GOP does not own the Bible

To the Editor:

Trump and his sidekick billionaire know exactly why our Constitution was intentionally designed with three branches of government. The speed with which they look to dismantle our checks and balances is proof that they look to install a government like Victor Orbàn has done in Hungary.

Lessons from Noah’s flood — confessions of a progressive

After reading the point-counterpoint last week from David Lawson and Tom Powers, I was inspired to offer a third path forward. Having moved here last October from the suburbs of Atlanta, my husband and I have been blessed with the culture and kindness of everyone whose paths we have crossed. Having come to Lake Junaluska since the 1960s and 1970s, this place has always been my spiritual home, “Halfway to heaven.” 

Have we lost our way, America?

To the Editor:

As I ponder the implications of the presidential election, I have to ask myself and I ask you to think about what the outcome means in the larger context of our values as a nation. 

Don’t be a puppet to another’s will

To the Editor:  

In a recent editorial a Western North Carolina minister says he doesn’t understand why some North Carolinians, who profess to be Christians, vote for a man who demonstrates again and again, that he respects no Christian principles.

Response to 'The wisdom of the First Amendment'

To the Editor:  

I am still trying to figure out Dave Webster’s motive for telling your readers about his personal journey and I would like to know what his comments have to do with the First Amendment.

The wisdom of the First Amendment

To the Editor:

Famous songwriter Paul Simon wrote, “… a man he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” Then he begins to believe it. When we were young children our mother indoctrinated us in the teachings of what might be called “fundamental” Baptist today. Our mother meant well. And until I joined the Navy in 1962, I expressed belief and trust in those fundamental tenets. 

I won’t force my beliefs on you

To the Editor:

One of the things I find baffling about those on the other side of the political divide is that their fight for certain policies is inconsistent with a core value they espouse. 

You have to stand for something

To the Editor:

Do we want to be a country where opinion is more important than fact? How is it that some people proclaim that Christians are being oppressed, when there has been no instance of anyone being denied the ability to worship as they see fit? It's misinformation designed to rile people up. 

How can Christians support Trump?

To the Editor:

To all Donald Trump supporters who identify as Christians:  I’m writing to summarize Trump’s unholy actions during Holy Week and challenge you to defend them.  

How can religion not guide politics?

To the Editor:

A recent opinion written in this publication proclaimed: “One role of the church is charity — politics is not and should not be.” The author outlined why the church should not be involved in politics due to IRS tax exemption rules. 

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