Big Pharma ads are lies
To the Editor:
Lately there have been video ads on YouTube and TV that say “Biden Raided and Broke Medicare,” that Biden raised the price of pills for seniors. This is beyond the scope of “misinformation,” it is a barefaced lie of the absolute worst kind.
GOP budget plan slashes Medicaid
To the Editor:
I asked Rep. Chuck Edwards about the massive changes made in our names by Elon Musk and others to reduce the size of government and he assured me that “Social Security will not be touched.” How can that be?
Stunningly false mailers are absurd
To the Editor:
Medicare and Social Security are programs that have always been priorities of the Democratic Party. Democrats started these programs and supported them ever since, and pretty much constantly over the constant objection of Republicans.
Edwards silent, but his record speaks for itself
The legacies of Western North Carolina’s two previous Republican congressmen, Mark Meadows and Madison Cawthorn, haven’t exactly aged well.
Standing for democracy, fairness and better government
Democracy means that we voters get to decide with elections which candidates are empowered to serve in our local, state and federal governments. Those elected officials are supposed to serve us, not their own personal selfish quests for wealth and power. We want our political leaders to listen to our wishes and provide us with essential government services.
Some legislation really helps
To the Editor:
Everyone deserves to live a healthy life with financial security. We want to pay less for prescription drugs and live in a world that we can pass on to our grandchildren where carbon pollution is dramatically reduced.
Trump masterfully uses false fears
To the Editor:
I’m writing in response to the “Democrats try to scare voters” letter in the May 8 edition of your paper. That idea is totally preposterous considering that the standard bearer of the Republican Party is a fear master.
A health care coverage crisis is unfolding at Canton’s paper mill
That the American health care coverage system is broken shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone, even proponents of the 2010 Affordable Care Act who thought Obamacare would make coverage affordable for everyone. But as long as workers with employer-subsidized health care are forced to rely on the generosity of capitalists for their health and well-being, there will continue to be crises like the one currently unfolding with soon-to-be unemployed workers at Pactiv-Evergreen’s Haywood County facilities.
A modest proposal for Medicare
By Steven Wall • Guest Columnist | With so much division in our country, and some folks even losing faith in democratic government, I would like to offer a proposal concerning Medicare. I do this in the hope that such a proposal if implemented could help restore some faith in government.