Remembering the spirit of Saide Luck

I grew up thinking that libraries had a lot in common with churches. I guess I need to explain that.

Filling in the blanks ain’t always easy

When my nephew came walking in with a letter from one of our state’s universities, he handled it like something valuable, a precious jewel, perhaps, or a map that would lead him to a world he suspected was out there but had not yet visited.

Making the case for using tax money to buy open spaces

Sometimes, change is for the good.

Encountering my own inner goddess

By Stephanie Wampler

I begin this article with a momentous announcement. This announcement will, I think, bring a general feeling of gladness to the community. (Drum roll ...) Everyone, I want to tell you that I recently found my inner goddess.

We’re all special, according to Time

When I saw that I had been named Time magazine’s “Person of the Year,” the first thing I felt like doing was calling my high school science teacher, Emmy Lu Godwin. Mrs. Godwin was as small as an action figure and whiter than foot powder, but she was also mean and sharptoothed. Imagine a cross between an albino ferret and a vampire, then add a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, and that was Mrs. Godwin.

County must take role in new Jackson EDC

The business sector in Jackson County will benefit from the renewed efforts to establish a working Economic Development Commission.

Overcoming a dysfunctional relationship

Haywood Regional Medical Center, the entire medical community and its volunteer board of directors have some work to do. That is, they do if they want to protect the hospital’s competitive position in this region. Repairing the damage done by the controversy surrounding the firing of the emergency room physician group is vitally important.

Suffering through a fever to find the holiday spirit

Sometime before daylight on the day before Christmas Eve, Tammy and I were gently nudged out of sleep by a small, familiar voice.

Hopeful thinking for the coming year

New Year’s resolutions? Don’t believe in most of them, especially those that are akin to a miracle diet or those no-risk investments tips that keep junking up the inbox in our email program. A sound resolution is more of a decision to dedicate one’s self to hard work and perseverance, not capricious fantasizing about how one wishes things could be.

Reality, outcomes and education spending

This deserves emphasis, given the central role that public education plays in North Carolina political debate: our schools have vastly more resources to work with than they did a generation ago.

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