
Law of Attraction in Action

Do you believe that you created the reality you are living? Are you able to connect the dots between your dreams and your reality? Can you identify any beliefs you hold that contradict what your imagination signals is possible?  

I want to use creating a home as an example of how the law of attraction is always in action for all of us. By exploring the unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind, we can see how we attracted our home according to what we needed at the time. I emphasize the word need instead of want because we will always receive what we need from the Universe. A desire, however, is a different story. If a desire is not in the highest and best interest according to our soul’s journey, no amount of wishing will allow it to manifest.

In terms of the law of attraction, we attract a form in our physical reality that matches the frequency of our energetic body. Our unconscious mind which holds our beliefs (shaped by life) is at the top of the pyramid when it comes to our creations. The top of the pyramid holds the highest of all the frequencies, so it has the greatest magnetic force. By working with your beliefs directly, you can shift your own frequency, thereby changing your point of attraction.

Next is our subconscious mind which contains our feelings around those beliefs. Our feelings energize our beliefs, making them more powerful. When we feel intensely about a given topic, we raise our vibration around that topic. The higher the frequency, the greater the power it has to manifest. This works regardless of whether we feel strongly about what we want to happen, or strongly about what we don’t want to happen. This universal law honors our vibration, not our words.

Finally, there is the conscious mind, which is the equivalent of our thoughts (based on our experiences), and they lead to our actions. Our thoughts also carry a vibration. When they are repeatedly “thunk” for a long period of time, they become our beliefs. If we then energize them with extreme emotion, they find their way into our third dimensional reality via an experience we get to live.

I will use myself as an example to demonstrate how I manifested my home in West Virginia. I will start by listing some of my beliefs around buying a home. There were several that I could easily identify, and others that took a little more time to uncover. They all impacted my creation, although they each held varying degrees of intensity. I double starred the ones that I wanted to change. By finding evidence of at least one other person who invalidated those ideas, I was able to transform those beliefs into more empowering thoughts. 

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Top of the pyramid: my unconscious beliefs around having a home

*My budget dictates my options.

*Large renovations will make me house poor.

*Small renovations are doable.

*New builds require more time and more money.

*Size matters. Smaller homes take less time and fewer resources to maintain.

*Apartments and condos offer less privacy and responsibility but are more affordable.

**Homes in town will cost me more due to city and county taxes.

** I am an adult and should own my home.

* Owning my home is a sign of achievement.

**Divorced women that stayed home to raise a family cannot afford to buy nice homes.

**My role in life is to have a place so I can take care of others.

**If I am not taking care of others, they will feel abandoned by me.

The next part of creating is one that most people gloss over and is probably the most important aspect of manifestation. You receive what you feel you deserve. If there is any part of us that believes we are not worthy of something that we want, it cannot come into our sphere of existence, not even as an option! Like attracts like! Again, the double starred statements got a lot of love and attention.

Middle of the pyramid:  subconscious feelings


*I have always been blessed to live in nice places. Why would now be different?

*I have worked my whole life to support others. I deserve to be happy.

* I deserve a nice place to live and a place that my children can visit.

**My worth is tied to my performance.

**My worth is tied to my achievements.

Your past experiences will always factor into your creations. Experience is a good teacher, and most of us learn quickly what we like and do not like. We all enjoy dreaming. We base our dreams on what we already know. Our expectations will resonate with our definition of possibility. It is important to try to keep expectations loose. The universe can bring something unexpected if we can let go of the form that we believe our creation should take.

Our present circumstances guide our needs and our desires. Life impacts us forcing us to transform. Are we able to bend and flex to accommodate who we are today? Our present circumstances inspire us to expand our vision. Here we try on new ideas in order to see how they feel.

Bottom of the pyramid:  conscious mind

Past experiences that influence me:

* I grew up in a large family and had a large family of my own. All of my past houses had a fairly large footprint and property to maintain. Having a large family for me meant that I needed homes that had lots of space and yard for children and adults to congregate.

*I have mostly lived at least twenty minutes from a town. Living far from others kept me isolated.

Present needs and desires:

*I want less responsibility for others at this time in my life.

*I am ready to travel and pursue my own creative endeavors.

*I want a home on one level. (The third-floor walkup loft apartment uncovered this new desire)

*I want to be near town, but not in town.

*I want a home that does not require all of my resources.

Each creation comes in its own timing. When it most benefits us to receive something in physical form, it makes its debut because we are able to match the new energy, and it aligns with the theme our soul came to explore.  If you discover any beliefs that are fear based, challenge them! By becoming conscious of our fear, we can let go of that idea and create a new belief that ensures a more positive outcome.

Home Sweet Home

I started my search for a new home in Virginia, but I could not find a good fit. During this time, I had three different people tell me about a quaint town in West Virginia. My spidey senses tingled as I then recalled packing to move to Virginia with the John Denver song Take Me Home Country Roads, a song about West Virginia playing in the background. As an intuitive, I trusted my guidance and felt I was on the right path. By becoming clear on what I wanted, I paid attention to what showed up and how my body responded to those options. I was on my way to Maryland to meet friends and was inspired to detour into West Virginia. I rolled into what is now my new hometown just as the clouds parted and the angels started singing!

I looked at a condo that was for sale but its price plus the amount of money needed for a reno made it cost prohibitive. I saw a piece of property for sale in the same neighborhood but felt overwhelmed at the prospect of designing and investing in a new build. Just as I was driving out of the neighborhood, I got an intuitive hit to turn down a particular street. A few houses away a realtor was putting up a for sale sign. Turns out she was meeting a family to show that house and was happy to show it to me an hour later. This was a small 3 bedroom, two bath house all on one level. It was located in a beautiful neighborhood. It needed mostly cosmetic changes. It was five minutes from town. Although the yard was small, it was perched on a hill and felt private. A year later, I marvel at her transformation. She is indeed perfect house for this stage in my life!

Just like with the food pyramid for a healthy body, the energetic pyramid for a healthy balance between the ego and soul keeps its focus at the top! By prioritizing our own self-actualization, we align with the opportunities that support our challenges as well as our gratifications. We can take pleasure in the mental gymnastics we must do to discover more interesting parts of ourselves. We are already living what we believe to be true. We are already using the law of attraction in connection to situations we want to create. No one told us we could change the problematic circumstances in our lives by exploring and challenging the disempowering beliefs behind those situations. This universal law is always in effect! It is high time we realize we can experiment with making all of our life work to our advantage!

 Sabrina Matheny is a gifted medium, a devoted writer in the realm of spirit and energy, and your guide to Welcoming the Woo. If you’re seeking clarity, direction, or want to connect with spirit and are interested in booking a reading, click here to learn more. For self-help wisdom and insight into energetic enlightenment, peruse her archive of articles.

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