A sickness in the soul of America
To the Editor:
The Eagles rock band has interpreted life in America over the last five decades. Yet, the lines that fit the last two decades best may be: “Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table. But you only want the ones that you can’t get.”
Dear Solitude & Sanity
By Dr. Dara DeLeon • Rumble Contributor |
Dear solitude and sanity,
Do you write stories to dispel rumors?
“A lie can run around the world before the truth has its boots on.”
That’s one of the few quotes or sayings I can summon up at will. At some point it was etched into my memory. An internet search credits it to Terry Pratchett, a recently deceased but very popular British author of fantasy novels whom I have never read.
If truth doesn’t matter, we are doomed
By Norman Hoffman • Guest Columnist
Some time ago a cartoon had Donald Trump’s press secretary and Kelly Ann Conway dressed as Burger King employees under a banner “Home of the Whopper” and Conway saying, “Do you want lies with that?” Lies seem to be the staple of the Trump administration.