Where’s the ‘waste, fraud and abuse?’
To the Editor:
The Franklin Social Security office has been closed. It was the only such office west of Asheville. It handled programs such as Social Security, Retirement, SSI, Medicaid and Disability Benefits.
Got workers? Thank immigrants
To the Editor:
Why are people so afraid of immigrants, treating them as the other while regularly slandering and marginalizing them? The truth is immigrants contribute greatly to our work force and our economy, paying into Social Security and Medicare with no hope of benefitting from the programs.
Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest hikes, work projects
March brings unstable weather in the mountains, but it can also ushers in occasional springlike conditions. A pair of events at the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest will give folks an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.
Assistance available for dislocated workers
A substantial grant from the U.S. Department of Labor has already provided help for more than 50 dislocated workers in Western North Carolina, but Southwestern Commission Workforce Development Director David Garrett wants to get the word out that they’re looking to help a whole lot more.
More money available to help displaced Evergreen workers
In the latest in a long line of efforts by the Southwestern Commission to help those affected by the Evergreen closure, the U.S. Department of Labor has announced an award of more than $2.5 million to support employment and training services for people in WNC affected by the closure of Pactiv Evergreen’s Canton paper mill and by the company’s reduction in operations at its Waynesville facility.