Commissioners push for partisan school board elections without notice
After a surprise move by Commissioner John Smith at a meeting on Feb. 18, Jackson County is one step closer to partisan school board elections.
But the move, which was approved unanimously by the commission, was not on the agenda, which means the public, and members of the Board of Education, were left in the dark on the issue and the fact that commissioners were even considering the move.
Trump and the latest climate change red flag
Like a three-pack-a-day smoker who blames their chronic cough on allergies, or a recent flu shot — everything but their addiction — President-elect Donald Trump continues to embrace an absurd and criminally irresponsible brand of denialism on the subject of climate change.
GOP’s rationale for power grab just doesn’t wash
When they are challenged on their authoritarianism, North Carolina Republicans’ most frequent ploy is to retrieve grievances from decades ago. The party is run by a coterie of legislators who suffered years of irrelevance and disrespect at the hands of the eastern North Carolina Democratic machine, and these people still enjoy resurrecting Democratic misdeeds to justify their own malfeasance.
Trump is not a president for all
To the Editor:
Donald Trump promised at the NRA convention to roll back gun control measures enacted under Biden and to fire the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
RFK ballot fight leaves voters in limbo
He fought to get on the ballot, and then fought to get off the ballot.
Now, after a favorable ruling from North Carolina’s highly politicized Supreme Court, anti-vax conspiracy theorist and Trump endorser Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will have his name removed from North Carolina ballots, costing counties large and small, rural and urban, thousands upon thousands of dollars and delaying the start of absentee voting in a crucial swing state.
Trump, light on policy but heavy on Harris attacks, visits Asheville
At his Aug. 14 rally in Asheville — billed as an opportunity to deliver remarks on the economy — former President Donald Trump didn’t have much in the way of specifics, but he may have finally found his voice on the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris.
GOP bows to Trump’s immigration edict
To the Editor:
Politics Trumps responsibility.
I apologize to readers for the terrible pun, but I could not help myself. In recent days, we have heard much criticism from all over the political spectrum of President Biden’s recent executive order concerning capping the number of daily asylum seekers accepted at our border.
Could Trump be a president for all?
To the Editor:
Recently Donald Trump spoke at the NRA convention and promised to roll back gun control measures enacted under Biden and fire the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
I fear we will go back in time
To the Editor:
In North Caroline we have a candidate for governor who is reputed to have said “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote … We want to bring back the America where Republicans and principles and true ideas of freedom rule.”
Registering ‘Unaffiliated’ is a wise choice
To the Editor:
I am confused as to why anyone in a state like North Carolina, with semi-closed primaries, would affiliate with a party when registering.