Congress may mandate AM radios in every car, for safety and security
A bipartisan collaboration to bolster critical communication resources during natural disasters is gaining momentum in Congress after lessons learned during the devastation of Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina last year.
Haywood Democrats host precinct meetings
Haywood County Democrats are gathering at precinct meetings beginning March 16 and ending March 30. A precinct is an area in which all voters go to a single place to cast their ballot on election day.
GOP’s rationale for power grab just doesn’t wash
When they are challenged on their authoritarianism, North Carolina Republicans’ most frequent ploy is to retrieve grievances from decades ago. The party is run by a coterie of legislators who suffered years of irrelevance and disrespect at the hands of the eastern North Carolina Democratic machine, and these people still enjoy resurrecting Democratic misdeeds to justify their own malfeasance.
Be prepared to wait before we have a president
So here we are, days away from this pivotal election, and here’s a word of advice: take a deep breath, relax, and let the system play out as it’s intended, because we won’t know who our next president is until days after Nov. 5.
Choose wisely with your vote
To the Editor:
This upcoming election is going to be a close call. According to many of the polls being taken, the number one issue for many voters is the economy. A Gallup poll on late 2023 showed 53% of Americans thought the Republicans are better at running the economy compared to 39% for Democrats.
Stunningly false mailers are absurd
To the Editor:
Medicare and Social Security are programs that have always been priorities of the Democratic Party. Democrats started these programs and supported them ever since, and pretty much constantly over the constant objection of Republicans.
Democrats are a danger to democracy
To the Editor:
There has been a lot said about democracy being on the ballot, but it’s mostly Democrat gasbaggery. The Democratic Party is the main threat to democracy because they are obviously afraid of it in action.
Be careful who we vote for
To the Editor:
Savings and Loan Collapse. The year 1982 marked the beginning of supply side economics in which deregulation and tax cuts were viewed as the solution to stimulating corporate growth.
‘Who can deny what we saw?’
To the Editor:
I agree with the writer of “ Democrats need to learn a lesson” in the July 17 issue, when he says that, during the June 27 presidential debate with Trump, President Biden looked “diminished cognitively … Who can deny what we saw?”
GOP becoming a fascist party
To the Editor:
I have seen banners and bumper stickers that read, “Socialism or Freedom.” I would hardly call the Republican party the party of freedom. The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 want to take our freedoms away.