Susanna Shetley

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In May my boys were counting down the days until school ended; now, they are counting down the days until school begins. It’s intriguing what summer vacation can do to a young mind. 


I’m writing this column from Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo in Mexico. We just watched the sunrise over the Caribbean Sea, and now I’m sitting on our balcony listening to the euphony of tropical birds and relishing in a fleeting morning breeze that will soon turn to heavy humid heat. 


With summertime comes a lot of tomatoes and cucumbers, either from your own garden or a garden of a friend or family member. Instead of bemoaning the abundance, I like to make a lot of salads with these delicious produce items. The recipe I am sharing today is one of my favorites. It works well as a light lunch or as a side dish for dinner. This is also a great dish to take to a picnic or summer party. 

There are only a few more weeks of summer break. My two boys have been busy attending various camps and traveling to and fro, but when we’re in town, I’ve been trying to explore this beautiful place we call home. Whether it’s a trek to downtown Asheville to eat dumplings and look in gem stores or a drive out to Bryson City to explore Darnell Farms, we’ve been making the most of each day. 

Women of all ages are opening and expanding small, medium and large businesses throughout Western North Carolina. Asheville, alone, is home to numerous successful female-owned businesses. While there are many on the list, the five highlighted in today’s Rumble are some of my personal favorites. 

In a previous column, I talked of my personal challenge to undergo “The Great Susanna Reset” this summer. One of my goals is to be more playful and to remember the little girl that still lives deep inside my hardened womanly shell. Interestingly, superheroes have become a part of my journey. 


I tend to live on a deeper plane than some, and it’s admittedly an exhausting place to be. I feel the word mindfulness should refer to when the mind is full of every thought and feeling, as opposed to when the mind is free and living in the moment. Nonetheless, my primary goal this summer has been to live more lightly and mindfully, to realize that life is fleeting and finite and that worrying and overthinking is not conducive to a full and joyful existence.


I created this recipe on a whim, and it ended up being absolutely delicious. It’s not complicated, but it is fresh, fresh, fresh. It tastes like summertime on a fork.  It also stores well and can be eaten for several days after the initial batch is made. Enjoy! 

I recently spent the day frolicking around Cashiers alongside Ashlie Mitchell-Lanning, executive director of The Village Green, and Thomas Taulbee with the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce.

A Buddha bowl is a vegetarian meal full of nutrition and yumminess. There are several explanations for why the name refers to Buddha. It may originate from presenting a balanced meal and the fact that balance is a key Buddhist concept or from the story of Buddha carrying his food bowl to fill it with whatever bits of food villagers would offer him. Today’s recipe is one option for a Buddha bowl, but there are many others. You can get very creative with this! 

In my adult life I’ve noticed an emotional pattern when it comes to appliances. When I have an antiquated appliance, it seems to work well and is a non-issue, but when I have a new, fancy appliance, I often feel annoyed and frustrated. 


Weaverville is a quaint municipality nestled in the northern part of Buncombe County, N.C. The town and the Reems Creek Valley have been a beacon for travelers and settlers since pioneers discovered the area in the 1700s, when it was still Cherokee territory. Weaverville’s scenic beauty, healthful climate and short distance from Asheville’s urban vibe have made it attractive to both tourists and individuals moving to the mountains of North Carolina. 

When I travel and tell someone I’m from Waynesville, a small town nestled in the Smoky Mountains, the comment is always met with awe and excitement.


Over Memorial Day weekend, we decided to make homemade black bean burgers. I couldn’t find an exact recipe that fit my fancy, so I combined several to create one that meshed with my culinary desires and preferences. This burger was so scrumptious and much less expensive than its beefy competitors. 

Last week, prior to the horrific schoolroom massacre at Robb Elementary, a friend told me he had to get a criminal background check to acquire a single-use alcohol permit for a race we’re facilitating. The race is a fundrasier for a local non-profit that supports victims of domestic abuse, elder abuse and sex trafficking. Several local breweries are offering post-race beers so our committee needed to obtain an alcohol permit. 

As he explained the process, it seemed like a lot of hoops to jump to simply get an alcohol permit. As he spoke, my overactive brain went down a rabbit hole of wondering if getting a single-use alcohol permit was more laborious than purchasing a firearm. 

‘Tis the season is not only a motto for the Christmas holidays, but also an apt way to describe the craziness that is the month of May when you’re managing schedules, events, birthdays, celebrations, practices, banquets, end-of-year parties and final exams for five children. As school comes to a close and summer teases the horizon, life becomes a chaotic mixture of busyness, excitement and sentimental moments.


I have been tweaking and perfecting this granola recipe for many, many years and have finally achieved the perfect taste and texture. This crunchy granola has minimal sugar but is high in fiber and flavor. A few evenings a week, I make a huge batch, store it in an airtight container and enjoy it each morning with some almond milk, oat milk or Greek yogurt, and topped with fresh berries. This recipe is so scrumptious, I could never go back to store-bought cereal. And not only does it taste incredible, it's easy to make. 

It is no wonder collegiate athletes are required to take a sports psychology course and why higher-level athletes, such as Olympians, focus as much on their mental stat as they do physical training. Further, I’m realizing more and more that the tactics athletes use such as visualization, self talk, goal setting and achieving a state of flow are not only helpful on the field and the court but also in everyday life.


Nikola Tesla famously said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy.” 

Who’s to argue with Tesla and Einstein? 

All of my childhood memories include my older sister, Savannah. She and I did some pretty weird and funny things when we were little girls, but because we were together, it all seemed like one big exciting shared adventure. 


National Volunteer Week is April 17-23, 2022. This week we celebrate all volunteers that make the world a brighter, healthier, more helpful place to live. One Haywood County business that thrives off the work of their volunteers is the Within Reach Resale Shop located in Hazelwood Village.

I recently spent the day frolicking around Cashiers, N.C. alongside Ashlie Mitchell-Lanning, executive director of The Village Green, and Thomas Taulbee with the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce. The quaint atmosphere, friendly people and proximity to beautiful outdoor amenities makes it the perfect destination for a day trip, weekend getaway or lengthy vacation. 

One of my bachelor’s degrees is in psychology. I wanted to be a therapist or psychologist to help others. I’ve always been intrigued with human development and the vastness of the mind. For a while, I worked as a school psychologist, but that role is more about testing and shuffling paperwork than working one-on-one with individuals, so I moved on to other avenues. Nonetheless, I’ll be forever grateful for the knowledge I gained in those undergraduate years.


I’ve always loved a locally-brewed IPA but recently that type of beer is not settling well with me. It feels too heavy. I also do not enjoy light beers such as pilsners, blondes or lagers. I’d almost decided to give up beer entirely. I’m more of a red wine gal anyway, but then one day I was sitting at Boojum Brewing in downtown Waynesville with my boyfriend watching some rowdy March Madness games when I looked down the bar and saw a woman drinking a red beer in a cute glass. I asked her what it was and she said it was a sour beer called Brambleberry Gose. I’d known of sour beers before but had never really explored them. 

Stephany Semones grew up in Haywood County and graduated from Pisgah High School. She then went on to earn a degree in theological studies from Harvard Divinity School. A chance experience at a store in Nashville inspired her to open Pink Regalia, originally located in Clyde then on Main Street in Waynesville and now in Hazelwood Village.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting September Burton and Taylor Miller, who opened The Chef & The Baker in Maggie Valley this January. They are a talented couple boasting a multitude of culinary skills. September and I sat down for a Q&A where she shared a little about their lives and the story of their new business. 

In what feels like a previous life, I was a mom blogger. After the birth of my youngest son, now age 10, I created a blog called Zealous Mom. This was during the early years of blogging when it was all about content and connecting with others in the blogging community as opposed to pushing out posts on social media and seeing how many likes and views it could get. 


I love a good homemade muffin, no matter the filling. We're not quite into strawberry season yet, but we're close! Furthermore, strawberries are on sale at the grocery store. With food prices being so high right now, I am trying to use items that won't break the bank. I created this recipe years ago but only recently revisited it. If you love muffins and enjoy the flavor of strawberries, you should try this scrumptious recipe. 

It is mind-boggling that in the year 2022 a barbaric, nonsensical war rages in Ukraine. It’s an example that no matter how evolved we are or how technologically advanced we become, the wickedness of one human can impact the world and destroy precious lives. 


They say nostalgia and reminiscing can do two things to the psyche: be a buffer against ailments like depression and anxiety or exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions. Personally, I’ve experienced both sides of the coin. 


There’s nothing like the warmth and savory flavor of a hearty bowl of soup on a cold winter’s day. Over the past year, I’ve had a lot of fun experimenting with soup recipes. While some of my favorites come from cookbooks, I’ve also created a few of my own. Today I am sharing a gluten-free minestrone recipe that’s popular with everyone in our family, including the kiddos. It’s also a great dish to reheat for a leftover meal. 

My mom was a tiny Southern lady who graduated salutatorian of her senior class and never said a cuss word in her life, minus the one time someone cut her off in traffic and I heard her whisper the word for a female dog. But underneath that seemingly demure exterior was a fierce and funny woman, a lady that held multiple degrees, could make some mean fried peach pies and started a successful tour company after she’d retired from 35 years of teaching. 


My older son turned 13 on Jan. 19, and my younger son turned 10 on Jan. 20. They are both officially in the double digits, which is hard for this mama to believe. Since they were babies, we’ve hosted a dual birthday party, as opposed to separate celebrations for each boy. 


At age 42, I’m nearing mid-life or maybe I’m already there. Who knows? With my boys’ college tuition and my own retirement on the horizon, I’ve been thinking a lot about money lately. I didn’t have much financial guidance during my college and young adult years so I didn’t make wise decisions such as investing in the stock market or initiating a 401K plan. I did those things later, but as we know, earlier is always better when it comes to saving and investing. When we’re young, we think we have all the time in the world to save for retirement and then wham, middle age is right around the corner. 

Until relatively recently, few people had heard of cannabidiol (CBD). Now, it’s popular with all demographics. It’s even being used with cats and dogs. With an abundance of information floating around and a slew of products on the market, Kim Ferguson of Kim’s Pharmacy offers Rumble clarification and suggestions regarding CBD oil. 

I listened to a podcast recently that blasted January’s public relations company for making everyone feel bad about themselves. Instead of promoting “New Year, New You,” the podcasters honor “New Year, Same You.” Although we’ve entered into 2022, we have the same mind, same body, same soul. 


The human race is always searching for guidance and inspiration, but sometimes we simply need to turn to Mother Nature. She holds many of the answers. By using nature as a guide, we can attune our bodies to each season and reach optimal health and well-being. 

I read a quote recently by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones that said, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read.” 


My dad has been baking holiday Chex mix since I can remember. Along with our Christmas gifts is always a festive tin full of the savory snack topped with a bow. He still makes his delicious version, but I’ve started making it as well. With five kids between my boyfriend and me, I typically end up making at least three batches per season and that doesn’t count what we make for gifts. Below is a quick traditional party mix recipe. You can get creative with additional ingredients, but I like to keep it simple. 

Being from the mountains of Western North Carolina, temperatures can get bitterly cold during the winter months, although this year has been a pretty mild winter thus far. I typically run at least one race during a cooler month, or I’m training for a race that’s happening early spring. In an effort not to hurt myself or become defeated, I researched the best ways to run in the cold. Follow these 6 research-based tips to keep your body healthy during chilly running seasons.

Glennon Doyle is a favorite writer of mine and currently hosts a powerful podcast called “We Can Do Hard Things.” Doyle says what screws us up the most is the picture in our heads of how things are supposed to be. From birth, we’re offered images, words, models and examples of the types of people we’re encouraged to one day become. 


I’m an NC State alumni. When I was on campus in Raleigh, you couldn’t go into any pizza joint, bar or retail store without seeing a picture or quote from the legendary Wolfpack Basketball coach Jimmy Valvano. 

Writer Glennon Doyle says what screws us up most is the picture in our head of how things are supposed to be. This holiday season let’s try to shake those expectations, listen to our hearts and take on experiences that are truly meaningful. Today Rumble offers 6 tips to make this a reality. 

Susanne Blumer is a children’s author who had a dream to open a bookstore and coffee shop in a quaint downtown. In 2018, she opened Sassafras on Sutton in Black Mountain and three years later opened her second location in Waynesville, Sassafras on Main.

After initially opening Sassafras on Sutton as a bookstore, Susanne later added toys and other items to the space, coining the store’s tagline, “Rediscover your imagination.” When Susanne and her husband, Cole, were looking for a second location site, they found the perfect building at 196 N. Main Street in Waynesville. Susanne’s friend and fellow writer, Joyce Glass, came on board to manage the store. 

Every year of our girlhood, my sister and I woke up early on Thanksgiving Day, sat at the kitchen barstools in our pajamas and helped my mom break up cornbread and biscuits so we could make my great grandmother’s dressing recipe. Throughout the day, the house would fill with smells of turkey, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. Sometime mid-morning, my grandparents would drive up from Travelers Rest, S.C., to join in on the festivities. 


Robin Arramae is a local artist and entrepreneur. In 2014, Robin hosted her first group-painting event. Rumble writer Susanna Shetley sat down with Robin to get the full scoop on her story. If you have an idea for a business venture or new endeavor, you will surely gain some inspiration by reading about Robin's journey. 

“Sometimes I need / Only to stand / Wherever I am / To be blessed.”  — Mary Oliver 


Many folks enjoy fashion and relish the thought of putting a fun outfit together, but not everyone has the money to follow the trends outlined in high fashion magazines or by wealthy influencers. The Rumble team did a little research and discovered the following 6 fashion trends are in high demand this coming winter season. The good news is these styles can be achieved on an average person’s budget. 

I’m a sucker for books on the human psyche. I’ve journeyed through several different careers, but my original bachelor’s degree is in psychology. I’ve always loved learning about and studying behavior and emotion. Someone recently loaned me a copy of The Happiness Trap, a book written by Russ Harris and centered around a revolutionary theory caalled Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

Some folks get overwhelmed with the thought of journaling because they feel they have nothing to write about or the blank page staring at them feels like too much pressure. With a little guidance, journaling can become not only a helpful daily exercise but also an enjoyable one. Instead of looking at journaling as some type of writing task, think of it as a conduit to improve your life and steer your future. 

Throughout decades of journaling, I've experimented with many methods and styles. Every day, as part of my morning routine, I write in a journal for about 15 minutes. I recently came across a writer named Colby Kultgen who offers suggestions on productivity, health and impactful daily habits. He suggested answering the five following questions to not only check in with yourself and practice gratitude but also to ensure your day manifests in the most productive and purposeful way possible. 

5 Daily Journal Questions 

  1. What am I grateful for? Be sure you show appreciation for what you have, where you are in life and who you love. Gratitude can be a superpower if you let it. 
  2. What is my most important task today? This will help you get your priorities straight for the day. Select the most important, needle-moving tasks as number one on your list. 
  3. What story-worthy moment happened yesterday? Thinking about the day before helps your memory and storytelling abilities. When answering, think about any interesting interactions, a great conversation, or a funny comment. Don’t overthink this. Have fun with it. 
  4. How am I feeling today? This helps foster self-awareness. It’s easy to slide into the daily grind and completely ignore how you’re feeling internally. Are there any lingering emotions that need managing? Sometimes giving yourself a rating of 1-10 can be helpful. 
  5. What’s working right now? What could be better? This helps you stay on track with your goals, habits and intentions. These questions will help you refocus, make adjustments and tweak your problem-solving tactics. 

Granted, journaling can be much more whimsical than this, but for people who like a little guidance and direction, these five daily questions may be just what you need. 

From the Rumble Archives

Last year around this time, the three founding members of Rumble, Hannah McLeod, Susanna Shetley, and Jessi Stone, shared their journaling stories. We’ve included those below. 

From Hannah -  I used to journal incessantly. As a child, preteen and teen, journaling was a great form of reflection and entertainment. It was a blank space that almost always sparked creativity. Before I had a cellphone, before we were allowed to watch TV without restriction, journaling was a regular passtime. I would explain my days in grave detail, spending excessive time and energy describing the woes of middle class, middle school life. 

That enthusiasm slowly faded and by the time I left college, journaling sessions were few and far between. Inevitably entries would only take place a few weeks after some major event, when I would recount and reflect on big changes — exciting, or heartbreaking. 

Lately, I have found a renewed interest in journaling, thanks to a more creative, no-strings-attached sort of method. These days I spend more time taping playbills or ticket stubs into its pages, rather than recounting monotonous daily schedules. My journal has become what my junk drawer used to be. It holds birthday cards and thank you notes, museum pamphlets and festival flyers. They all get cut down to size, taped in and become surrounded by brief explanatory scribblings. 

Long form journaling still has its place, but the act of putting physical things into my journal helps me open it far more often. 

I also write down a ton of recipes. Sometimes I’ll open my journal and only write down what I ate that day. Or, what I made for dinner. For someone who loves food and loves to cook, this is another easy way for me to look forward to opening my journal. 

Another valuable tool for journaling is writing down the things that inspire you. Whenever I read a book I always pencil in pages with particularly poignant or moving quotes. When the book is over, it’s a treat to go back through the pages marked and write down those words that caught your attention. 

I’ve become attached to the idea of allowing my journal to be a more open, free space. It helps me come back to it more regularly, and I’m finding it is once again a tool for sparking creativity. 

From Susanna - For years, I followed a method called bullet journaling. I even amassed a number of followers on Pinterest who were solely interested in my “how-to” blogs about bullet journaling. If you’ve never heard of bullet journaling, it’s a format that allows you to easily track things in a highly visual and organized manner. The method helps you explore your creative side. Doodling, sketching, color-coded notes, mind maps, vision boards and other brainstorming activities are incorporated into your personalized journal. 

What I found is that the method sometimes took away from the organic nature of journaling. It’s a great format when a person is attempting to start a new project or goal-set one’s way into a new career. It helped  me get more organized to a degree and also develop new daily habits. 

Ultimately, however, I still prefer good ol-fashioned journaling where I sit down and write about my feelings, thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears, sorrows and struggles. Something about simply getting it out into the universe makes me feel lighter. Once my internal dialogue is out in the world in written form, I can better reflect and problem solve. 

I also enjoy using my journal as a place to record quotes, lyrics and inspirational mantras or thoughts. I try to always have it with me so if I hear something on a podcast, read an excerpt in a book or see something in a movie, I can jot it down. If I don’t have my journal, I’ll put the quote, lyric or line in the notes app on my phone then write it in my journal later. 

The best thing about journaling is there are no rules. You can use the journal for whatever you want. Let it be your own little guidebook with all the things that make you feel better and more joyful. If you’re having trouble getting started, I offer these three tips:

  1. Set a timer for five minutes (incrementally increase this time) and make yourself write down whatever comes to mind. Eventually, this act of writing will become easier and more fluid, to the point where you won’t even need a timer. 
  2. Begin with a prompt. If you’re having trouble free writing, find some prompts to help you get started. Promt examples are ‘What kind of day are you having, and why?’ or ‘When and where do you feel most at peace. Why?’ or ‘What is something that’s bothering you?’ You can find hundreds of prompts via books and online resources. 
  3. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. So much of human behavior is affected by how we feel others perceive us. Your journal is a place where you can fully be yourself. In fact, that’s the whole point. 

Sometimes the actual world is just too much. Many people already have some type of quiet time or journaling practice. If you don’t, I suggest finding one that works for you. It’s an inexpensive and relatively simple life change that can offer a huge impact. 

From Jessi - I still have my personal journals dating back to third grade. My very first one was a Lisa Frank ( diary with brightly colored horses and rainbows. I love going back and reading my 8-year-old thoughts on life, school, friends and boys.

My journaling came to a halt in college and it’s not something I started doing again consistently until two years ago when I was on my weight loss journey. A health coach recommended writing what I ate every day but also writing down my feelings (instead of eating them). Now that I’m back in the swing of it, it’s less about weight loss and more about organizing my thoughts, venting my frustrations, and basically coaching myself through life.

First thing in the morning, I make my coffee, settle into my curated meditation/yoga space, and pull a tarot card for the day. The card typically acts as a journaling prompt, almost like a message from the universe about where I’m at, what I need to focus on, and what I need to watch out for in the future. 

It’s sometimes eerie how close to home a card will hit, and I’m always surprised how it allows me to pull emotions and thoughts from my subconscious and into my conscious brain. It’s often things I’ve suppressed, trying to convince myself it’s not bothering me or that it’s not important enough to care about or that it’s in the past.

Sometimes I’m frustrated by the message for the day, but I always feel better after I get it all out on paper. The health coach I listen to calls this a “brain dump” and that feels so true. You’d be amazed how much relief can come just from writing out your thoughts without any judgment or worrying about who else will read it. Once you get it all out, it’s so much easier to move on with your day without all the mental baggage weighing you down.

Tips for getting started:

  1. On days when I’m depressed or angry, it always helps to make a list in my journal of things that went right that day.
  2. Before you go to bed, journal about three things you’re grateful for that day.
  3. Challenge yourself to make a list of 25 things about yourself — not your favorite color or food, but REAL things about yourself!
  4. When you’re beating yourself up for something you’re not doing, journal about one thing you can do the next day to move you toward your goal.






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