Partner content: Ways to Save at Ingles Markets
Over the years I've done many articles talking about 'ways to save' on grocery shopping. Thankfully, being a cost-conscious shopper never goes out of fashion.
Here are 5 reminders on how to save money on your groceries:
Partner content: Facts about Wheat and Gluten
Fact: There is currently NO “bioengineered” or “GMO” (genetically engineered/modified/edited) wheat being grown or sold for commercial use in the U.S.
Partner content: Cross-contact or Cross-contamination – What’s the Difference?
Cross-contamination is the term used when pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites) that may result in food borne illnesses (food poisoning) are transferred from:
1. a surface to another surface - e.g. using the same cutting board to prepare raw meat and cooked meat
Sponsored: Gluten free
Question: I have been having a lot of stomach and digestive issue and a friend suggested I stop eating gluten.