The Jackson County Green Energy Park in Dillsboro was recently the recipient of two new grants, both intended to further boost the GEP’s ability to bring tangible economic benefits to members of the community.


You can get answers to that question and more first-hand information about the island nation during a symposium and art show about Cuba that will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug 4, at The Strand at 38 Main in downtown Waynesville.


The Galaxy of Stars Series, the only professional entertainment series in Jackson County, enters its 12th season this fall. It is presented by the WCU College of Fine and Performing Arts with support from the WCU Friends of the Arts organization. All performances begin at 7:30 p.m.

• On Friday, Feb. 24, award-winning bluegrass star Rhonda Vincent & The Rage will perform. Vincent was the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Female Vocalist of the Year winner from 2000 to 2006, along with the IBMA Entertainer of the Year in 2001. The Society for Preservation of Bluegrass Music in America named her Entertainer of the Year from 2002 to 2006.

• The Nile Project, featuring artists from 11 countries along the Nile River, will perform on Monday, March 13. Since their debut concert, which featured a live recording of their 2013 release, ASWAN, the Nile Project has proven to be much more than a band. National Public Radio named that recording one of the five “Must Hear International Albums.”

• The series wraps up on Saturday, April 29, with Artrageous: An Interactive Art and Music Experience. Artrageous is a show where audience members participate in an experience that includes a team of artists, singers, dancers and Bunraku puppeteers.

Series subscriptions are now available at a discounted rate over individual tickets. Series subscriptions, which include all six shows, are $100 for WCU faculty/staff, $120 for adults/seniors and $45 for students/children. They can be purchased online at or by calling the box office at 828.227.2479. Individual tickets go on sale Tuesday, Aug. 16.


To the Editor:

After listening to Donald Trump’ s speech, I got the feeling that the earth was spinning out of its orbit and about to crash into the sun, and only Donald Trump could save us. According to Mr. Trump, crime is out of control, there is was a terrorist behind every building, Illegals are flooding across the border, and our very social fabric was coming apart. Only he, Donald Trump, has the secret plan to save us.

This very emotional plea for nationalism, America First, is just what many unhappy citizens what to hear. Much of what he said has no basis in fact, but a fact-based appeal was never his intent. Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of problems in this country and we do live in a very dangerous world. But the picture he paints is false and the solutions to the problems we face involve more than just, “I am Donald Trump, trust me.”

For example, in 2013 the violent crime rate was the lowest since 1970. About a third of that current crime is drug related. Where is the solution to the drug problem? It’s not “law and order” and more jails. We already incarcerate more of our citizens than any other country.

Obama said illegal “immigration is lower than it’s been in 40 years.” Politifact rated this statement as MOSTLY TRUE. The fact is, illegal immigration is at a very low rate. We do not need a wall with Mexico, we need a comprehensive immigration policy. I did not hear anything about that in the speech. 

The Middle East is a mess. The always simmering Sunni-Shiite civil war was reignited by our invasion of Iraq, and now Isis poses a threat worldwide. The greatest danger we face is homegrown ISIS followers seeking a violent suicide. 

Our best defense is the Muslim community. Every one of their leaders has pledged to cooperate in rooting out these terrorists. Yet Mr. Trump wants to ban all Muslims and turn that community into the enemy. This is not a solution. It is like pouring gasoline on the fire.

Race relations feel like they are at a low ebb. But, in fact, we are far from the bad old days of the race riots of the 1960s. Still, many have never accepted the fact that Barack Obama is our President. That, together with the recent police shootings and murders of police officers, has put the country on edge. Mr. Trump has done nothing to calm this dangerous  undercurrent of hate. In fact his actions have tended to only increase it. His call for “law and order” has sent the wrong message to both sides. This does not sound like a solution .

Perhaps in the coming months Mr. Trump will propose real solutions the terrible state of affairs he sees. But, at the moment, it appears all he sees is a way to channel the anger of his followers into victory for himself. 

Louis Vitale



To the Editor:

About those phone calls -— you know the ones I mean — an unknown person is calling, and it’s clearly a political call. Well, I’m one of those people!

Let me tell you about my calls, why I call, and what they’re about. You might want to take my calls. 

I know that many of you say you’re sick of politics so just tune out “all things political.” You only think you tune them out. There is no escape from TV ads or stuff roaring through the ozone and coming to you via the internet. Some of that information — realized or not, true or not — sticks in some back corner of your brain. 

I’m a precinct chairperson and am usually calling simply to let you know about an event or meeting that you may not have heard about or noticed in the community calendar sections of all our local news papers. Sometimes both of our local major political parties spend expensive but worthwhile, dollars on printed ads, flyers or posters. You may not have seen any of these in the media or on our internet contact lists either, so we (helpfully and hopefully) phone you to invite your attendance.  

In the first words out of my mouth I’ll tell you who I am, that I’m local, I live near you, and why I’m calling. If you don’t hang up or otherwise dismiss me, I promise you my conversation will be short and to the point.

Most of my calls are usually only to the people of my party. Closer to the election, I may call you to remind you of what our new North Carolina laws require of you so your vote will count, I’ll call you about dates, times and places for early voting. Sometimes I may even be calling some of you who are registered as unaffiliated (aka, independent) voters.  

That said, let me remind Independents that you set yourselves up to hear from both Democrats and Republicans, so you might want to rethink your registration (there’s a deadline for changing that too). We may think we have a pretty good idea of which party you favor, but we’ll hedge our bets and call you just the same.

Of course, if you really want to chat I’ll advocate for my party. That is entirely up to you. Unless I’m phone banking for a candidate (a whole other type call), my opening words are simply “Hi, I’m Shirl, and I’m your East Franklin precinct chairperson for the Democratic Party. I’m calling to let you know that we’re having an event” — a breakfast, a dinner, a BBQ, our annual precinct meeting, or a whole party gathering such as county convention or to meet a candidate. Just be nice! Listen, and say “thank you.” (I’ll bet my Republican counterpart agrees.)

It’s important to learn and know, even if you think you know it all — indeed, that is something none of us can do. That said, I’ll be calling soon!

Shirley Ches



Naturalist Ken Czarnomski — in partnership with the the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority — has released the third installment in a series of unique local hiking guides.


After biking more than 300 miles through the Rocky Mountains, the group of five high schoolers involved in Western Carolina University’s Project Discovery program had accumulated a long list of firsts. 


Two fatalities related to waterfalls occurred in the Pisgah National Forest last week.


Last year a storm of controversy erupted over the destruction of writer Ray Bradbury’s home in Los Angeles. Architect Thom Mayne purchased the property, obtained a demolition order, and razed the 2,400-square-foot house.


PEAK, which stands for “Professional Expectations, Attendance and Knowledge,” is the name of Southwestern Community College’s new Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) — an essential element in the re-accreditation process through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.


Mainspring Conservation Trust will benefit from a collaboration with Lazy Hiker Brewing Company to create Needmore Ale, which will be released at 5:30 p.m. on July 28 at the brewery.


The Small Business Center at Haywood Community College in partnership with The Support Center and the Western Women’s Business Center will offer a free Hispanic Latino Business Start Up series in August.


By Christopher Holt • Special to SMN

When my plane touched down at Havana International Airport to loud applause from the passengers on board, I knew there was going to be something different about this trip.

SEE ALSO: WNC artist visits Cuba in search of its political and cultural meaning in the 21st century


You can get answers to that question and more first-hand information about the island nation during a symposium and art show about Cuba that will take place at 7 p.m. on Aug 4 at The Strand at 38 Main in downtown Waynesville.


The Mountain Layers Brewing Company has begun construction on a seven-barrel craft microbrewery and taproom located on Everett Street in downtown Bryson City.


The annual Folkmoot USA The "Official" North Carolina International Folk Festival once again has touched down in Western North Carolina.


ingles dietitianIngles Markets • Thursday, July 28th | 3-6pm

Ingles Markets in Weaverville, NC on Weaver Blvd. 

Meet some of our local farmers & suppliers for Ingles Markets and sample!

By David Teague • Guest Columnist

Possibly the best perspective I’ve ever read about the importance of open government, and the public records and open meetings laws related to it, came from a speech made by a North Carolina public official. Here’s an excerpt from the speech:


out internshipStudents and teachers from communities around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park are starting six weeks of hands-on learning and exploring alongside park rangers.


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