MountainTrue hosts plant workday
MountainTrue, in partnership with the Mainspring Conservation Trust and the Pinnacle Park Foundation, is hosting a community volunteer workday to control non-native invasive plants and restore native habitat at the Pinnacle Park in Sylva.
Dedication set for viewing platform
The Friends of the Greenway and the Franklin Bird Club invite the public to the dedication of the Barbara McRae Memorial Viewing Platform on 2 p.m. Sunday, June 23.
Presentation to focus on conservation strategy
Join Mainspring Conservation Trust on March 18 for a presentation on conservation strategy in Western North Carolina by Mainspring Conservation Outreach Associate Skye Cahoon.
Learn about conservation in WNC
The speaker series “Where We Live: History, Nature, and Culture” will continue this month with a presentation explaining the role that the Mainspring Conservation Trust plays in the region.
Volunteer with Mainspring
Help care for conserved lands by participating in a string of upcoming stewardship volunteer workdays with Mainspring Conservation Trust, held 9 a.m. to noon every other Thursday at various locations in Macon County.
Workday planned at Jackson greenway
Help remove invasive plants on the Jackson County Greenway 1-4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 12 in Cullowhee.
Coalition nears fundraising goal for Ela Dam removal
A coalition working to remove the aged Ela Dam in Swain County has raised $8 million of an estimated $10 million needed to complete the project.
Snorkeling the mountains: New Blue Ridge Snorkel Trail will show off WNC’s vibrant streams
For most people, the word “snorkeling” conjures images of blue Caribbean waters, pink coral reefs and a rainbow of tropical fish. But witnessing a world of aquatic beauty doesn’t require a flight to the Florida Keys.
Mainspring signs agreement in dam removal effort
After months of discussion and deliberation, Mainspring Conservation Trust and Northbrook Carolina Hydro II have signed an agreement allowing Mainspring to purchase the aging Ela Dam in Swain County — paving the way for dam removal efforts to progress.
Mainspring considers Ela Dam purchase
Franklin-based nonprofit Mainspring Conservation Trust will take the lead in efforts to remove 97-year-old Ela Dam if its board decides in favor of acquiring the 62-acre property now owned by Northbrook Hydro II.