It's a Yin / Yang Thing

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Ah fall…and the beautiful colors that come with it! A season that as the temperatures get cooler, we begin to spend a little more time indoors.  We love pumpkins, football, and the holidays that are just around the corner.  As we gear up for more festivities, it’s a good time to look at our space and feel it through our energy system.  

Lunch Boxes & Backpacks & School Supplies... Oh My!

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | I love this time of year!  My boys are older now and instead of packing their lunchboxes, I’m packing their suitcases for college. I still look back at their early years of schooling with fondness. You can feel the energy changing as kids end their carefree days of summer and move into the routine of school in the fall. Here are a few pointers for elementary aged kids that can ease the transition of going back to school that I’ve learned not only in the trenches by being a mother of four boys, but also in helping families in my Feng Shui practice.

A Match Made In Heaven

Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | We all grow and change in life and that often results in moving or renovating homes. I enjoy working with clients when they are changing stages in life because their energy is in a place of expansion. Even when they are downsizing their living situation, their spirit is growing and embracing the new adventure that lies ahead!

2 Most Common Design Mistakes

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | My intuitive design work is based on the principles of Feng Shui. I started out as a Feng Shui consultant and quickly learned how to sense patterns in a space that contribute to disharmony in a home. Here are the top two mistakes I see people make when designing their homes. Addressing these can make a HUGE difference in how your home can support your health, wealth and relationships.

Good Vibrations

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of balancing a space by using a combination of the elements water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Understanding how energy moves or becomes stagnant and the effect it has on the people living there, is key to transforming the living environment. So this begs the question, “how do you know if your home has good or bad energy flow?”

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