Partner content: Smart Snacks

When you’re busy it’s easy to grab something like a candy bar or soda to give you a quick hit of energy, but the reality is that those types of snacks are high in sugar which won’t keep you full, satisfied or fueled for long. Some better snack ideas:
• Fairlife chocolate milk – high in protein and low in added sugar this will give you some sweetness along with protein as well as calcium and vitamin D.
• Meal replacement bars – look for a bar that has at least 8 grams of protein and is low in added sugar. (try and avoid ones with sugar alcohols which may upset your stomach)
• Peanut butter crackers and milk
• Jerky and water – be sure and check for the amount of sodium in the beef jerky, and pick one that has less sodium.
• Cheese and piece of fruit or crackers
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And don’t forget to drink water. Sometimes when we need some hydration and fluid, we think we want food but often a glass/bottle of water may be what is actually needed.
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian