Made You Look!

I was sitting in a meeting trying to focus on the presentation when my attention was diverted to the corner of the room by two women carrying on a conversation. Y’all, this was not in the back of the room where one might expect people to get distracted. This was on the front row! I can only surmise they felt that Robert’s Rules of order did not apply to them.

Power: Where is it?

Power: when you feel like you don’t have it, it becomes your focus. Who likes to feel powerless? There are so many situations in which we feel like we are at the mercy of someone who can determine our time, our financial output, or our worth. What’s that about and how can we shift it?

Hang Ten

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Watching a bevy of kite surfers today inspired me to contemplate new and exciting adventures to add to my life!

Soul Contracts

We have the potential for growth with every person that crosses our path. Those people that actually make it past our barriers and into our inner circle are the ones we choose to learn with in this lifetime. What we grasp and internalize is up to both parties but make no mistake about it… from a soul perspective, these encounters are our destiny.

The Shadow Self

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | When we are born into this world we are total perfection. Everything about us is in perfect alignment with divine energy. Once we draw our first breath, we start feeling the influence of the people around us. Their energy is not more important than ours. It does, however, begin our descent down the path of disempowerment. Our fragile beings are now at the mercy of the people in our lives for better or for worse.

What's In A Name

By Sabrina Mathney • Rumble Contributor | I Am Bri Hear Me Roar! 


By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Pick a hand… any hand!

It Is Mine

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor| Up, up, and away! 

Pendulum: Yes or No?

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | A pendulum is a weight attached to a string that can be used in a spiritual practice for answering yes/no questions. I like to use gemstone pendulums because I enjoy having the property of the stone factor into my practice. 

Black Sheep

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | We are all familiar with the expression “so and so is the black sheep of the family.” According to Merriam-webster’s definition; it is a disfavored or disreputable member of a group. We all have someone we can point to that upsets the applecart of our family. These people can’t seem to do life the way we do it, think like we do, or even relate to one another the way that we do. It’s almost as if they are from another world sent here to challenge the very core our belief systems, and honey, I got a news flash for ya…they are! 

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