GOP does not own the Bible
To the Editor:
Trump and his sidekick billionaire know exactly why our Constitution was intentionally designed with three branches of government. The speed with which they look to dismantle our checks and balances is proof that they look to install a government like Victor Orbàn has done in Hungary.
Remember now next time you vote
To the Editor:
It has been hard to keep up with the news cycles during the first week of President Trump’s administration, but a few things deserve public ridicule. In his infinite wisdom, Trump pardoned and released about 1,500 January 6 criminal defendants into our communities to do violence and organize their militias.
Sen. Tillis is kissing Trump's feet
There’s no such thing as a self-made dictator. It takes more than a village to make one. Lawmakers and judges must cooperate or get out of his way. Citizens must accept that it’s all for the good or will soon pass by. That’s what happened not so long ago to new democracies in Italy, Germany and Russia.
Trump’s election tells us a lot
To the Editor:
The 2024 presidential election revealed one thing in crystal-clear, proof-positive, light-years beyond any reasonable doubt comprehensibility, that the ability and capacity of the average American voter to simply (but so importantly) distinguish between fact and fiction, the ability to grasp (and choose confidently) between truth and falsehood, the aptitude necessary to seek out and determine right from wrong, to diligently and with purpose contrast good and evil, and lastly, the ability and the practiced competence to differentiate and choose the honorable from the dishonorable — no longer exists.
We will reap what we’ve sown
To the Editor:
I wish I could blame the outcome of the recent presidential election on yet another “misfire” (as in 2000 and 2016) of our arcane and thoroughly undemocratic Electoral College system.
GOP becoming a fascist party
To the Editor:
I have seen banners and bumper stickers that read, “Socialism or Freedom.” I would hardly call the Republican party the party of freedom. The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 want to take our freedoms away.
Dictator for a day, or president for life?
To the Editor:
Former President Donald Trump is known to be an admirer of autocratic rulers, particularly President Xi Jinping of China. According to CNN, when Trump heard that Xi was about to be gifted a constitutional amendment that would eliminate term limits for the president, Trump was reported to have said “He’s now president for life, and he’s great.
Standing for democracy, fairness and better government
Democracy means that we voters get to decide with elections which candidates are empowered to serve in our local, state and federal governments. Those elected officials are supposed to serve us, not their own personal selfish quests for wealth and power. We want our political leaders to listen to our wishes and provide us with essential government services.
Democracy or fascism?
To the Editor:
Some people still believe that America is involved in a traditional Democratic/Republican political struggle.