Planning board opposes flood plain ordinance change
In a turn of events for the volunteers and members of the public that have been showing up in an effort to preserve Macon County’s floodplain ordinances, the planning board has opposed the third and final recommended change up for consideration. The move comes after months of outspoken opposition to the measure and a two-month delay in addressing the proposed ordinance revision due to canceled meetings.
2024 A Look Back: Maconians united award
Maconians are known among the citizens of Western North Carolina for robust and regular public input at local government meetings and this year was no different. But there was one issue in particular that galvanized the citizens of Macon County to stand together and speak up — efforts to weaken the county’s floodplain ordinances.
Macon animal control in need of staff
After a team of volunteers converged on a Macon County Board of Health meeting to express concerns about the state of animal control, the department is requesting commissioners fund another full-time employee for the animal shelter.
Macon to address floodplain, Lake Emory Dam in new year
After almost a year of work, discussion and often tense disagreement on the issue, Macon County is set to continue its pursuit of adjustments to its floodplain ordinances and considerations about possible removal of Lake Emory Dam in the new year. Not only did the effects of Hurricane Helene change the nature of these discussions, but new leadership on the county commission could impact the course it chooses.
Lazy Hiker gets the blues
Americana/folk singer-songwriter Woolybooger will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, at Lazy Hiker Brewing in Sylva and 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, at Lazy Hiker Brewing in Franklin.
Breeden sworn in, Young appointed chairman
The first commission meeting of December after an election usually comes with a change in leadership, and such was the case for the Macon County Commission at its Dec. 2 organizational meeting.
You are not alone: Macon housing needs assessment tells familiar story
When Patrick Bowen, president of Bowen National Research, presented a housing needs assessment to the Macon County’s board of commissioners earlier this month, there was one thing he kept coming back to.
Christmas in Appalachia
As the temperature drops in Western North Carolina, the fun only heats up. The holiday season here is filled with events and activities aimed to celebrate the best way we know how — with friends, family and visitors alike.
Macon votes no, again, to quarter-cent sales tax
For the second time in two years, Macon County voters have rejected the implementation of a quarter-cent sales tax to bolster funding for local public schools. However, the margin of defeat for the referendum is shrinking.
Want to learn contra dancing?
There will be a contra dance class offered from 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.