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To the Editor:

Scott McLeod’s opinion piece “If it’s all about money, we’re in big trouble” was right on target. And unfortunately it exists not only in North Carolina but all over the country. It continues to be especially pervasive in the U.S. Congress.

From 1975-1984 I served as executive director and chief lobbyist for the Broward County (Florida) League of Cities. My primary responsibility was to represent the interests of municipal government before the Broward County Commission, the Florida Legislature, and the U.S. Congress.

I had to compete with other lobbyists who represented various special interest groups such as Associated Industries of Florida, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Power and Light, Bell South, the cable television industry, and the list goes on.

Each of these interest groups had a bottomless budget to wine and dine commissioners, legislators, and members of Congress. The number and variety special “legislative” functions like BBQs and other events crammed the typical legislative calendar. And the no limits on campaign contributions only served to guarantee “‘access” to these elected officials whenever the need arose.

I, on the other hand, worked on a limited salary (paid for by taxpayer funded dues of the member cities), never bought a drink or paid for an elected official’s meal, was prohibited from making campaign contributions, and had to rely solely on my powers of persuasion to counter proposed legislation favoring these special interests. It was a struggle, but we won our share of arguments by testifying in committee meetings and pursuing our case with individual elected officials.

My most gratifying win came during the administration of then Florida Gov. Bob Graham. The cable television industry, represented by a well-known lobbyist, proposed rescinding existing cable TV contracts with all Florida city and county governments in order to renegotiate new contracts more favorable to the industry. The legislation was drafted, flew through committees in both the House and Senate despite strong arguments, and passed both houses.

Not to be outdone, I did some research and found a small clause in the Florida Constitution which prevented such actions. I then prepared a veto argument for the Governor which cited the clause. Gov. Graham used my argument in vetoing the legislation and there were not enough votes for an override. Chalk up one for the little guy!

The struggle to compete with the big money interests at the state and federal levels of government continues to this day. And I wholeheartedly urge NC voters to contact their legislators in support of House Bill 453 which seeks to counter the 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited contributions to political campaigns. 

Kurt J. Volker



By Martin Dyckman • Guest Columnist

The people of North Carolina won a nationally significant victory in the Supreme Court last week against the politicians in Raleigh who have been treating them as subjects rather than citizens. The 5-3 decision in the congressional redistricting case, Cooper v. Harris, is “a really big deal,” as one expert put it.

Although we tell ourselves and the world that America is a democracy, you won’t find that word in the Constitution. We are a republic, functioning in practice as a representative democracy. Or so we like to think.


For the first time since March 2016, all 100 counties in North Carolina are free of drought or dry conditions.


Franklin resident Lisa Brown has been named the Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s Employee of the Year.


“Normandy Invasion”

By Paul Willis

Across the sands of Normandy

They came up from the sea.

For many days and nights,

They fought to set a nation free.


To those who struggled there

The hedgerows are where the

Fires of Hell burned bright.

For the shell bursts without

Letup continued day and night.


This brought the cries of “Medic!”

As the shrapnel spread far and wide,

For many there were wounded.

Also, many died.


The horror of the

Hedgerows will always haunt

The ones there those summer days.

For no matter how hard you try to forget

The memory always stays.


Now the evening hours are here for

That fading generation, who so long ago

Fought for a poor enslaved Nation. So may

You who listen try to understand, and

Remember those who lie in a far off land.


Reflections of a World War II Veteran: Poems About War and Life by Paul Willis is available at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville, City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, Malaprop’s Bookstore in Asheville, and several area retail stores. 


With a handful of new exhibitions now open and on view throughout the summer, the Western Carolina University Fine Art Museum at Bardo Arts Center presents art in a variety of forms — printmaking, photography and pottery.


Congressman Mark Meadows, R-NC, recently introduced the Revamping American Infrastructure Act, a bill he says will provide a better path forward for modernizing the nation’s infrastructure through a targeted outcome and performance-based approach to reduce regulatory obstacles in the transportation sector.


On Sunday, May 28, Great Smoky Mountains National Park Rangers received a report that a 37-year-old male fell from the top of the 100-foot tall Ramsey Cascades waterfall late that afternoon.


For the past 11 years I've been the host of the "Ingles Information Aisle" that airs every Saturday morning on News Radio 570 am (WWNC 570am) at 8am-8:30am ET.  This station is part of the "iheart" radio network ( so you can listen to it on the radio in your car, home or on-line or even with the iheart "app" on your smart phone.

To the Editor:

In a failed attempt to defend Donald Trump, Mr. Van Eck’s recent letter is more of a distraction than a real defense of Trump. The American people do have reason to question Trump’s intelligence, ignorance, judgment, and morals as well as his policies.

Trump is unquestionably ignorant, or more gently, uninformed. He has repeatedly made statements that demonstrate that he lacks an understanding of the Constitution and history. Stating that Andrew Jackson was distressed by events unfolding more than a decade after his death displays ignorance. He compounded this by stating that no one had asked why the Civil War happened is another. Van Eck actually illustrates that ignorance by discussing speculation on the topic. The fact that Trump appears not to learn from his gaffes suggests a deficiency of intelligence — or a lack of introspection at best.

On the issue of morals, we have a self-described sexual predator. This is supported by about a dozen women who claim to have been groped by Trump. If that is not enough, contestants in Miss Teen competition complained that Trump had a tendency to walk into dressing rooms when they were undressed. Then there are the lawsuits won by individuals who claimed that Trump had defrauded them. These cases involved contractors as well as Trump University enrollees.

Now we find that Trump shared top-secret information with the Russians when we had not shared that information with allies. The information was so sensitive and secret that it was not even available to those with high-level clearance in our own government. The information apparently can be used to discover the source of the intelligence and may likely endanger our operatives and allies. This is one of the most serious lapses in judgment imaginable and is likely to jeopardize our ability to get intelligence information from other countries.

Regarding policies, Trump’s healthcare and budget proposals tend to benefit the super rich at the expense of the middle class. The upper 1 percent get a huge tax break paid for by denying healthcare to 24 million Americans. The budget tax cuts will enlarge the deficit and saddle subsequent generations with even greater debt. Then there are the executive orders that attack protection of the environment.

No matter how you cut it, Trump is a disaster for the middle class and the entire country. We are likely to see irreparable damage to the country compliments of Mr. Trump.

Norman Hoffmann



Rural Hospital Week is May 22-26 and Harris Regional Hospital and Swain Community Hospital are joining community hospitals and caregivers across the nation in highlighting the many ways we are making communities healthier.


A 96-acre timber-harvesting project is underway in the Harmon Den area of the Pisgah National Forest, in Haywood County.


A new movie telling the story of Karl “Speedgoat” Meltzer — who broke the Appalachian Trail speed record by hiking from Maine to Georgia in just 45 days, 22 hours and 38 minutes — has been released free online. 


A construction project on Cathy Creek Road in the Pisgah Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest will cause a detour for about four months.


Now in its third year, the Keowee-Toxaway Habitat Enhancement Program funded by Duke Energy has $1.3 million in available funds, with projects totaling $140,000 funded since the program’s implementation in 2015.


A Waynesville man has been tapped to lead the state’s Project Food, Land & People program, a national education curriculum covering a wide range of agriculture-related subjects.


The final phase of construction is underway for the Foothills Parkway — which is administered by the Great Smoky Mountains National Park — with the 16-mile section scheduled for completion within 12 to 18 months.


With Memorial Day right around the corner, the fun in the sun of summer in the mountains is here, ready to surprise and delight any and all.


Gov. Roy Cooper recently presented a Medallion Award for Volunteer Service to Samuel Smith of Waynesville at the State Capitol in Raleigh.


When Franklin starting working on its 2017-18 budget, Town Manager Summer Woodard warned councilmembers that there was little wiggle room in the $8.6 million fiscal blueprint.


More than a century ago, the state of African-American education in the antebellum South was so utterly deplorable that it took the combined forces of a civil rights pioneer and a department store magnate to make lasting improvements that continue to reverberate across the region, including in Western North Carolina.


The Town of Waynesville has selected an artist and an art piece for its latest public art installation.


The N.C. Department of Transportation is working with the Tennessee Department of Transportation to advise drivers from the Knoxville area heading to Asheville and beyond that taking an alternate route is advisable.


Macon County Public Health Animal Services, along with the Macon County Sheriff’s Office, responded to an animal cruelty complaint on Radio Hill Road May 9 that resulted in the removal of 41 animals. 


Don’t miss “TASTE OF LOCAL” at Ingles Market in Hendersonville (Spartanburg Hwy) Thursday, May 25th • 3-6 p.m. Meet over 20 local farmers, entrepreneurs and suppliers whose products are in this Ingles store and sample!

To the Editor:

The United States of America never has been, is not now and never will be a Christian nation. I put forth three truths to support this statement. The first is that only individuals have the capability to decide for themselves to follow Christian teachings. Americans are required to obey laws enacted by our legislative bodies. We are free, though, to choose what religion to follow.

The second truth is that the Ten Commandments are central to Christian teachings and are followed by Christian believers voluntarily. They are not written into our constitution. It would be virtually impossible to enforce most of the commandments with legal authority. In spite of this fact some over-zealous Americans seem to want to shove Christian doctrine down everybody’s throat much like Muslim extremists do. Witness the turmoil, hatred and killing that take place as a result of attempts to force people to follow a chosen belief system.

The third truth is that our Bill of Rights automatically disobeys the First Commandment by not requiring people to obey the First Commandment. However, this disobedience is similar to the choice that God gave each individual in the King James version of the Bible to believe or not believe in Him. So, if God does not force people to believe in Him how could a government do so? Hence, legally, Americans are provided with the same choice that God gives them to believe or not to believe. Amazingly, people are also prevented from forcing Christianity or any other religion onto their fellow Americans. That was some brilliant thinking by the people who wrote our Constitution.

Interestingly, our laws provide for the taking of human life in war as well as for restitution for certain crimes. How could we reconcile this taking of life if we were indeed a Christian nation? Further, how can Christian churches conscientiously set aside times to honor soldiers who are required to kill in defense of their country (a political entity) in spite of the commandment not to kill?

It is, therefore, with a sense of shame and sadness that I quote a brief section from the book,  Exterminate Them (which is edited by Clifford E. Trafzer and Joel R. Hyer) to show blatantly un-Christian atrocities committed against California Indians in the 1850s/1860s: “In one of the settlements an aged and feeble chief collected the women around him, when they were about flying on the approach of the human bloodhounds, assuring them that white men did not kill squaws and that they would be safe. But they all perished. One of our informants saw twenty six bodies of women and children collected in one spot by the more humane citizens preparatory to burial. Some of them were infants at the breast, whose skulls had been cleft again and again. The whole number slaughtered in a single night was about two hundred and fifty”.

There can be no denying that there have always been some devout Christians in America. But there can be no defensible claim that atrocities of the sort chronicled above can be reconciled by the Doctrine of Manifest Destiny or sanctioned by Christian principles. 

America is not a Christian nation. Individuals may choose to be Christians. That is the truth.  

Dave Waldrop



To the Editor:

On a recent Friday night two 3-week-old kittens were dropped off at the side pen of the Haywood County Animal Shelter. Luckily Officer Jeff Stamey found them that night and contacted Sarge’s Animal Rescue. They had a nursing mom who readily accepted these “orphans.” The person who tossed them in the side pen might have had good intentions, but they should have taken them in when the shelter was open. Had Officer Stamey not found the kittens Friday it is likely they would have died of exposure and hunger.   

Unwanted litters, whether dropped in the side pen or brought to the shelter, cause overcrowding at the shelter and they are at high risk for contracting catch contagious diseases. 

Is their momma cat still roaming around, ready and able to have more kittens? The shelter has a Spay Momma program. Cat owners and dog owners can surrender the litter when it is weaned and will receive a voucher to have momma SPAYED FOR FREE from Haywood Spay/Neuter so that situation will not happen again. 

In Haywood County, money is no impediment to getting your pet spayed or neutered. Most owners are charged only $10 or $20 for the surgery and a rabies vaccination. We can even help if transportation to register for the service or to drop off /pick up of the pet is a problem.

Connie Hewitt, president

Haywood Spay Neuter


To the Editor:

By now, everyone in Macon County and the surrounding counties knows that Angel Medical Center in Franklin is closing the Labor and Delivery Unit (LDU) in July. While most of the focus, justifiably, is on the impact on our local families, it is also important to understand how and why this happened.

Regardless of your feelings about the insurance and health care industries, they are businesses that must make money, or at least break even to stay in business. While the Mission Health press releases are confusing at best, this was ultimately a business decision. That is our current health care reality.

The critical path for the closing of the LDU at Angel began in 2014 when the North Carolina legislature rejected the Medicaid Expansion that was a part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Several Republican-controlled states chose the same path after the Supreme Court ruled that Medicaid expansion under the ACA was optional. Largely as a result of those state-level decisions, medical care in rural areas like ours, has suffered.

From then until now, at least 80 rural hospitals have completely closed their doors. Most of those are in states that did not opt for Medicaid expansion under the ACA. Three are in North Carolina. Many more undoubtedly reduced services.

Rural areas like Macon County have high poverty rates. However, incomes for much of the population are high enough so that individuals are not eligible for traditional Medicaid, but not eligible for subsidies under the ACA.  Consequently, they have no medical insurance.

Federal law requires hospitals to treat anyone who shows up at the emergency department.  Prior to the ACA, the federal government reimbursed hospitals for the costs incurred by the uninsured that were treated in emergency departments.  The ACA removed that reimbursement provision and Angel suffered large losses in its emergency services when the ACA came into effect — and undoubtedly still does. No one envisioned that states would not accept billions in federal dollars to improve health care for its citizens.

Had North Carolina chosen to expand Medicaid in 2014, it would have resulted in a $2.7 billion infusion of funding into the state as we were recovering from the recession. In 2015 it would have been over $3 billion.  Current estimates are about $3 billion a year. These were federal tax dollars that you have already paid that go to other states. This would have generated thousands of high-paying health care jobs in rural areas. 

These federal funds would also have generated almost $100 million in state income tax revenue in addition to the local sales and property tax revenue. That was new revenue at no cost to the state. Even with the increased state contribution from 2017 through 2020, the income and sales tax revenue on the federal 90 percent contribution would cover most of the state cost.

You can thank our current Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, and his Republican colleagues for their role in the closure of the LDU at Angel Medical Center. They opposed the Medicaid expansion.  Give them a call.

John Gladden



To the Editor:

I found the article in the May 10 edition citing Rep. Mark Meadows, R-Asheville, as advocating “high-risk pools for pre-existing conditions” completely disingenuous. Meadows’ preferred approach on insuring those with pre-existing conditions simply restores problems that Congress addressed when it passed the Affordable Care Act.  

Meadows’ true intentions are reflected in the Obamacare Repeal Act, proposed by Sen. Rand Paul, M.D., and co-sponsored by Rep. Meadows in February.  According to Sen. Paul, that bill would roll back protections for those who have pre-existing conditions to what they were before the Affordable Care Act passed: a person can be denied health insurance if they or their dependent has circumstances defined by the insurance company alone. Back then, companies declined coverage based on pregnancy or expected parent, obesity, mental disorders, arthritis, alcohol abuse/drug abuse with recent treatment, as well as cancer, hepatitis, heart failure and stroke. 

Moving backward could have a great impact in our region. One survey showed that before the Affordable Care Act, one out of three of North Carolinians who applied for individual market insurance (typically self-employed, low-wage employees, early retirees) were denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.  That’s a lot, especially if it’s you, your family or your employee.  

Medical expenses from one spell of illness can bankrupt a small business or family. Insurance companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, which makes hefty campaign contributions to Meadows and other N.C. political office holders, profits more if the sicker are excluded or charged exorbitant, unaffordable premiums. That is the future that Rep. Meadows prefers for us.  

Charlotte W. Collins



To the Editor:

This is a response to the letter written by Colton Bailey titled, “Festival is Immoral,” that was published in last week’s edition of The Smoky Mountain News. If you believe the consumption of alcohol is immoral, then you can skip this letter. There is nothing here that will change your mind. However, if your biscuits are burning because you believe that the Hook, Line, and Drinker festival is an “immoral ... use of (Jackson County) taxpayer dollars,” then I have some very good news for you. 

Mr. Bailey’s assertion that this upcoming weekend’s Hook, Line, and Drinker festival is funded by “Jackson County taxpayers” is incorrect. What Mr. Bailey did not disclose, presumably because he is unaware of functions of local government, is the fact that not one red cent of Jackson County real estate tax, personal property tax, sales taxes or any tax, county or otherwise, were used to fund any part of the Hook, Line, and Drinker festival. 

Well, who is paying for this soiree? Short answer: probably not you.

Jackson County levies an occupancy tax on overnight hotel, motel and resort guests. This occupancy tax brings in almost $1 million/year. This tax is used to fund the Jackson County Tourism Development Authority, which allocates a portion of its budget for the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.  

However, it is factually incorrect to say that any tax dollars were used to fund this festival, or any other chamber function, because those occupancy tax dollars are strictly for the chamber’s visitor center and its routine operating expenses. The chamber has not used any tax proceeds to support this upcoming festival or any other chamber event.

The upcoming festival, along with Concerts on the Creek and July 4th fireworks are funded through advertising sales in the chamber’s relocation guide, chamber memberships and business sponsorship. No taxpayer dollars are being used.  

So, are “your” tax dollars going to fund The Hook, Line, and Drinker festival?  N-O-P-E.

If you have enjoyed any of the more than 150 concerts that have been held at Bridge Park over the last seven years, you can thank the chamber of commerce and its business partners. If you’ve enjoyed the fireworks and bands at the July 4th celebration, you can once again thank the chamber and its partners. Julie Spiro’s and Kelly Donaldson’s work at the chamber of commerce nurtures economic growth and facilitates community engagement on behalf of its members. This is the chamber’s only agenda and to suggest otherwise is simple ignorance.

Patrick Dowling



Martin A. Dyckman • Guest Columnist

A hero is, almost by definition, someone who didn’t set out to be one. That thought is prompted by the New York Times Sunday page-one profile of our North Carolina Senator Richard Burr. Will he be the nation’s hero in the greatest constitutional crisis since Watergate four decades ago?

According to the article, Burr — a Republican — didn’t want to be assigned to the Senate Intelligence Committee, much less to chair it, as he does now.


Drought has officially disappeared from the mountains.


Heather Grant of Bethel Middle School will see her artwork on 700 T-shirts after winning this year’s T-shirt design contest with the Haywood Waterways Association.


Rainbow Falls Trail: The Rainbow Falls Trail is the next trail in line to get a complete rehabilitation through the Smokies Trails Forever program, funded by Friends of the Smokies. 


A new book has hit the shelves exploring the history of the Hazel Creek community, which is now one of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s most isolated areas.


A poll commissioned by the conservation coalition Land for Tomorrow showed wide support for land and water conservation, with mountain residents voicing the strongest support. Statewide, 73 percent of those polled wanted the state to fund $100 million for the state’s three publicly funded conservation trust funds.


A new 10.5-mile mixed-use trail system is complete in Cherokee, with trails open to the public following a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Friday, May 26. A special grand opening event will likely follow in early June.


Western Carolina University’s Mountain Heritage Day has been named as one of the top 20 festivals in the Southeast by the Southeast Tourism Society.


A complaint filed in Haywood County Superior Court late last month alleges that several defendants committed battery and inflicted emotional distress on two children in 2015.


While many local school districts are struggling to make ends meet these days, Swain County Schools is facing a much steeper battle to qualify for state and federal funds the district feels its students deserve. 

“We’re struggling as most boards are trying to look at our financial situation and fund things we crucially need,” said Superintendent Sam Pattillo.


On Friday, May 12, at approximately 6:50 a.m., Haywood County Schools bus 52 was making a passenger stop in the Dellwood area of Waynesville when it was hit in the rear by a pickup truck. There was no physical damage to the bus and minor damage to the pickup truck.


One of the staples in my fridge is a jar of natural, no sugar-added peanut butter.  I prefer crunchy because I like the texture  of the nuts.  Peanut butter can be an easy way for those following vegan or vegetarian diets or aiming for more plant-based meals to get protein into their diet.

To the Editor:

In his incessant, sophomoric screeds to diminish Trump, Chris Cox fails once again. He attempts to ridicule Donald Trump’s quote on the Civil War by trying to equate it to a quote from “Animal House.”

We’re all supposed to fall over in derision because Trump said something that Cox apparently thinks is on par with saying that Germany bombed Pearl Harbor, which is indeed an ignorant statement and unworthy of anyone in government. So, I’m left wondering; where was Cox’s faux outrage in March 2014 when Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison did say that Germany bombed Pearl Harbor? He later was a top contender for the DNC chair and was later named Deputy Chairman. Apparently, Democrats have higher standards for Republicans than they do for the leaders of their own party.

Cox compounds his hypocrisy by offering Joe Biden as his candidate of choice. Google “Biden gaffes.” Trump is Ciceronian by comparison. Concerned about Trump’s talking about sexual assault? How about Biden’s innumerable public pawings of women and young girls? Not to mention Bill Clinton’s record. Actions speak louder than words, but crickets from Mr. Cox on those incidents. 

Cox’s choice is the same Joe Biden who is No. 1 on the, Esquire and CNN websites for political plagiarists, handily beating out Obama who made honorable mention. Biden was forced to withdraw from the 1988 presidential race when his plagiarism was revealed. 

Notwithstanding the ad hominem attacks on Trump, Cox’s larger error is on substance.

Trump’s statement was not “really, astoundingly stupid.” It was not something the “average eighth-grader could refute.” Far from it. It was a question that has been asked since the Civil War began: could it have been avoided? It’s a very good question. All other countries ended slavery without internecine warfare. Why couldn’t, why didn’t we?

Civil War historians David Herbert Donald, Avery O. Craven, Charles W. Ramsdell, and James G. Randall among others have postulated that the war was preventable. 

Trump’s speculation that President Andrew Jackson might have prevented the war is not only supported by historians, but also by his actions in the Nullification crisis. Jackson may well have been the ideal person to prevent the carnage a future president wrought. Contemporaneous writers believed it as well, notably Judge William Johnson who stated in 1861, “If by transmigration, the soul of Andrew Jackson had occupied the body of James Buchanan, we would have had peace to-day.” 

Jackson’s response to South Carolina’s Ordinance of Nullification was typical. He was open to compromise and was instrumental in reducing the tariff. But, he also rammed through the “Force Bill” which gave him the power to use armed forces against South Carolina whose governor had assembled an army of 25,000 troops. He sent U.S. Navy warships to Charleston Harbor and threatened to hang any man who worked toward nullification or secession. South Carolina blinked. 

Had Jackson been in power instead of the ineffectual James Buchanan during “Bleeding Kansas,” it is unlikely he would have done nothing for three years to end it. In 1860, South Carolina, having just witnessed Buchanan’s waffling, had no reason to believe Buchanan would stop them from seceding. Jackson’s prior actions and reputation would not have left them so sanguine.

I can make quote comparisons, too. I would categorize Mr. Cox’s ruminations on a par with an actual quote from another Democrat Congressional luminary who stated, “My fear is that the whole island [Guam] will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

Be honest, Mr. Cox. Your problem with Trump is not his intelligence (or lack thereof), his morals, or any action or statement he makes. Your problem with him is his politics.

Timothy Van Eck



To the Editor:

Thomas Jefferson once stated “I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple.” Yet, these wise words from our third U.S President are regularly ignored and despised by those on either end of the spectrum, and even ignored by officials in our own local government. 

Sure, the local government can promote policies that attract new business and sustain current ones, but should it be the role of the local government to promote the sale and consumption of alcohol? Our local Chamber of Commerce certainly believes so. The “Hook, Line, and Drinker” festival, which will be sponsored by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, is nothing more than an immoral and impractical way to spend Jackson County taxpayer dollars. 

In addition to this, the Chamber of Commerce has the audacity to label the event as “family friendly.” This seems very counter intuitive considering every fifth-grader in our county sits through an extensive drug and alcohol resistance program, funded by taxpayers as well. So, in a sense, Jackson County promotes resisting alcohol for those in adolescence to mid-twenties, but reverses its position and promotes its consumption later in life. Makes sense doesn’t it? The festival is likely another attempt to paint Sylva as an “alternative Asheville,” as well as an effort to smear the originality that is unique to our town and promote the social liberal agenda that is becoming far too familiar in many cities across America. I hope our county commissioners and leaders will have the courage to oppose this festival, as well as look for new leadership in the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. 

Colton L. Bailey



To the Editor:

The series of articles you have recently been publishing on “Folkmoot’s Cultural Conversations” have been most enlightening — and worth taking to heart. In the interest of becoming cultural ambassadors, we each of us need to learn to practice the attitudes and skills stressed in those conversations — being polite, keeping an open mind, speaking only for self, keeping confidentiality, acknowledging (and resisting) our capacity for prejudice and stereotyping, understanding how and why we define ourselves as we do — and more.

While those conversations have focused on racial and cultural differences, the same attitudes and skills are needed in our discussions of another major issue and threat facing our nation — climate change. 

Research by scientists at George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communications has identified a spectrum of six distinct groups in the U.S. population: the “dismissive” (9 percent) who don’t believe climate change is really happening and thus see it as no threat to our well-being; the “doubtful” (11 percent) who aren’t sure it’s happening but if it is, view it as part of a natural cycle and not human-caused; the “disengaged” (5 percent) who hold no particular beliefs about the matter one way or the other; the “cautious” (23 percent) who believe it’s happening but are immobilized as they wonder what can one person do; the “concerned” (34 percent) who think it’s real and human-caused and address it by lifestyle changes like recycling and changing light bulbs; and the “alarmed” (18 percent), the activist environmentalists who install solar panels, drive electric vehicles, and work for legislation to protect the environment and shift from fossil fuels to alternative forms of energy.

Whichever of these groups we may identify with, in the interest of community cohesiveness and national security and unity, we need to be making use of the above-mentioned Folkmoot approaches by engaging in conversations about global warming. If addressing this head on proves too divisive, we can begin by exploring related topics like clean energy, the plight of coal miners, the revenue neutral carbon tax, the Tesla phenomenon, the effects of violent storms, coal ash ponds, our love of fishing or hiking, or why we like living in the mountains.

By thus breaking the climate silence, we can become “climate ambassadors,” maintaining civility in the process by practicing such time-honored virtues as humility, respect, courage, self-control, teachability, dignity, conviction, kindness, openness, and — need we say it? —love. 

In so doing, we “can bring light, compassion, and determination to the national conversation on climate change: light, by helping people grasp its gravity; compassion by recognizing that those most harmed are innocent victims who need protection; and determination by refusing to accept any future that is unsustainable.”

Doug Wingeier



To the Editor:

A recent letter writer opined that corporations function as groups of people. One single sentence in that essay set me aback. I had never heard anyone express a sentiment, a belief quite like it. She wrote, “To consider a corporation just a nebulous entity, a non-person, is ridiculous.”

I began recalling conversations I have had throughout my life with learned people, songs expressing the nature and yearnings of people as well as books I have read. Nothing I have been exposed to seemed to provide any underpinning for that bold statement. That left me wondering if perhaps I had missed something in the King James Bible creation story. Nope! After re-reading relevant Genesis material I found no mention of God creating a corporation. 

Still puzzled I went back to “The Origin of Species” written by Charles Darwin in 1859. Once again my memory had served me pretty well. Darwin made no mention of any living entity evolving into a corporation.

Maybe I have led a sheltered life. Maybe I have been misinformed/uninformed by my experiences in life. Maybe I should have already sensed that some theory other than creation or evolution could enhance knowledge/understanding for humans. If someone can refer me to literature that will shed light on the creation/evolution of corporations as people, I would really appreciate the reference. But, until I find something more convincing than the Bible, Charles Darwin and Abraham Maslow (Motivation and Personality), I will continue to rely on the wisdom of those three sources. 

Dave Waldrop



New educational panels are now on display at Graveyard Fields, a popular hiking area along the Blue Ridge Parkway.


Thru-hiker season is just about over in Western North Carolina, with most folks who are attempting the 2,190-mile Appalachian Trail having made their way north of the region. But they had some help along the way, in the form of several massive “trail magic” efforts locals have spearheaded to make the trek a little more comfortable.


Most of us did not grow up on farms and we may not even see a farm on our daily commute to work or school.  How can we learn more about local agriculture and farming and how can we teach our children about the process of how food gets onto the shelves at the local Ingles Market?

To the Editor:

I read the recent letter by Rep. Mike Clampitt, R-Bryson City, and would just like to say that I disagree and believe that the taxpayers in Haywood County need this to be an appointed position, like the rest of the state, for the following reasons: 

• One, typically no pays attention to this “race” and low voter turnout is common. 

• Second, I trust the judgment of the administration and county officials to pick a qualified person to do this job.

• Third, Haywood County cannot afford the loss of tax collection and the risk of another totally inept candidate winning office due to straight party voters.

Mylan Sessions



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At our inception 20 years ago, we chose to be different. Unlike other news organizations, we made the decision to provide in-depth, regional reporting free to anyone who wanted access to it. We don’t plan to change that model. Support from our readers will help us maintain and strengthen the editorial independence that is crucial to our mission to help make Western North Carolina a better place to call home. If you are able, please support The Smoky Mountain News.

The Smoky Mountain News is a wholly private corporation. Reader contributions support the journalistic mission of SMN to remain independent. Your support of SMN does not constitute a charitable donation. If you have a question about contributing to SMN, please contact us.