Thankful to live in this community

To the Editor:

On what was supposed to be a simple one-mile hike off an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I managed to turn a peaceful afternoon stroll into an 11-hour misadventure that ended with a helicopter rescue, a hospital stay and a whole new appreciation for our local heroes. 

Elected leaders who will address climate

To the Editor:

Our EMS and fire departments, law-enforcement and many in serving military units have come to our region’s rescue. They  and caring ordinary neighbors who have put on their boots and gloves and helped so many people in desperate need are our heroes.

Putting in the work: Responders of all stripes converge on Haywood County following Helene

On the morning of Sept. 27, as rain fell steadily from the pre-dawn sky, Travis Donaldson took a drive around the eastern end of Haywood County. Donaldson, the county’s emergency services director, made a lap around all the appropriate areas, finishing up in Cruso with the intention of turning around and heading back toward Waynesville, where an emergency operations center had already been set up. 

No tax increase proposed in Haywood budget

With jail expansion debt payments coming on the books and lingering questions about one of the county’s biggest taxpayers, Haywood County Manager Bryant Morehead presented commissioners with a conservative budget that funds some critical needs, but not much else. 

Sylva starts budget process with needs vs. wants

Sylva began its budget process last week with presentations from department heads about what they need in the budget, as well as what they want to see in the budget.

SCC teams up with Franklin High School to train new EMTs

At a time when emergency services agencies across the country are facing a dire staffing shortage, here in Western North Carolina, Southwestern Community College has revamped an innovative program that can take a bite out of the problem here at home. 

The state of emergency services: Macon’s EMS Director highlights transport and staffing concerns

Macon County Emergency Services Director Warren Cabe came before the Board of Commissioners this month to outline problems his department is having with staffing and interfacility transportation.

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