Voting can change your life

To the Editor:

How can you connect at the community, regional, state and national level? At all levels, you can educate yourself on what can be done to improve your county.

Commission on Future of NC elections presents findings on election administration

Leaders from around the state recently found North Carolina Elections to be fair and secure with opportunities for increased funding, safety measures and improved civic education. 

Swain County BOE hosts voter ID seminar

The Swain County Board of Elections host an educational seminar on North Carolina’s photo ID requirement for voting. 

Quarter-cent sales tax spending options expanded

Macon County Commissioners already decided that the quarter-cent sales tax referendum would be back on the ballot this November, but at its May 14 meeting, the board expanded the opportunities for how that money can be spent if voters approve the measure. 

Time to abolish Electoral College

To the Editor:

In this country we don’t vote for a president. There is an intermediary called an elector whom we vote for when we vote for a presidential candidate. This might seem like a technicality, but it’s not.

Jackson County appoints new board of elections director

The Jackson County Board of Elections announced the appointment of Amanda Allen as the new director of elections effective Feb. 26. The vote to appoint Allen was a unanimous decision of the Board. 

In-person early voting continues through March 2

North Carolina’s 13-day early voting period, where voters can appear at local polling places to cast their votes in person, is underway and will continue through Saturday, March 2.

In-person early voting begins Feb. 15

Thursday, Feb. 15 marks the start of North Carolina’s 13-day early voting period, when voters can appear at local polling places to cast their votes in person through Saturday, March 2.

Registration trends show deepening dissatisfaction with major parties

As North Carolina prepares for federal, state and local elections in 2024, emerging trends in partisan registration that began in late 2017 have proven persistent, with likely electoral consequences for both major parties. 

Some minority voters gain ground, others don’t

It’s no secret that North Carolina is growing, but as its population grows, the composition of its electorate is changing as well.

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