Mountain Projects: NC Medicaid is not a Welfare Program
Since the state expanded Medicaid last December, 479,153 North Carolinians have signed up for full-coverage insurance and are already seeing the benefits.
Partner content: Bananas & Diabetes
Question: I have diabetes…can I eat bananas?
Answer: Yes, someone with diabetes can eat a banana. Bananas are a good source of potassium and fiber.
Partner content: Pizza Night
Pizza often has a bad reputation and is considered unhealthy, but if you think about it, it’s just bread with sauce, cheese, and toppings – kind of like an open-faced sandwich! As is the case with many things, if you eat pizza in large quantities, and if your toppings are higher in calories then your pizza night may not be the best choice.
Partner content: Do You Need Supplements?
When we talk about vitamin, mineral or herbal supplements this is a very large category and there’s no simple “yes” or “no” answer to this. Your physician may run tests to determine whether you need supplements.
Good medicine and Mother’s Day — a book, a poem
All of us, to one extent or another, make our way through a world of unexamined phenomena.
It’s a complex world, and we generally glide through it without thinking too much of its parts and machinery. We all carry mini-computers in our pockets, but ask us to explain how we can look at the screen of our phone and read a newspaper from New Delhi, and the best most of us can do is shrug.
Learn all about septic systems
Haywood Waterways Association and the Haywood County Environmental Health Department are hosting a workshop about septic systems.
Partner content: Why is Milk Pasteurized?
Pasteurization is the process of heating raw milk to reduce the bacterial (both good/beneficial bacteria and bad/harmful bacteria) and viral load.
Partner content: Avoiding ingredients
Question: If there is a long list of ingredients that sound like chemicals on a food package, should I avoid buying it?
The hamster wheel of human well-being
I’ve become fascinated with studies and lifestyle changes focused on longevity and biohacking. A few recent “revolutionary health and wellness suggestions” made me realize our cave dwelling ancestors already had everything figured out.
Partner content: Are white foods bad for you?
Question: “Are white foods bad for you?”