Sponsored: Does dairy worsen congestion?

Question: Should I avoid milk and dairy products if I have a cold? I’ve been told they produce mucus!
Answer: There is no scientific evidence or research to prove that milk or any dairy products produce mucus – though believe it or not it’s been researched! It may very well be that if your throat is sore or you are congested milk may feel thicker and more difficult to swallow. If you’ve noticed that milk seems difficult to swallow when you feel sick or that dairy products don’t agree with you when you’re sick, simply avoid them for a few days. Your body produces mucus all the time. When you’re sick with a virus or a bacterial infection your immune system responds by producing more and thicker mucus, which is why you notice it when you have a cold or seasonal allergies.
Marvels of Mucus and Phlegm | NIH News in Health
No Need to Avoid Dairy When You’re Sick | Office for Science and Society - McGill University
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Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian