Jackson names interim manager

jacksonWith a one-month gap between the retirement of Jackson County Manager Chuck Wooten and the arrival of his successor Don Adams, Jackson County Commissioners voted this week to choose an interim manager to bridge the gap. County Attorney Heather Baker will fill the role.  

Jackson hopes to end the free ride for out-of-county dumpers

fr trashSuspicions that people are concealing old sofas and worn-out mattresses over state and county lines to dump on the sly in Jackson is irking county commissioners, but stopping the illicit trash smugglers could be tough.

Solving Jackson’s last-mile internet challenge will take time and money

jacksonWhen Travis Lewis was hit with a $600 charge for going over his monthly cell phone data allotment two years ago, he was taken aback to say the least.

SkyFi aims for 11 new wireless towers

jacksonJackson commissioners were put in a tough spot this month by county staff seeking special treatment for wireless internet towers that would exempt them from the typical oversight and public hearing process for erecting towers.

Jackson County picks a new manager

fr jacksonmanagerJackson County commissioners last week unanimously named a new county manager with a long and successful local government track record in the mountains.

Tourism groups prepare for rare eclipse in 2017

fr eclipseNick Breedlove has been brushing up on his astronomy lately — studying maps and learning the science behind the total solar eclipse that is set to occur on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017.

Rev. Barber preaches love at Sylva rally

fr moralmondayFollowing the recent shooting in Orlando that left 50 dead and more injured, Dr. Rev. William Barber’s keynote address to the crowd at the Mountain Moral Monday rally in Sylva was a bit different than expected, but the message was the same.

Jackson County prepares offer for new manager

jacksonThe finish line is in sight to choose a new county manager for Jackson County.

Sales tax to increase in Jackson

jacksonNearly two-thirds of Jackson County voters who visited the polls last week said yes to a referendum question asking to raise the county’s sales tax by one-fourth of a cent. Education leaders are rejoicing at the outcome. 

Moral Monday comes to the mountains

coverThe Jackson County Branch of the NAACP will host more than a dozen like-minded Western North Carolina organizations in Sylva on June 13 for an event called “Mountain Moral Monday.” 

• NAACP gains ground in WNC communities
• Local leader represents NAACP’s changing face

The event will include a keynote address from Rev. Dr. William Barber II, president of the North Carolina NAACP, as well as speeches from local people who have been negatively impacted by the policies being passed in Raleigh for the last several years.

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