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The Town of Franklin has a town board with six aldermen/alderwomen and a mayor who votes only to break ties. Mayors serve for two years, while aldermen/alderwomen serve for four. This year, the mayor and three aldermen/alderwomen are up for election.


Mayor — pick one

Joe Collins, 54, real estate attorney

Collins is finishing up his sixth year as mayor. He served as alderman for six years before that. Collins says he’s pleased with the switch to a government with a town manager and placing the new town hall in a remodeled building downtown rather than in East Franklin.

“I’m very proud and want us to keep it going.”


Bob Scott, 68, retired law enforcement officer and long-time newspaper reporter

Scott has served as alderman for almost six years. He emphasizes his support for open government and wants to get the public involved with monthly New England-style town hall meetings.

“In my mind, the government exists only to conduct the public’s business.”


Aldermen — pick three


Jerry Evans, 54, manager of Terminix Service

Evans has been an alderman for 12 years, with two of those as vice mayor. He said he’d like to see an economic development committee formed to keep money in Franklin and attract new businesses.

“Unless the town can help attract new businesses, there’s no opportunity for our children and grandchildren to live and work in Franklin.”


Billy Mashburn, 57, paralegal

Mashburn is Franklin’s vice mayor and has served as alderman for 12 years. He said that the town must be diligent about where it spends its tax dollars.

“Up to now the town is in pretty good financial shape. We haven’t taken a hit like other towns have.”


Angela Moore, 28, stay-at-home mom

Moore worked as Franklin’s GIS analyst for almost two years. She said she wants to get more people involved in local government and have the town lower its taxes. Moore said the town should only handle infrastructure, including roads, water and sewer.

“They shouldn’t be doing a whole lot other than that ... There’s a lot we can cut back on.”


Sissy Pattillo, 69, retired teacher/counselor

Pattillo has served as alderwoman for four years. She also serves on the Angel Medical Center Foundation board. Pattillo is a third-generation resident of the town with children and grandchildren living in the town.

“I have a vested interest here. Franklin has made great strides, and I would like to help keep that momentum going.”


Ron Winecoff, 69, real estate agent

Winecoff is the chairman of Angel Medical Center’s Board of Trustees and the county chairman of the investment and development committee. Winecoff said he wants to improve downtown and see the town make financial adjustments to accommodate for the recession.

“Government has trouble saying no to people, cutting down personnel and cost. I have no problem saying no.”


Joel Queen has been named the new program coordinator and instructor at the Oconaluftee Institute for Cultural Arts in Cherokee.

“We stand on the edge of becoming a truly unique voice in the world for indigenous art and culture,” Queen said.

Queen, whose art is displayed in such places as the Smithsonian Institution and the British Museum in London, says that art is the same language wherever you go.

“The language of our Cherokee art is so storied with paintings, weaving, wood crafts, stonework and ceramics and I’ve spent my life creating in the Cherokee mediums,” said Queen, an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. “I’ve been able to make a successful living at it but now it’s time for me to give back and that’s why I chose to work with OICA.”

Luzene Hill, program outreach coordinator for the institute, also has work exhibited in private and corporate collections across the country. Hill said that the institute will benefit from leadership by an artist whose work has been passed down over the generations. The institute gives students a foundation in traditional methods but also gives them the freedom to create contemporary art, Hill said.

Students of all skill levels are welcome at the institute, a joint endeavor of the Eastern Band, Southwestern Community College and Western Carolina University.

Students can earn an associate of fine arts degree from Southwestern. If they want to continue their education, they can transfer to Western Carolina University, or any other college in the state university system, as a junior to pursue a bachelor of fine arts degree.

“Not all of our students want to go for a higher degree, and we help them find their place in the market,” said Queen. “That’s important — they can be a great artist, but if they don’t know how to market their work, they won’t be able to make a living from it.”

At present the classes are small enough that instructors can individualize a program around the student’s skill level.

“Here at the institute we respect and honor the traditions of our Cherokee ancestors. But after students master technique, we encourage them to show innovation and creativity,” said Queen.

“For our Cherokee culture to evolve, our art must evolve first ... and art is the same language, no matter where you go.”

While the institute is a mix of traditional and contemporary, the students are also a mix. About half are Cherokee and the others represent a mix of cultures, according to Hill, an EBCI-enrolled member.

“The more students we get, the more programs we can offer,” she said.

For more information call 828.497.3945 or stop by the new location at 70 Bingo Loop Road in Cherokee.


When Wayne Trapp made his proposal to the WPAC last April, he suggested that rather then depict actual countries in the “Celebrating Folkmoot” work, members of the community contribute designs for the seven flags that would become part of his sculpture.

Following his suggestion, the WPAC held the “Create Your Own Country and Design a Flag” Contest. After reviewing the submissions, Trapp advised the WPAC that he had taken inspiration from all 16 submitted flag designs. He will choose various elements from each design, and those will be reflected on the 14 surfaces of the flag components in his sculpture.

Following are the names of the winners and the unique countries they created:

• Faye Holliday, “Tilian,” a country where the mild sky and open earth devour and save and are at once tamed husbandries of blue and gold.

• Ian Moore,” Pohiccoria,” the Native American word colonists adopted for the hickory tree. This reclaims the word and the land in a new Southern Appalachian country.

• Yvonne van der Meer-Lappas, “Country of Peace and Harmony,” the flower of life symbolizing the harmony in nature’s design.

• Ian Moore, “Columnation,” a country of air...that we might breathe above the formless ocean of the cosmos.

• Caden Painter, “Gyre,” a nation carved out of icy tundra using steam power. Gyre has made steam its greatest technology and resource.

• Caden Painter, “Banmier,” high in the Himalayas, known for metallurgy and famous for swords forged in a secret process.

• Sharon Otruk, “Elysium,” the universal pipe dream that there exists a place where people live trouble-free lives, like utopia or paradise.

• Pamela Perrotti, “Triland,” the combination of three countries into one; an improved and simplified democracy, very progressive on technology, industry and agriculture.

• Valerie Osborne, “Zapponia,” is all about positive, enthusiastic, creative fun. It’s “sole” commodity and reason for being is shoes. Created by two sisters who like lots of choices.

• Glenda Taylor, “Appalachia,” a land of green mountains where harmony exists as a way of life. One slows down and enjoys the beauty of nature in a land of simple ways.

• Becky B. Fain, “Pangea,” meaning “entire earth” in Latin, this is a country dedicated to equality, democracy and diversity where citizens prosper, crimes are nonexistent and everyone lives in harmony.

• Claudia Gard Baltzer, “ICI,” where they celebrate the spirit of love, joy, honor, respect and peace and are happily united through music.

• Micah McBride, “Shape Colors”

• Ian McBride, “Starville”

• Leah McBride, “Shape Country”

• Morgan McBride, “Checkerville”

To learn more about the Waynesville Public Art Commission and their projects, contact the Downtown Waynesville Association at 828.456.3517 or visit the Town of Waynesville Web site at and click on the public art tab.


The Haywood County Arts Council’s Gallery 86 will host the exhibit, “Natural Perspectives,” featuring the photographic work of Vietnam veteran George Schober.

The concept for Natural Perspectives, which opens Oct. 31, is based on three groups of subject matter: clouds, leaves, and botanicals. As Schober explains, “I have always viewed and interpreted the many wonders of our world from a visual perspective, photography has allowed me to express these vignettes of beauty, mystery and interest in a medium that is easily shared with others.”

Schober’s love of photography began in 1970 while stationed in Japan after a tour of duty in Vietnam as a United States Marine. He purchased his first 35mm camera and used it to explore and document this visually unique country and its peoples.

Subsequent years were devoted to education, career, and family, but photography always remained an outlet for Schober’s expression. His passion for photography was renewed in 1998 during a trip to Paris. And now Schober’s photography has progressed through film in the wet darkroom to digital images in the digital darkroom.

In addition to printing on archival paper, Schober uses the new AluminArte process; a unique, high definition imaging technology on aluminum. Unlike imaging processes that print on top of a coating applied to the paper, AluminArte embeds the image into the coated finish of the aluminum. The resulting image has a much wider range of colors that are richer and brighter than traditional professional grade prints with unrivaled depth of field. Schober’s portfolio includes images of his travels, landscapes, abstracts, candid street scenes, botanicals, and transportation images.

Natural Perspectives is the second showing for Schober in Gallery 86. In July 2005, the Arts Council opened its new visual art space with the Sawtooth Center’s traveling exhibition, A Thousand Words: Photographs by Vietnam Veterans. Schober is one of the veterans whose work was part of that exhibition.

Natural Perspectives runs through Saturday, Nov. 14. An artist’s reception will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on Nov. 6 at the gallery.

For more information about the show visit the Haywood County Arts Council website at This project is supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources.


By Julia Merchant • Contributing writer

Priceless artifacts often end up tucked safely away behind the protective glass cases of museums — but not Judaculla Rock.

A thin, twisted piece of rusty rebar is all that separates this well-known boulder, covered with mysterious Native American petroglyphs, from the thousands of visitors who flock each year to the rural Jackson County field where the rock lies. A few hastily tacked newspaper articles do little to convey the importance of this sacred prehistoric site.

“Judaculla tends to be one of the most complex boulders in terms of the amount of glyphs carved into it, and it’s one of the only public rock art pictographs in the state,” said Lorie Hansen, project director of the North Carolina Rock Art Survey. “It’s not currently being protected environmentally or from visitors.”

But that’s going to change, thanks to efforts spearheaded by Jackson County, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology and the Caney Fork Community Development Council. Last month, the county released the findings of a soil survey conducted on the site in July — the first step of a comprehensive management plan for the artifact that will one day result in a boardwalk, more signage, and erosion and sediment control features.

“I think all the commissioners feel an obligation to take care of it,” said Emily Elders, Recreation Project Manager for Jackson County. “It’s a local landmark.”


Taking action

Over the years, a variety of forces — mostly human — have caused a great deal of damage to Judaculla. Visitors have highlighted the petroglyphs with chalk, talc powder, and shoe polish in an effort to see them better. At least twice, someone has attempted to remove sections of the rock, possibly for a souvenir; others have left behind graffiti or carved their initials. People have stood on the boulder and used it as a mountain bike ramp.

In the past, the county has made some efforts to preserve and protect Judacualla, but even those did more harm than good. A roofed cinder block building constructed over the boulder in the 1960s created a moist environment that enabled the growth of lichen. The roof was later replaced by an open structure, which caused increased sedimentation.

“What you see invariably is people trying to do the best they knew to do at the time to save it and help it,” said Elders. “I think it’s always been motivated by a desire to do right by the site.”

The need to do something more to preserve Judaculla, however, became more urgent in recent years.

“Many people in this part of the state had become aware of Judaculla and the effects on it from visitors and weathering forces,” said Hansen. “We started a committee to talk about what could be done. Jackson County was very responsive and contributed funds to get a conservation plan developed.”

In 2008, the county commissioners asked Georgia-based Stratum Unlimited to develop a comprehensive management plan that would address ways to alleviate damage to the boulder. Authored by renowned archaeologist Jannie Laobser, the report found that the accumulation of soil and sediment around the rock was “of specific concern,” and had accelerated in recent years, obscuring and eroding the petroglyphs.

The report noted that the boulder was still in remarkably good shape, considering all the damaging factors it had been subjected to over the years. However, it also stated that while the county could continue to press its luck, it also had the opportunity to grab the reins and take a proactive approach to preserving Judaculla.

“The fact of the matter is that the site cannot escape being ‘managed,’ be it in an informal or ‘chaotic’ fashion by the visiting public, or in a more formal, or planned, fashion by the county,” wrote Laobser.


Community effort

The county, joined by multiple state and local agencies, stepped up efforts to preserve Judaculla. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians was also eager to help protect the site, considered sacred in Cherokee culture.

“In a sense, the Cherokee have a cultural ownership of Judaculla Rock,” says Brian Burgess of the Tribal Historic Preservation Office. “I imagine it’s difficult for any Cherokee citizen, young or old, to visit the rock, and not appreciate the time and work that went into the creation of the glyphs, and not feel some type of spiritual connection to the people that carved the images so long ago.”

The Cherokee Preservation Foundation gave $17,000 to help fund the conceptual site plan for Judaculla.

With the help of public input, it was determined that the best way to preserve Judaculla would be to restore historical stormwater flows and grades to reduce or eliminate the sedimentation that was burying and eroding the rock. But just what was “historical?”

“We don’t have any real records of what the land used to look like around the rock,” said Elders. “When we talk about trying to restore the normal water flow, it makes sense to ask, was anything ever being grown there? Was there a hill behind (the rock) originally? That’s what we were really looking for.”

To gather historical information, the group resorted to creative means.

“We relied on photographs a lot. We ran an ad in all the papers and with the Oklahoma Cherokee Nation and Eastern Band asking for stories, legends, or information about Judaculla rock,” said Elders. “We got all kinds of stuff. People brought in copies of old postcards, old articles, some Citizen-Times articles on microfiche, old pictures.”

The information helped the county complete a site plan for Judaculla, which was released this past May.


New look

Under the site plan, the rusted rebar which currently serves as the sole barrier around Judaculla would be replaced by a raised viewing platform closed in by railings, The plan also calls for the installation of interpretive signage, which would inform visitors about the archaeological significance of the site, explain the Cherokee legend associated with Judaculla, and detail the more recent history of the Caney Fork area.

A major focus of the plan is getting rid of the sedimentation that has damaged Judaculla over the years. The area’s natural slopes and vegetation will be restored to reduce stormwater runoff. The county is also pursuing a conservation easement that would move access to Judaculla away from the uphill slope above the rock, where visitors currently park.

“That would eliminate a lot of the erosion problem coming from the road. The goal is to get rid of some of the traffic,” said Elders.

Instead, visitors would park further away from the rock and walk along a six-foot wide, compacted gravel access trail.


Preservation begins

Implementation of the site plan began this past July, when a week-long soil sampling survey was conducted at Judaculla. More than 100 soil core samples were extracted around the site and examined to help determine what the natural flow of water had once looked like around Judaculla. The findings will help determine the design and placement of surface water runoff facilities and serve as a guide for removing the soil that has built up to obscure some of the petroglyphs.

The eventual goal is to return the soil surrounding the rock back to the level it was in the 1920s, the last time it was a “natural situation,” says Elders. “After that, there was artificial, exacerbated erosion coming in.”

It’s unclear how much more of the rock will be exposed when the soil buildup is removed, since pictures of Judaculla from that time are rare. But Elders says the process will expose more of the rock’s carvings, and will be followed up with stormwater and erosion protection measures to ensure soil buildup is kept to a minimum.

The next step in implementing the site plan is already underway. Equinox Environmental was awarded a contract last month, funded by the Cherokee Preservation Foundation, to start engineering some of the drainage and erosion control measures.

Putting the whole site plan in place, however, could take some time.

“It’s a multi-year kind of project broken down into stages,” Hansen said.

Slowing the process is Judaculla’s designation as a state historic site. Archaeologists must approve plans for and be present at each state of site work, in case artifacts are turned up in the process. That requirement is the costliest part of the preservation effort. “The actual construction is not that costly,” Elders said. She said she doesn’t know how much the whole project could end up costing, but will seek out grants to help pay for it.

The whole process of preserving Judaculla may seem painstaking, but it must be that way so the mistakes of past preservation attempts can be avoided, Hansen said.

“We want to make sure it’s the right thing for the site, because in years past there’ve been very good attempts on the part of the county to protect it that turned out to be to its detriment,” Hansen said.


The Waynesville Public Art Commission will celebrate the installation of “Celebrating Folkmoot,” their third commissioned public art piece, on Nov. 5. The event will begin at 6 p.m. in front of the new Waynesville Police Station.

Colossal in scale, the metal sculpture is comprised of a flowing banner-like form with seven flags that will turn with the wind. The piece will be installed at the corner of Main and East streets in the planter next to the recently constructed police station.

“One of the goals of the Waynesville Public Art Commission is to involve the community in our efforts to enrich our public spaces with art, and enthusiasm for this project is gratifying,” said commission member Marilyn Sullivan.

As with the WPAC’s inaugural art piece, “Old Time Music,” located in the heart of downtown Waynesville, at the corner of Main and Miller streets, funding for the Folkmoot project is being provided by area businesses, community and art supporters and funding from the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority.

The Waynesville Public Art Commission was established in 2006 by the Town of Waynesville and its mission is to engage the community and enrich public spaces through original art that celebrates Waynesville’s unique historic, cultural, natural and human resources.

Following the dedication ceremony, WPAC members will host a celebration reception at the Gateway Club starting at 6:30 p.m. The menu for the evening will include international fare with an optional cash bar and the music will represent the Folkmoot theme. The tickets purchased will be considered a donation to public art, and the entire amount raised will go toward the next commissioned piece for the town. Tickets for this event are $25 and are available through the Downtown Waynesville Association by calling 828.456.3517 or contact any of the following WPAC members: Kaaren Stoner, 828.627.0928; Chris Sylvester, 828.506.2597; David Blevins, 828.316.0266; Marilyn Sullivan, 828.456.8376; Mieko Thomson, 828.456.6710; Philan Medford, 828.456.3184; Mike Gillespie, 828.456.9007; Karen Kaufman, 828.452.0409; Starr Hogan, 770.878.6006.

Trapp will be the featured speaker at the reception and present “The Importance of Public Art.” Trapp has worked in stone and steel for years creating lavish outdoor pieces for corporate and private clients and municipalities. He is well known and his work represented throughout the country.


The 21st annual Haywood County Apple Harvest Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 17, in historic downtown Waynesville.

The annual festival, which celebrates the beauty of the harvest season in Haywood County, will have a new twist for 2009. The Haywood County Chamber of Commerce will be teaming with the staff of the Shook-Smathers Museum to host the first Apple Recipe Bake-Off & Auction.

Residents are encouraged to celebrate everything apples and enter their best apple dishes in the contest. All exhibits are to be entered Saturday, Oct. 17, between 10 a.m. and noon on the front steps of the Haywood County Courthouse. Dishes will be judged by a team of residents, town officials and local celebrities. Prizes and rosettes will be awarded to the first through third place exhibits.

The top five entries and their corresponding recipes will be auctioned at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17. All proceeds from the event will go to benefit The Shook Museum. The Shook-Smathers House, located in Clyde, is the oldest frame structure west of the Blue Ridge. Built in the early 1800s by Jacob Shook, the house was later purchased by Levi Smathers, and remained in the Smathers family for 153 years. Dr. Joseph Shook Hall, a descendant of Jacob Shook, purchased the house in 2003, restored it, and then opened it to the public as a museum.

Applications are available at or the Chamber Office on 591 S. Main Street.

For more information, contact the Greater Haywood County Chamber of Commerce at 828.456.3021.


The state should turn down Duke Energy’s request for a nearly 13 percent hike in utility rates and instead encourage the giant utility to do a better job with the revenues and power-creation capacity it already owns.

There are several good reasons to turn down the request, but perhaps most relevant is the state of the nation’s economy and the utility’s dogged pursuit of more electricity customers and more business at a time when nearly everyone is searching for ways to cut their energy usage. Instead of building additional capacity and seeking new customers, Duke should be modernizing its system, spending more on green energy, and encouraging the public to make use of every energy savings technology that exists.

The proposed rate hike includes a 13.5 percent residential hike increase and a 4.8 percent increase for fuel costs, meaning families served by the utility would see an 18 percent jump in their power bills in 2010. Duke says it needs the money to modernize equipment, help pay for the new Cliffside coal plant and to help service its debt load.

But there are problems with the request, and nearly all of them came up at a public hearing before the Utilities Commission that was held Sept. 22 in Franklin. The overwhelming opinion at that meeting —including that from the Public Staff, a part of the Utilities Commission that represents consumers — was against allowing Duke to implement the increase.

According to Duke, it sold 2 percent less power in 2008 than in 2007 to its North Carolina customers, and company projections are that electricity use will continue to decline. Many would see that as a good sign that we are becoming more energy efficient and that the greenhouse gases associated with burning coal for electricity are in decline. Duke, however, is seeking to expand its business to new areas in South Carolina.

It has already agreed to sell wholesale power to five co-ops, a decision that prompted South Carolina’s state-owned Santee Cooper utility to scrap plans for a new coal plant in the Florence area. North Carolina regulators say Duke’s phased plan for selling power to the co-ops should protect this state’s consumers from rate hikes linked to the sale, but Duke critics argue that the South Carolina deal comes at the expense of people in this state. When Duke is asking for a rate increase to help build a new plant in North Carolina at the same time energy usage here is decreasing, the link to the selling of power to South Carolina is hard to overlook.

Of course there’s also the issue of the Cliffside plant in and of itself. Building dirty, polluting coal-fired power plants is simply out of step with today’s consumers.

Of course, the timing of the rate hike request could not be worse. Unemployment is at 9.8 percent nationally, foreclosures are still occurring at an alarming rate, and many of those who have jobs have taken pay cuts or a reduction in hours. Duke wants to prepare for the future, but at this time almost every business in the country is hunkering down and trying to hold on. It’s the wrong time to push a rate hike on families, small business, industry and local governments.

No matter how you spin this proposal, it doesn’t look any better. The Utilities Commission needs to tell Duke Energy that the proposed rate hike is a bad idea that it won’t approve.


Country music recording artist Matt Stillwell will return to his roots Thursday, Oct. 15, for a hometown Homecoming week concert at Western Carolina University to help his alma mater celebrate a major milestone.

Stillwell, a Sylva native who played baseball at Western Carolina before graduating in 1998 and going on to launch a successful career in the music business, will perform in a free concert beginning about 3 p.m. on the lawn of WCU’s A.K. Hinds University Center.

The concert is part of a block party being thrown by the university to mark the conclusion of its first-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign. Christened the Campaign for Western Carolina and centered on the theme of “Creating Extraordinary Opportunities,” the campaign was publicly launched in February 2007 with a goal of $40 million in private contributions to WCU.

Stillwell will take to the stage immediately after the conclusion of “Extraordinary Opportunities Created,” a public ceremony beginning at 2 p.m. in the recital hall of the Coulter Building during which the final tally of the fundraising campaign will be officially revealed.

The celebration is open to all WCU faculty, staff and students, and to residents of the surrounding community. The event will include free ice cream, popcorn and snow cones, in addition to the free concert.

Growing up in Sylva, Stillwell played baseball, football and basketball, and participated in chorus and theater at Smoky Mountain High School. At WCU, he was a member of the Southern Conference Championship-winning Catamount baseball team, playing infield and outfield. By his junior year, he was being touted as a professional prospect. When that didn’t happen, he turned back to music.

“I could have chased the dream and tried out and played independent ball, but I thought, ‘If I’m going to chase something, I’d rather it be music,’” Stillwell said. So he traded hitting singles and homeruns on the baseball diamond for recording hit singles in the studio, heading off to Nashville to launch a career as a country performer.

Earning a reputation as a high-energy performer, Stillwell has become one of the Southeast’s most in-demand musicians. He is touring in support of his 2008 release “Shine,” which features the title-track single. The song’s video was recorded last year at Fontana Village Resort.

Today’s Country magazine touts Stillwell as “a great, new country artist,” and Internet-based country music magazine Roughstock hails “Shine” as “the work of an artist who could rival country music’s big guns.”

For more information about Stillwell’s free performance at WCU as part of events to celebrate the Campaign for Western Carolina, contact the Office of Development at 828.227.7124 or visit

Parking will be available at the baseball stadium lot off Forest Hills Road, with shuttles running from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. from the lot to A.K. Hinds University Center.


Local singer-songwriter Lorraine Conard celebrates the release of her new CD, “Riding on Your Wings,” with a release party to be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Colonial Theater in Canton.

Influenced by a vast and varied mix of artists, Conard’s songwriting style ranges from toe-tapping, country-fried Americana to earthy, folk-tinged blues. All her songs, regardless of their patchwork roots, are anchored by rich, earthy vocals that are equally capable of soothing and electrifying.

For several years, Conard has played regularly to a loyal fan base at several Waynesville venues, where she plays with a variety of other musicians.

“Those mini-concerts give me a chance to experiment with different songs and instruments and arrangements,” said Conard. “The new album captures the best of each, and I feel really excited about the new CD.”

Joining Conard on “Riding on Your Wings” are Kent Roberts on lead guitar and bass; John Greene on bass and keyboards; and Jeff Rudolph on drums. Kent Roberts also served as the sound engineer for the album.

Admission to the CD release party on Oct. 17 is free; donations will be accepted to support the Haywood County Arts Council.

For more information about Conard, “Riding on Your Wings,” and the concert, as well as samples of Conard’s music, go online to


Western Carolina University will sponsor its fifth annual Mountain Dulcimer Winter Weekend beginning Thursday, Jan. 7, and continuing through Sunday, Jan. 10, at the Terrace Hotel at Lake Junaluska.

The husband and wife team of Larry and Elaine Conger of Paris, Tenn., will serve as hosts for the event.

Honored as the nation’s champion mountain dulcimer player in 1998, Larry Conger is the author of eight books of dulcimer arrangements and has been featured on numerous recordings, including “Masters of the Mountain Dulcimer II,” “National Champions” and “Great Players of the Mountain Dulcimer.” He presents dulcimer programs in the public schools as a participating artist for the Tennessee Arts Commission and Kentucky Arts Council.

Elaine Conger’s musical career includes playing keyboards and singing back-up for country music artist Faith Hill. With her husband, Conger now owns and operates a music studio that offers instruction in piano, guitar, drums, voice and mountain dulcimer. A former classroom teacher who earned degrees in music education and elementary education, she has directed and performed in numerous theatrical productions.

“We feel honored to have the opportunity to host this musical weekend with WCU,” Larry Conger said. “The university is committed to quality continuing education programs, and we share that dedication in providing quality educational workshops for the dulcimer community.”

Mountain Dulcimer Winter Weekend will provide an opportunity for mountain dulcimer players of all skill levels to study with nationally-prominent musicians, in addition to Larry Conger, including Don Pedi, Joe Collins, Anne Lough and Jim Miller. The extended weekend format will offer more than 30 hours of classes, staff concerts, jam sessions, field trips and other activities.

Loaner dulcimers will be available for students who don’t have instruments.

The fee for Mountain Dulcimer Winter Weekend is $140 per person. Online registration is available at

The Terrace Hotel will offer a special rate on rooms and meals for participants. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 800.222.4930.

For more information about Mountain Dulcimer Winter Weekend, visit the Web site or contact WCU’s Division of Educational Outreach at 800.928.4968 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


A 248-acre tract known as Rainbow Springs at the headwaters of the Nantahala River in Macon County has been protected through a conservation agreement between the long-time landowners and the Land Trust for the Little Tennessee.

The property owners, Myra Waldroop and her family, were honored with the Land Conservationist of the Year Award by the Land Trust for the Little Tennessee this month.

The tract is adjacent to Nantahala National Forest lands in the Standing Indian area and contains nearly 4,000 feet of the Nantahala River. It lies on either side of the Waterfall Scenic Byway, which runs from Rosman in Transylvania County to Murphy.

The property has been in the family since the 1850s, at first as a hunting and fishing retreat then a site for family vacations.

“Many family traditions live on,” said Myra. “With this long history, my family and I decided we wanted this property protected from development. The LTLT was our solution. We appreciate working with the folks at LTLT.”

During the 1920s and ‘30s, the Ritter Lumber Company operated in one of the meadows. A thriving lumber town included a post office, commissary, hotel and school. A railroad hauled lumber down the river to be shipped away. In 1948, Myra’s father, Carl Slagle, retired to Rainbow Springs, and later, Myra inherited a portion of the property where both of her daughters now live. The property is currently used for farming and sustainable timber harvest.

“The Waldroop Family conserved their land because of their love of the land and the heritage that the land represents,” said Sharon Taylor with LTLT.


Franklin High students became active volunteers in a service-learning program this fall to improve the ecosystem along the Franklin Greenway.

More than 40 students, along with local community members, conducted a three-day site inventory and extraction of exotic invasive plants along two miles of the greenway in October.

Exotic invasive plants have seriously degraded the natural areas along the greenway. Exotic plants spread aggressively and monopolize light, nutrients and space to the detriment of native species. As a result, animals that rely on native plants for food and shelter also suffer losses.

“The worst exotic invasive plants change the character of entire ecosystems,” said Mary Bennett, Southwestern Community College’s GEAR UP College Readiness Coach.

Controlling exotic invasive plants is labor intensive, in this case requiring pulling, digging and chopping.

“It’s just plain hard work!” observed sophomore Clinton Anderson, who eagerly uprooted 10-foot-tall shrubs from the woods.

In addition to the manual labor, the program was coupled with classroom instruction, guest speakers and fieldwork exercises.

“Participating in a practical and hands-on activity while communicating with professionals enables the students to improve technical skills and job readiness while increasing their career awareness,” said Bennett.

Other groups participating in the project included Western North Carolina Alliance, Friend of the Greenway, Coweeta Hydrological Lab, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and Land Trust for the Little Tennessee.

“The students really took to the responsibility of protecting the natural habitat and wanted to leave it in better shape,” said Franklin Agriculture Teacher Devon Deal.


Tom Alexander, a famed mountain man, forester and founder of Cataloochee Ranch, chronicled his adventures over the course of his lifetime.

An edited collection of his writings were compiled into a book called Mountain Fever by Alexander’s son in 1995, more than two decades after his father’s death. Tom Alexander, Jr., was a journalist, writing for Time-Life Magazine and later becoming the editor of Fortune Magazine.

The book is chock full of rollicking tales of early life in the Smokies and a fascinating history of Cataloochee Ranch. The writings capture the hardships and joys of converting an isolated mountaintop into a rustic resort, and bring to life the colorful, local characters who helped Tom and his wife, Judy, realize their vision.

An amazing collection of historic photos portray daily life, including works by George Masa, a famed photographer of the early Smokies and a personal friend of the Alexanders.

The book was published by Bright Mountain Books of Asheville. It is available at local bookstores in Haywood County and at the Ranch.


Now that it’s clear that Rep. Heath Shuler, D-Waynesville, did indeed mislead everyone about his involvement in a land deal that one of his companies negotiated with the Tennessee Valley Authority, constituents will be forced to make a character judgment that could stick for the rest of his political career.

This controversy could be a turning point in a political career that just a short while ago seemed to be arcing upward, or it may merely fall by the wayside. Either way, the sad fact is that the entire controversy was self-inflicted.

The land swap involved a Tennessee real estate development in which Shuler was a partner. Apparently, there was an agreement to swap parcels to provide the Shuler development better water access. It’s a routine matter with the TVA, and the agreement was apparently agreed to before Shuler ever became a congressman.

The problem arose when rumors began flying that Shuler pressured the TVA into making the deal. Shuler sits on a committee that oversees the TVA, and he repeatedly told the press he did not contact the agency about the deal.

As it turns out, Shuler did — according to the TVA — call the top TVA official and complain about the land deal happening too slowly. If the TVA is to believed, then Shuler was lying.

Shuler’s office — the congressman himself isn’t talking to reporters — hasn’t addressed the revelations about the contradiction, only telling all media who ask that the congressman was cleared of any wrongdoing in the case, and that Shuler has been cleared by the House Ethics Committee, federal authorities and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). All agree he did not use his office to influence the outcome of the land swap.

But the question now left for constituents to ponder was included in the TVA final report: “Specifically, if all of this was above board, why did TVA and Shuler feel compelled to tell the media that there was no contact between the congressman and TVA in relation to the Maintain and Gain application? There obviously was,” the report reads.

Lies, little or big, have sunk more politicians than any bribe or sexual misconduct. And in a very conservative district, this could spell trouble. Shuler will, of course, be attacked from Republicans who want to take this seat back. He’s also taking heat from his own party for a voting record that swings as far right as any Democrat in Congress.

In the end, this mistake will likely be written off as a political miscue from a relatively green newcomer to the arena of big-time politics. We hope that’s the case, and that Shuler and his handlers learn a valuable lesson about dealing with the public and the press.


The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians played an integral role in the creation of the Parkway. The Parkway was envisioned as a scenic motorway connecting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.

To reach the doorstep of the Smokies, the Parkway needed right-of-way across tribal lands, but securing the route in the 1930s was not easy.

“The battle for this right-of-way started in 1935, and it did not get settled for five years,” said Ray Kinsland, the director of the Cherokee Boys Club, who shared a brief history of the Parkway’s arrival during a torch passing ceremony last week.

Many in Cherokee were resistant to the taking of tribal land to make way for the Parkway.

“A lot of people did not trust the federal government because of history,” Kinsland said. “I don’t know of any other people who have struggled for their land and freedom as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.”

However, some Cherokee leaders at the time recognized the important role tourism would play in the tribe’s future.

“And for tourism, you needed roads,” Kinsland said.

A tug of war ensued within the tribe over whether to give up land for the Parkway, and if so, what the tribe was due in return. The chief and vice chief at the time were on opposing sides of the debate.

What is known is that the Cherokee Reservation is not a reservation in the true sense. The government did not grant the block of land to the Cherokee people. Instead, the Cherokee people pooled their resources and purchased the land over time and placed it in a trust, known collectively today as the Qualla Boundary.

“We had to buy this land with our own money after it had been taken away from us,” Kinsland said.

So when the Department of Interior wanted Cherokee to deed land to the federal government for the creation of the Parkway, the tribe resisted. Their land was taken once, they bought a small sliver of their once vast homeland back, and many balked at giving up even an acre.

But tribal leaders advocating for the benefits tourism would bring eventually won out.

The federal government at first wanted the tribe to give away the land for nothing, but ultimately agreed to give the tribe two other parcels known as the Boundary Tree tract and Ravensford tract in exchange for the Parkway right-of-way. The tribe signed the pact for the right-of-way in 1939.

Two years later, however, Congress decided not to give the tribe the Ravensford tract after all.

More than 60 years would pass before the tribe eventually got its hands on the long-promised Ravensford tract. The tribe negotiated a land swap in 2003 with the park service to gain title to the Ravensford tract to build a new school. The tribe bought 218 acres bordering the Parkway near Waterrock Knob and swapped it for the Ravensford tract, a flat piece of land close to town.

Tribe members were frustrated that it took three tries to buy back a tract of land that was rightfully theirs to begin with, Kinsland said.

The tract now houses the campus of a new $140 million K through 12 school, which opened this fall. Kinsland said the government going back on its word 60 years ago during the Parkway right-of-way negotiations was a blessing in disguise. Under park service control, the Ravensford tract had remained free of development. If it had belonged to the tribe all these years, “it would have been campgrounds and motels,” Kinsland said. “We wouldn’t have had anywhere to put our new school. We see it as a win-win-win.”


Turkey Rubs

Before cooking the big bird, I like to use a poultry rub. I have two recipes: one that is sweet and the other one is rather spicy.

Spicy rub:

• 3/4 cup paprika (Hungarian is best if you can find it, as it has a much richer, sweeter flavor)

• 1/4 cup black pepper, freshly ground

• 1/4 celery salt

• 1/4 cup sugar

• 2 tablespoons onion powder

• 2 tablespoons dry mustard

• 2 teaspoons cayenne

• 2 tablespoons lemon zest

Mix everything together. Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator. Lasts for about 4 to 5 months.

Sweet herb rub:

• 1/4 cup olive oil

• 1 tablespoon Worchestershire sauce

• 1 tablespoon white wine

• 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

• 4 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped

• 4 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped

• 4 teaspoons onion, minced

• 4 teaspoons garlic, minced

• 2 teaspoons salt

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container.


Aunt Marie’s Four Cheese Macaroni

• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

• 1 (16 ounce) package elbow macaroni

• 9 tablespoons butter

• 1/2 cup shredded Muenster cheese

• 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

• 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

• 1/2 shredded Monterey Jack cheese

• 1 1/2 cups half-and-half

• 8 ounces cubed processed cheese food

• 2 eggs, beaten

• 1/4 teaspoon salt

• 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8-10 minutes or until al dente; drain well and return to cooking pot.

In a small saucepan over medium heat (or microwave), melt 8 tablespoons butter, stir into the macaroni.

In a large bowl, combine the four cheeses, mix well.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Add the half and half, 1 ? cups of cheese mixture, cubed processed cheese food, and eggs to macaroni; mix together and season with salt and pepper. Transfer to a lightly greased 2 ? quart casserole dish. Sprinkle the remaining ? cup of cheese mixture and 1 tablespoon of butter.

Bake in preheated oven for 35 minutes or until hot and bubbling around the edges. Serve.


Apple Stack Cake

• 3 packages dried apples, (6 oz. each)

• 1 cup brown sugar, packed

• 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger

• 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

• 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice

• 1/2 cup shortening

• 1 cup sugar

• 2 large eggs

• 1/2 cup milk

• 1/2 cup molasses

• 5 cups all-purpose flour

• 1 teaspoon baking powder

• 1 teaspoon baking soda

• 1/4 teaspoon salt

• 1 teaspoon ground ginger

• 1 cup whipping cream, whipped (optional)

Place dried apples in a saucepan; add water to cover. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes or until tender. Drain and mash apples. Stir in brown sugar, 1 ? teaspoons ginger, cloves and allspice; set aside.

Beat shortening at medium speed of an electric mixer until light; gradually beat in the sugar. Continue beating until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in milk and molasses.

Combine flour, baking powder, soda, salt, and remaining 1 teaspoon ginger; gradually add to creamed mixture, beating until mixture forms a stiff dough. Divide dough into 8 equal portions; cover and chill for 1 to 2 hours.

Pat each portion of dough into an 8-inch circle on greased baking sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Carefully remove layers to wire racks; cool completely. Stack layers, spreading equal portions of reserved apple mixture between layers. Cover and chill for 8 hours. Spread whipped cream or whipped topping over the top of cake before serving.


Tickets go on sale Monday, Nov. 30, for an appearance at Western Carolina University by Garrison Keillor, host of the popular public radio show “A Prairie Home Companion.”

An acclaimed author, storyteller, humorist and musician, Keillor will take center stage in WCU’s Fine and Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. Monday, March 8. Reserved seat tickets for “An Evening with Garrison Keillor” are $25.

“We are starting ticket sales much earlier than we do for most other events because we thought many of our patrons might be interested in purchasing tickets as a holiday gift for that Garrison Keillor fan in their lives,” said Paul Lormand, Fine and Performing Arts Center director.

Keillor hosted the first broadcast of “A Prairie Home Companion” in St. Paul, Minn., on July 6, 1974. The show ended in 1987, resumed in 1989 in New York as “The American Radio Company,” returned to Minnesota, and in 1993 resumed the name “A Prairie Home Companion.” More than 3 million listeners on more than 450 public radio stations now hear the show each week.

Keillor’s most recent role included playing himself in the movie adaptation of his show, “A Prairie Home Companion.” He also is the author of 12 books, including “Lake Wobegon Days,” “The Book of Guys,” “The Old Man Who Loved Cheese,” “Wobegon Boy,” “Me: By Jimmy ‘Big Boy’ Valente as Told to Garrison Keillor,” “Love Me” and “Homegrown Democrat.” His newest novel, “Pontoon,” was released in fall 2007.

Keillor has received numerous awards, including a Grammy Award for his recording of “Lake Wobegon Days.” He also has received two Cable ACE Awards and a George Foster Peabody Award. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and recently was presented a National Humanities Medal by the National Endowment for the Humanities. He was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame at Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications in 1994.

“An Evening with Garrison Keillor” is sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor and the Lectures, Concerts and Exhibitions Series. For information or tickets, contact the FAPAC box office at 828.227.2479 or online


By Karen Dill • Special to the Smoky Mountain News

My memories of Thanksgiving in the mountains are of simple seasonal foods spread on a rough plank table in my mother’s old home place in Madison County. My mother’s people, the Treadways and the Sawyers, were raw, hard-working clans with bodies long and lean and spirits naturally suspicious of outsiders. Their hands were calloused and bodies worn from back-breaking work in the fields; their faces like Dorothea Lange photographs weathered from days spent outdoors and worn with constant worry of survival in the wilderness that they called home.

Life in the back coves and hollows of the mountains was hard and still primitive in the late ‘50s. My relatives in Madison County were without electricity until 1963. In those first Thanksgivings of my childhood, the food was all grown locally and prepared over wood stoves. The smell of food cooked over firewood in the cold dry mountain air of November is forever etched in my memory.

The Madison County relatives were generally a somber bunch from the Pentecostal Church. Although they tended to believe that God was a wrathful fellow, their demeanor softened on Thanksgiving Day and they gave praise to His goodness. The strict discipline necessary for survival in this harsh life was lifted for a day and there was a sense of gaiety and rejoicing in the air, as the living relatives and spirits of the dead were joined together again.

The foods served on those first Thanksgivings of my memory were never store-bought. They were grown and preserved on the same land and in the same house where my mother and her siblings were all born. The cured ham was the best piece of pork from the hog slaughtered in the fall. The turkey — a wild one — was shot by my grandfather and uncles on suspicious hunting trips taken in the days before Thanksgiving in which moonshine was consumed and arguments followed. More times than not, the ragamuffin hunting party returned early on Thanksgiving Day, eyes bloodshot and blackened, staggering into the yard with a puny bird that had been dragged through the dirt for several miles. They were met with both righteous indignation and knowing sighs.

After a few years of the sordid turkey hunt, my mother and the aunts simply bought the bird at a grocery store and prepared it in their own electric ovens. The bird was wrapped in tin foil, placed in a cardboard box and carried in the back of a pick-up truck to the dinner. Despite the effort, the turkey was never the main attraction at those early Thanksgivings. He was an interloper, a visitor tolerated but never part of the family, pushed aside for the more popular ham and vegetables. My uncles, awkward and sober (for the moment) in their flannel shirts and overalls, never warmed up to the store-bought intruder and they eyed him as warily as the Florida tourist as they headed for the side dishes.

The side dishes of the early mountain Thanksgiving dinners were testament to the ingenuity and thrift of the Appalachian people. My father’s family hailed from the Bethel community of Haywood County and their dishes were much the same as my Madison county relatives. The dishes were created from foods found in the root cellars, the smoke houses, spring houses and canning sheds — all structures that were essential to the survival of the mountain family. Thanksgiving was a unique day when all of the foods were presented at once and served with pride and generosity. It was a celebration of gratitude; it was a day when good food and generosity reigned.

My great-aunt Lucinda would lead the Thanksgiving prayer in true Pentecostal style. It seemed to go on forever and was punctuated with heavy gasps and an occasional speaking of tongues. I dared not open my eyes as my great-aunt was a fierce woman who had raised my mother and her siblings after their mother died, and she suffered no fools. I had just last summer witnessed this tiny woman wring a hen’s neck with one hand and casually chop off the head of a copperhead snake that had strayed too close to the woodpile in a single blow. Without taking a breath, she gave thanks to God (who hopefully understood the Pentecostal tongue) for the spring that had not gone dry, general good health that was not aided by physicians, a decent crop of tobacco — the only cash crop, and the fellowship of family. The dead, resting in the family cemetery on the hill with graves marked by crude field rock, were named and their virtues extolled.

As soon as the food was blessed and amens were shouted, the side dish parade began with cornbread dressing and pan gravy served in chipped earthenware and metal plates. Mashed potatoes as well as boiled sweet potatoes swimming in butter made an annual appearance. Leather britches, aka shucky beans, were always on the old plank table as well as pickled green beans and corn. The corn field beans picked from the corn rows in the garden had been strung with white string and hung from the rafters of the can house beside the long strings of dried apples. Another mess of green beans along with kernels of corn was pickled, much like sauerkraut, in large crocks.

Sauerkraut from an earthenware crock was always present at these meals, and I was given the treasured pickled core of the cabbage to munch on while the cousins grimaced. The sauerkraut was pan fried in some fatback grease and was the perfect complement to the boiled-in-butter sweet potatoes. The greens, freshly picked from the winter garden, were collard or turnip and were also fried in the fatback grease. Even the healthiest foods could clog arteries after the mountain women had “doctored them up.”

Another of my favorite foods found at the wonderful table was hominy. The hominy had been created from corn boiled in lye water in the cast iron pot over a big fire built in the front yard. My grandparents made lye by using ashes taken from the fireplace and placed in a piece of hollow log. The log slanted downward and water was poured repeatedly over the ashes and caught in a wooden bucket. The remaining lye water was used to make hominy and homemade soap. The dry corn kernels were cooked slowly and soaked in the lye water until the skin came off and the kernels swelled. The kernels were then washed many times until the lye was removed and stored in a crock. I always loved the story of this transformation. It had an almost biblical symbolism — the kernels cleansed of their earthly skin and transformed to heavenly white. I felt as if I were truly eating manna from Heaven on those occasions, though I doubt that the heavenly chefs fried their hominy in, yes, fatback grease for flavor. Though the leather britches and fried kraut have been dropped from my own Thanksgiving spread, the hominy, in various incarnations, has remained a staple as the years have passed.

The Thanksgiving spread would not be complete without breads and desserts. Cornbread and biscuits served with butter and molasses were always present. Applesauce, apple butter and fried dried apples were served with the meats and the breads and could have easily made a regal dessert. Yet the pumpkin pies and apple stack cake were to follow. Served with steaming hot coffee, slices of pumpkin pies made from pumpkins grown in the fall garden and delicious slices of stack cake made with molasses and dried apples would prove to be the family’s undoing. After many groans and protests, the women headed to the kitchen to wash dishes in the metal wash pan filled with water heated on the wood stove, and the men (if they were still able to move) shuffled outside to smoke cheap cigarettes and pitch horseshoes. Eventually the family would all gather around, flushed with the warmth from the woodstove and sated with good food.

Sitting on the front porch or around the fire built in the front yard for this occasion, stories were told while guitars and banjos were strummed. My great-aunt Lucinda, who had led the Thanksgiving prayer, would also allow herself to be swayed by the mountain tunes and in spite of herself would tap her boot-clad feet from beneath her long skirt in time with the music. A few of the men would wander back to the woodshed to smoke and sip a bit of moonshine or hooch. As they returned, the music would become more raucous and the women, wise from lessons of past experience, would round up the children and make plans to disperse quietly into the late afternoon chill. We would then head up the hill to the family cemetery.

As haunting tunes from banjos and guitars echoed in the hollow, we walked slowly and reverently up the hill, our bellies full of grease-laden food. A chilly wind would blow off of the French Broad River below, and we would huddle together for warmth. I would hear the story of my grandmother’s sudden passing at age 27 from my mother and aunts. I would listen to the sadness in their voices as they described the hardships of life without a mother and their subsequent searches for love in all of the wrong places.

As the years have passed and my great-aunt Lucinda died, Thanksgivings were held at various other houses with electricity and even more of the suspicious store-bought foods. The butterball turkey made his debut and claimed his rightful head of the Thanksgiving table once again. Dressing (never called stuffing in the mountains) was introduced in various forms — some years with sausage, apples, pecans and the occasional oyster. Plain cornbread dressing with sage dried from my herb garden (no eggs or giblets and a ton of butter) is now the popular choice. My Aunt Marie’s macaroni and four-cheese casserole as well as her sweet potato casserole with pecans and little marshmallows are always hits. My mother’s green bean casserole was popular for a few years, then it sadly went by the way of the congealed salads. Leather britches and pickled corn and green beans are only memories that I relate to my doubtful children, who always question why we couldn’t just buy a frozen bag of vegetables or open a can. We now prefer succotash (corn and lima beans) and a variety of roasted vegetables.

I still serve the faithful mashed potatoes, collard greens cooked with sautéed onions, bacon bits, a pinch of sugar and vinegar, pan gravy, pumpkin pie, and occasional stack cake (when I’m feeling ambitious) and a new twist to the old hominy dish. I still brown the ivory nuggets with bacon bits but add black beans, chopped onion, a can of Rotel tomatoes and chilies, garlic, cumin and a bunch of chopped cilantro. My daughter brought her California influence to the dish with shredded Monterey Jack cheese and a dollop of sour cream. The hominy dish is still evolving, and as our world gets smaller with media and travels, our dishes reflect the blending of cultures.

We still share memories of past Thanksgivings as my husband contributes real Southern foods from his native August, Ga. My nephew’s wife contributes food from her native Chile. My son brings Cuban pork from Tampa, and it fits well with the old mountain dishes. Instead of moonshine and cigarettes, we sip microbrews and California wine from my daughter’s home in Mendocino and smoke the occasional Cuban flavored cigar from Ybor City.

Our old farmhouse in Webster has become the setting for Thanksgiving meals now. My aunts have taken co-starring roles in the family productions, and my cousins and I have stepped up to the lead roles. I feel that I am being groomed for the role of family matriarch, the menu planner, the organizer of meals to come. I try to look wise these days and with graying hair and wrinkles, I am beginning to look the part.

We still share moments of gratitude as we gather around the spread of food on the crocheted tablecloth. We’re still relatively healthy; our nation is miraculously led by a remarkable man of color; we are hopeful about the future of our family and our country. My mother passed away last year, and though we cannot hike to the old family graveyard and visit the spot between her mother and fathers’ gravestones where her ashes were spread, we will remember her.

I will remember the old plank table in a chilly old house far from trappings of modern life laden with mountain foods that reflect the lives of a simpler and harder existence. Though the mountains have changed with encroaching development and gated communities, our food, its taste and its aroma, still connect us with a time past. The spirit of Thanksgiving and the food that connects us with the past will live on in our memories and in the new memories that we create.


Four of the nine members on the Jackson County Economic Development Commission have resigned in the past month, signaling growing frustration among a board that lacks clear direction from the county commissioners.

The director of the EDC had already resigned this summer, and on her way out, she called the EDC board and its relationship with the county dysfunctional. Her parting recommendation was to dissolve the EDC and create a new entity. The current EDC continued to be haunted by old baggage and controversy, including a power struggle with the county.

The EDC board complained this summer that it had no real authority but had been relegated to a mere advisory role, and furthermore, the county didn’t seem interested in its advice. The county provides the lion’s share of funding for the EDC, however, and saw no problem with the entity serving in an advisory-only capacity.

The county commissioners had shown no movement to acknowledge the concerns nor hire a replacement EDC director, prompting the resignations.

“The county administration has more or less taken over the work of the Economic Development Commission,” Attorney Jay Coward wrote in his resignation letter, adding that he “cannot justify further participation.”

The county commissioners are planning to talk about a new strategy for the economic development commission during a workshop in December.


The Little Tennessee Watershed Association has received a $75,000 grant to help restore migration for aquatic species.

Two years ago, a study of creeks feeding the Little Tennessee River found several places where road crossings inhibited up and downstream movement by organisms. Roads across the creeks were acting as dams, either due to collapsed culverts or culverts not properly conveying the water in the stream.

The grant will come from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, thanks to federal stimulus money. The Little Tennessee River is a priority area for the Fish and Wildlife Service due to the presence of federally endangered species. The threatened spotfin chub is among the fish species whose migration each fall from the Little Tennessee into tributaries is being inhibited.

Grants were also awarded to the Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy and the Blue Ridge Resource Conservation and Development Council for the French Broad River watershed and the Upper Nolichucky River watershed.

“These grants will help local organizations and local people accomplish what really are some tremendous on-the-ground conservation projects,” said Fish & Wildlife Service biologist Anita Goetz.


Two Jackson County men were sentenced to 10 months in federal prison for shooting a bear on the Blue Ridge Parkway, where hunting is banned by the National Park Service.

Steven Louis Broom, 31, of Cullowhee, and Bobby Allen Gibson, 24, of Tuckasegee, had been hunting bears with dogs in the Pisgah National Forest just off the Parkway along the Haywood-Jackson county line in 2008.

Dogs chased the bear onto the Parkway, at which point the hunters should have called off the pursuit. They shot the bear and then attempted to take the body with them.

The hunters pleaded guilty to one count each of attempting to transport the bear in violation of the federal Lacey Act, which prohibits illegally taking wildlife from federal lands.

The sentence was handed down by U.S. Magistrate Judge Dennis Howell in Asheville.


By Karen Dill • Guest Columnist

“Mom,” my daughter Anna began on her phone call from Washington, D.C., “wasn’t Grandpa a World War II veteran?”

It seems there are scholarship monies for medical students who are direct descendants of veterans of WWII. Anna has just begun her first year of medical school at George Washington University and has found a donor — a Jewish physician who taught at the medical school and was indebted to the men and women who fought in Europe during World War II.

“Yes,” I slowly answer, “indeed he was.”

Anna needs documentation of his military service and I agree to look through the boxes of papers taken from my mother’s house after her death last year. I’m not feeling very hopeful, as I can’t remember seeing anything other than his old World War II uniform and the Purple Heart medal he earned. I’m sure the scholarship committee needs his discharge papers, at the very least.

My father died in 1980, and although he lived a full life in his beloved mountain home, his service to his country was probably the most defining period. He spoke often of his service, his days in the army and the travel he experienced, but most of his contribution was left unspoken. It was evidenced in the day-to-day struggles of his existence.

This much I knew: he was a young soldier in the army infantry. He was proud to serve his country in the European theater. He was shot in the back in a skirmish with German soldiers. He would spend a year in a military hospital in France. He would come home to Haywood County and try to work. He would not be able to hold a job for any period of time.

He would suffer from back and leg pain for his entire life. He would walk with a limp on good days and bent over double on bad days. He would awake with night terrors and would fly into a fit of rage for no reason. He would walk the floor at night with migraine headaches, holding his head and crying in pain.

He was a proud man. He loved his country and did not want money for his service. He would not file for disability although he was clearly disabled. It was not about the money, he said. He did not want money for his injuries or for serving his great country. Serving his country was a privilege, he said proudly.

He finally agreed to file for disability when I applied for a college scholarship for children of disabled veterans. I got the full, four-year scholarship and he would remind me (often!) that his blood had paid my tuition. This gave him reason to be proud, and I tried hard to live up to his expectations.

Until the day that he died, he would stand proudly, though bent with pain, his rough hand to heart over his dirty, tattered shirt when the flag was displayed or during the Canton Labor Day parade. Tears would course down his face, his eyes filled with rapture. This is the greatest country on earth, he’d say — this common man — a veteran from the greatest generation.

What else did I know? I would run my small child’s fingers down his scarred back, finding the fragments of shrapnel under his skin. I imagined the shrapnel had the same feel as the pea under the mattress of the princess. I did not understand the pain from those tiny pieces of metal. I was frightened by his screams of terror at night.

Once when I awoke in the wee hours of the morning, I found him sitting at the kitchen table, a cigarette and black coffee in hand, dark circles under his eyes, his head bent. It had been a bad night, a bad dream.

“I was fightin’ them krauts, I reckon,” he grinned sheepishly. “They got me in the back, you know.”

“I know, Daddy, you told me.”

I’d shake my head wearily and go back to bed. No one knew about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder back then. Now as I look in vain for his military papers — any tangible proof of his service I wish I could go back to that night. I’d ask him about the battle that scarred him for life. I’d ask him how old he’d been and where he’d been shot. I’d ask about his dreams and his fears. I’d ask him what makes him happy now. I’d reach out and touch his hand.

Finally in the box of papers, I find his death certificate. From that, I retrieve a Social Security number, his birth date, death date. He was born in Haywood County and he died there. This is a start, I think, of the search for more records.

I enter the information on the World War II Veteran’s Web site. I am told via email a few days later that most of the army military records were destroyed in a 1973 fire. I am sent more papers to complete and I quickly comply. I call state and local offices in an effort to find any paper work concerning his military service. Then I hit pay dirt right in my own backyard.

The Haywood County Register of Deeds found his separation papers that were filed when he returned home in October of 1945. Sherri Rogers (the register of deeds and no relation that I know) mailed them to me immediately. I opened the envelope with shaking hands and scanned the military form. The questions that I never thought to ask were answered on this standard issue form. I began to cry, soft muted sobs of sorrow and regret. Why did it take so long to know this man?

And this I now know: Woodrow Wilson Rogers (born 6/28/1918; died 2/3/1980) received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Army. He was in the 2nd Battalion, Headquarters Detachment, Field Lineman 641. He was given a Combat Infantryman’s Badge on July 23, 1944. He fought in Normandy and Northern France. He was awarded a Good Conduct Medal, EAME Theater Medal, American Defense Service Medal and a Purple Heart. He was wounded on Sept. 3, 1944, in the European African Middle Eastern Theater and spent a year in hospitals in France and Germany. He returned home to Haywood County on Oct. 22, 1945. His eyes were blue, his hair brown. He was 5’7” and weighed 125 pounds when he returned. He was given a total out pay of $300.

Those are the facts, but they are not the story. The story is about a common mountain man (a Laborer 590 is his civilian occupation and number on the discharge papers) who lived a common life and who performed uncommon acts of courage for his country. He would disagree with that assessment. The injuries, the horrendous pain that he endured were only what he thought any man should have done for his country. He had no regrets about that.

My regrets are many. The unasked questions, the lack of understanding, the cavalier nature of youth — I would do differently now. I have finally asked the questions and from the grave, I believe that I am given some answers. Will Anna get the scholarship? I hope so, but this search eventually was not about the money — just as my father’s noble service to his country was not about the money.

It is about finally finding the truth and finally appreciating the facts. It is about gifts: a gift from the grave to a daughter and granddaughter and a gift from a man to his country. It is a gift of patriotism and pride that surpasses the pain and suffering of military service. It is a gift of redemption for unasked questions.

(Karen Dill lives in Webster and can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)


The House of Representatives Committee on Standards and Official Conduct –– commonly known as the House Ethics Committee –– recently conducted an inquiry into whether or not Rep. Heath Shuler, D-Waynesville, used his influence to benefit one of his own real estate developments.

Shuler has held an ownership stake in a lakeside real estate development in East Tennessee since prior to his election to Congress in 2006. The development, called The Cove at Blackberry Ridge, is situated on Watt’s Barr Reservoir but lacked good waterfront access. Developers sought to swap parcels with Tennessee Valley Authority, which manages the lake, to gain better access.

Meanwhile, Shuler sits on the House Transportation Committee’s Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment, one of two committees with direct oversight authority over the TVA.

The inquiry was focused on whether or not Shuler used his influence as a member of the committee to push Blackberry Ridge’s application to obtain 145-feet of water frontage. TVA has a long-standing practice of granting land swaps for developers in similar situations.


By Kirkwood Callahan • Guest Columnist

Conservative victories and liberal angst – often repressed — characterized last week’s elections in Virginia and New Jersey. But what lies ahead as the nation’s politicians wrestle with the contentious issues of the economy, healthcare, and a war now in its eighth year? Much data suggest opportunities for conservative victories in 2010. There are also lessons for North Carolinians as well as voters in other states.

Let us look at the results.

In Virginia, governor-elect Bob McDonnell carried 59 percent of the vote. The result contrasts strongly with Obama’s 53 percent vote share last year – the first Democratic win at the presidential level since 1964. Furthermore, McDonnell’s victory was duplicated down the ticket as Republicans won the offices of lieutenant governor and attorney general while also securing seats in the legislature and local councils. Very notable were McDonnell victories in congressional districts won by Democrats in 2008.

In New Jersey Chris Christie defeated the incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine with 49 percent of the vote and a 4-point advantage. The GOP win was not a landslide — a third party candidate captured 6 percent — but the outcome is still very significant. New Jersey has long been a Democratic stronghold. The last Republican to win statewide in New Jersey ran in 1997, and Obama carried the state with 57 percent of the vote.

What conclusions can be drawn and how may they affect future conservative strategy?

First, Obama’s star power is limited. The President campaigned for Deeds in Virginia, but then appeared to back off — perhaps because of the candidate’s ambivalence. In New Jersey the president went all out to re-elect Corzine. Obama appeared twice with the governor on the Sunday before election.

Second, money does not guarantee results. In New Jersey, the incumbent Corzine, a multi-millionaire, reportedly spent about $30 million — $20 million or more from his own pocket. Christie, a former U.S. attorney, spent about $11.5 million.

Third, turnout can determine outcomes, and low turnouts can magnify the impact of third party candidates. Though this statement may seem obvious, its importance cannot be stressed too much.

Candidate Obama campaigned hard in Virginia, and his 53 percent of the vote was earned with a 76 percent voter turnout. The turnout this year in Virginia was 42 percent, a 34 percent difference. This year’s exit polls in Virginia indicated that young and African-American voters — part of Obama’s base last year — did not turn out in large numbers.

A similar picture emerges in New Jersey, where the turnout this year was 45 percent compared to 73 percent in the past presidential election. In New Jersey, voters in areas once supportive of the incumbent just stayed home. New Jersey gubernatorial races, as in Virginia, tend to draw less than half of registered voters, while presidential contests draw about 70 percent or more. Candidates who figure out how to get voters to the polls will be victorious in future elections, while those who can’t get voters out of their homes are likely to lose. The growing number of independent voters suggests a growing dissatisfaction with the major parties.

The proportion of New Jersey’s unaffiliated voters — 46 percent — clearly suggests their electoral strength. Unlike our state, New Jersey voters cannot vote in partisan primaries, but this limitation is coupled with easier ballot access for general elections. Christopher Daggett, who bagged 6 percent of the vote, received national publicity, but there were also nine other independent gubernatorial candidates. Daggett’s vote could have made the difference between victory and defeat for Corzine, according to pre-election polls.

Virginia’s voters register on a non-partisan roll. Therefore, it is more difficult to say how many voters consider themselves independent, but research indicates that over a million do so.

Here there is certainly a message for North Carolinians. The share of unaffiliated voters in the Tar Heel state has grown from little more than 8 percent in 1993 to 23 percent today. Over this same period the Democrats went from almost 60 percent to 45 percent. The GOP today has less than a 32 percent share, a fraction less than in 1993.

If the Republican Party intends to extend its winning campaigns into 2010, it must be able to appeal to those who may share its values but have not yet been convinced to identify with the party. Finally, the 49 Democratic congressman — including Heath Shuler, of North Carolina’s Eleventh — who were elected from congressional districts carried by John McCain in 2008 will find themselves in dire straits next fall if they ignore the conservative voices of their constituents back home. Conservative Republican candidates for these congressional seats in Virginia and North Carolina have announced their intent to run, and some have begun fund raising. Conservative Republicans also plan to win seats in Raleigh.

Listen closely: You may hear a Blue Dog howl.

(Kirkwood Callahan has taught American government at southern universities. He is retired and lives in Waynesville.)


Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, an experimental research station for the U.S. Forest Service outside Franklin, celebrated its 75th anniversary this month.

The 5,500-acre forested basin in southern Macon County has been fertile ground for research into how forests behave — and more specifically how the creeks within a watershed respond under different conditions.

“Cutting-edge research at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory has led to the development and adoption of ‘best management practices’ that promote cleaner and more abundant water supplies for people in southern Appalachia and beyond,” said Jim Reaves, director of the Forest Service Southern Research Station.

Since its establishment in 1934, Coweeta scientists have examined different aspects of forest ecology and conducted several, landmark studies that have changed the way forests are managed.

From the best way to protect streams from erosion when building roads to projecting the fallout from climate change, much of what we know today about stream flow generation on steep forest lands has resulted from the work of Coweeta scientists.


The merger of Osondu Booksellers and Blue Ridge Books and Café will eventually bring under one roof the long legacy of two beloved Waynesville institutions catering to readers and etched in the memory of the downtown community

A legacy of books

Osondu Booksellers is a direct descendant of the original Waynesville Book Co., which opened on Waynesville’s Main Street in 1870. That store fell victim to the Depression. In the 1970s, Charlie and Edie Sloan opened Sloan’s Book Shop in a building just a few doors away from where Osondu is now located. They eventually moved one block off Main Street.

Kent Stewart bought Sloan’s in 1997, and in 2002 moved it back to Main Street, renaming it The Waynesville Book Company. On a visit to Waynesville in 2003, Margaret Osondu was visiting Stewart’s store and mentioned she wanted to open a bookstore of her own. He offered to sell The Waynesville Book Company, and the deal was completed in September 2004.

Curb Market memories

While Blue Ridge Books and Café is now the town’s largest seller of magazines and newspapers, that title was held by the Open Air Curb Market from 1946 until 2004.

The store, with its old wooden floors and farm paraphernalia nailed to its walls, was a general store, newsstand, and superette combined, never switching to bar codes and scanners and still carrying Nehi sodas and boiled peanuts. But it was the voluminous daily delivery of newspapers and other periodicals that brought people in every day.

When its owner Adeline Patrick died, her daughters kept it going for a couple of years before selling the building, which became High Country Style. Three years passed before Blue Ridge Books and Café opened a storefront on Main Street and filled the void of somewhere to buy magazines and papers.


The Boy Scouts of America will celebrate 100 years of scouting this weekend with a camporee at Camp Daniel Boone at the base of the Shining Rock Wilderness in Haywood County. Scouts will get a flavor for pioneering, rifle shooting, archery, old time games, geocaching, horseshoes, volleyball, patrol events, Dutch oven cooking, totem pole carving, walking stick carving, Cub Scout games and more. It’s not too late to sign up.


A field trip to view the elk rut season in Cataloochee Valley will be held by the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust on Tuesday, Sept. 28, as part of the eco tour series.

There will be a special talk by Park Ranger Joe Yarkovich, the Smokies’ elk specialist, as well as a picnic dinner in the valley.  

The “rut” is the season when the male elk, or bull, compete for dominance and the right to mate with the female elk, or cow. An important, and quite enchanting, part of the process is the bull warning call to other males, known as the “bugle.”  The call, which has been described by many as eerie or haunting, provides an audible cue that fall has arrived at Cataloochee Valley.  

Cost is $35. 828.526.1111 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Monarch butterflies are migrating through the mountains on their way to Mexico for the winter, and volunteers are needed to help catch, tag and release them.

A Monarch day will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Tessentee Bottomland Preserve in Macon County. Volunteers can also help with bird banding of neo-tropical migrants, which will be conducted at the same time.

Data gathered will help shed light on butterfly and bird migrations in the Little Tennessee River migration corridor.  Over 42 species of butterflies have been found at Tessentee Bottomland Preserve and 119 species of birds.

The event is being hosted by the Land Trust for the Little Tennessee, Southern Appalachian Raptor Research and the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research program.

Nets will be provided. All ages welcome. 828.524.2128 x 113 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


A tour of an off-the-grid, sustainable farm and homestead in Macon County will be held on Saturday, Oct. 2.

Lara and Paul Chew are master improvisers. They’ve invented and built systems to bring water, heat and coolness, light and earth-friendly simplicity into their homestead life.

They will show the group how to bake in the mud oven, use the hand-build compost toilet and see how water creates electricity. Children are invited to help milk goats and feed the farm animals. This is an opportunity to learn how to apply some simple alternatives to our own properties and life styles. Bring your own favorite homemade dish to pass at lunch if you would like.

Meet at 9 a.m. at Cowee Elementary School to carpool to the farm in Otto. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Haywood County Meals on Wheels Community Garden is seeking volunteers to help harvest potatoes at the Johnson Farm Road location in Canton during one of two sessions, at either 9 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23.

The garden was started to help offset food costs to the Meals on Wheels program. Individuals or groups are encouraged to volunteer. 828.734.9265.


Nantahala Outdoor Center’s famous end-of-season Guest Appreciation Festival is this weekend starting at 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 24, and running through Sunday.

The annual event celebrates active outdoor lifestyles. The major highlight is a giant outdoor flea market for outdoor gear where people swap, buy and sell gear from each other. NOC also offers deals on new and used gear.

The weekend is also packed with free entertainment, stunt shows and kids’ activities, including:

• The Shred Ready Wakeboard Stunt Show.

• A stand up paddleboard surfing competition.

• A 30-foot rock-climbing wall.

• Kid-friendly attractions including a live reptile show and Appalachian storyteller Tim Hall.

• Cirque du Soleil cyclist Doug White.

• NOC’s “Big Boomin’ Fun Slalom Challenge.”

“To celebrate one of our best summers ever, we’re throwing one of our biggest parties ever,” said Charles Conner, marketing director at NOC.


The Outdoorsman Triathlon is coming to the Little Tennessee River in Swain County this weekend, Sept. 25 and 26.

The nation’s oldest continuous triathlon started in 1976, when outdoorsman Payson Kennedy, the founder of the Nantahala Outdoor Center, and Olympic canoeist John Burton, issued a challenge to athletes to come battle the raw elements of the Great Smoky Mountains in an outdoorsman’s triathlon. The race has seen Olympic gold medal athletes, World Champion athletes and three generations of family participants.

Rules of the race stipulate that “assistance with changing clothes, putting on shoes, or supplying food or drink to competitors is prohibited. Competitors are on their own once they begin the race.” Futher, “no form of locomotion other than running, walking, or crawling is allowed.”

The 1-mile swim is held in a cove near the mouth of the Little Tennessee and Fontana Lake. A 4-mile run travels up Needmore Road, ending with an 8-mile paddle back down the Little Tennessee River. Individual competition is held on Saturday and relays — one swimmer, one runner and one paddler — is held on Sunday.

Sponsors include The Outdoorsman Triathlon Charitable Trust, First Citizens Bank of Bryson City, Rolling Thunder River Company, Paddle Inn Rafting Company, Nantahala Outdoor Center, USA Rafting, Carolina Outfitters, Tuskaseegee Outfitters and Nantahala Village.

540.752.5400 or


A guided hike in the Waynesville watershed preserve, an 8,600-acre tract typically off-limits to the public, will be offered at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 9.

The preserve reaches from Allens Creek up to the Blue Ridge Parkway, a massive flank that cradles the southern end of town. The tract serves as the source of Waynesville’s drinking water.

A 3-5 mile ecology hike will be led by Dr. Peter Bates, a forester with Western Carolina University and Naturalist Don Hendershot. Hendershot will offer an additional birding hike at 8 a.m.

Spots fill up quickly. or 828.452.2491.


SciGirls, a science program for girls ages 9 to 14, will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute starting in September.  

“SciGirls is a groundbreaking new attempt to interest girls in science with fun, hands-on activities,”  said Christi Whitworth, PARI education director.

SciGirls was developed by PBS to transform the way girls look at science, technology, engineering and math. There will be different topics each month, with the first one on  tracking light pollution through the Great Worldwide Star Count.”



The twenty-ninth Banned Books Week Sept. 25 through Oct. 2 celebrates not only the freedom to choose what to read but also the freedom to select from a full array of possibilities.

This year’s theme is “Think for Yourself and Let Others Do the Same.” The Jackson County Public Library will be displaying books that have been challenged, restricted, removed or banned and providing information on who objected to them and their reasoning.  

“The Jackson County Public Library does not condone or participate in censorship. We believe in S. R. Ranganathan’s philosophy: ‘For every reader there is a book and for every book there is a reader,’” said Dottie Brunette, Jackson County Librarian.


To the Editor:

If you are unfamiliar with Jeff Miller, the Republican candidate for the 11th Congressional District, or if you are confused as to whom to vote for this November, then I suggest that you log onto Jeff Miller’s internet site, You will discover the character and integrity of this fine man. After getting on his site, click “Enter.” Next click “News and Events.” Proceed to his video gallery, and scroll till you come across “CBS interview of HonorAir founder Jeff Miller.” Watching this interview will give you all the information and reasons you need to cast your vote for Jeff Miller for Congress. This can-do, common-sense conservative will work very hard to improve the economy and bring jobs to Western North Carolina. You can trust him to always be on your side, working for the good of this wonderful district and the country that he so genuinely loves.  

Susan Marker



To the Editor:

As citizens of Haywood County, we would like to call your attention to some proposals that the Haywood County commissioners have put forth which we find potentially dangerous. 

1. The proposal to limit speaking time in front of the commission as an all-inclusive restriction (30 minute time limit for all speakers total), we find somewhat worrisome. The commissioners serve at our vote; hence, they work for us. No smart business owner wants workers who refuse to listen to how he/she wants the business run  Can you see an employee telling his/her boss, “I’ll give you three minutes to tell me what you think is important to you, then get outta my face?” If there are serious issues, more time is going to be needed.

2. What is “serious” to us citizens may be a far cry from what the commissioners think is serious. We need to be heard, and they need to be willing to listen, weigh our thoughts, advice, wishes and then vote accordingly; not make up their minds before we speak to them about our concerns.

3. Limiting speakers to “discuss matters within the jurisdiction of the oard” gives way too much discretionary and hidden power to the commissioners as we’ve just seen with the health board matters and also regarding the Haywood Community College Board. We need the county commissioners to be open to any and all issues regarding the safety and quality of our lives in Haywood County.

4. Basically our concern is accountable, open and transparent governing. It seems that a move is afoot to undermine some valuable Constitutional principles. We want to see that such an effort, no matter how it is disguised, doesn’t happen.

Thank you for your attention to our concerns.

Ed and Carolyn Underwood



To the Editor:

The race is on now that Labor Day has come and gone. For a while we will hear good points about the candidates and what wonderful character they have. They will then take off the gloves and share negatives about their opponents whether true or not. The negative messages have already begun toward our Jackson County commissioners Brian McMahan, chairman, Tom Massie, vice chairman, and William Shelton.

So, let me point out some positives about these three commissioners who have remained thoughtful, reasonable and responsive during several challenging years for Jackson County. They have kept our taxes among the lowest in the state, not just Western North Carolina, at 28 cents per $100. That includes funding of emergency services through the fire tax. While keeping taxes low, they have maintained a strong public-safety record, developed and enforced improved mountain and building codes and ordinances, have brought entry level salaries in line with other counties, staffed the county with professional talent and have supported services needed by our veterans, seniors, battered women and children and hungry neighbors.

Regarding mountain ordinances, our commissioners were responsive in listening to all sides before making thoughtful decisions that were considered reasonable for conscientious developers and those living in these beautiful mountains. No other county has come close to using such a collaborative process as our commissioners. They have staffed county offices with capable civil servants who responded to our needs while building our home here on East Fork. The planning group and inspectors were friendly, came quickly when needed and were informed and helpful when on site. We never experienced a delay due to county servants while building our home.

I am proud to live in this county of my grandparents and hope we keep the good commissioners we have rather than experimenting with folks who think all government is bad and the only solution to our problems is cutting taxes and letting those in need fend for themselves. I know conservatives mean well, but their solutions will do us more harm than good in Jackson County. If you see a conservative ask him or her, “what services are you going to eliminate first?”

Let’s keep Brian McMahan, Tom Massie and William Shelton our commissioners and make Jackson County a place for our grandchildren to be proud of.

Ron Robinson



To the Editor:

I am a proud Democrat. An intelligent, articulate Democrat became President and he brought back America’s honor throughout the world. During these historically difficult times the President succeeds in spite of constant pressure from an opposition party dedicated to his failure in their attempt to gain power. He is revitalizing the departments of government to oversee, protect, and administer effectively. The oil well is capped, the once bankrupt auto industry is profitable, health care is extended to almost everyone, and our troops are leaving Iraq and are intensified in Afghanistan with an exit strategy. In spite of extreme partisanship, he got the best recession stimulus package we could get. He seeks to extend tax cuts to the vast majority of Americans and small business, and implement needed infrastructure projects to stimulate employment. Obama leads Democrats in a government “of and for the people” and not of and for corporations and the wealthiest 3 percent.

The strong local leadership and seniority of Sen. Joe Sam Queen (D-Waynesville), Rep. Ray Rapp (D-Mars Hill), Sen. John Snow (D-Murphy) and Rep. Phillip Haire (D-Sylva) helped state Democrats institute the largest state budget cut in history. Western counties now get their fair share of lottery money. A $400 million grant for education was secured. All the $30 million Appalachian Regional Commission money dedicated to WNC now comes to WNC, translating into needed infrastructure and jobs.   They kept funding for teachers, higher education, police, disaster relief and did not raise taxes! What would the other party have done, or will do?

There are two kinds of people in this world, problem solvers and problem creators. Democrats are basically problem solvers. They face society’s problems and look for solutions. The process can be sloppy, but they work hard for us and our children’s future. They are not radicals who will never seek compromise nor are they “republican’ts.”

Don’t be fooled by the massive, secretive, infusion of $400M million from corporations, partisan groups, their elitist press (FOX & Rush) and their false choices. Be alarmed! Get out and vote Democrats! History shows that when the problem creators get into power our country pays a heavy price. Extreme, divisive, conservative polices got us here and will only make matters worse.  

John S. Geers



To the Editor:

Why did the Jackson County Home Builders Association organize the upcoming Jackson County Town Hall Forum at 6 p.m. on Sept. 28 in the Cashiers Community Center? It is quite simple: we have some questions that we think deserve to be answered in a public forum.

The economy is suffering a historically prolonged recession. President Ronald Reagan gave President Jimmy Carter three economic definitions. “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. Recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his job.” Recovery begins when self-serving politicians lose their jobs.

Residential builders are small business people who are job creators. Remember five years ago before the “Commissioners Construction Moratorium” and this nationwide housing crash, when the builder was the backbone, carrying 75 percent of Jackson County’s economic base? The Inspections Department had over 700 new permits in 2005, last year it had just over 150. What can we do today to rebuild our local economy?

Tremendous increases in property taxes were added in 2005 to reflect the current selling prices of a fortunate few who experienced a capital gain. A neighbor expressed his view of his taxes today, “If the taxable base price is such a fair selling price, then I’ll make the county a sweet deal. I’ll sell it to them for 20 percent less than that price today.”

Remember the national outcry against Wall Street’s golden parachute/bailouts at tax payers’ expense? Well, here are some Jackson County grievances:

• Unemployment is in the double digits.

• Many of the job providers and taxpayers are in foreclosures and bankruptcies.

• Most businesses are struggling to survive. However, there is solid economic security in Jackson County’s government payroll.

• Government has not downsized.

• Salaries have remained the same, at least for the entry level employees. In fact it is so secure that the top 400 Jackson County executives got their pay raises.

• Admittedly, $1 million divided by 400 is only $2,500 per person, but it wasn’t divided evenly.

• Jackson County’s manager is the highest paid in the state, even higher paid than the state’s highest executive, the governor.  

• The part-time commissioners are also receiving some of the highest commissioner salaries in the state.    

Would anyone like to know why?

What can the local voters expect from this public forum? Perhaps we will even hear why the Cashiers Community Center building has been de-funded, and if the newly elected commissioners will ever fund the new facility again. How many decades have we been promised funding for a new viable facility?

Hopefully we will gain more understanding and accountability from our government officials. We can always hope to hear the truth and nothing but the truth.

This public forum has been structured to give both incumbents and opposing candidates a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate integrity, accountability, wisdom, and openness. We have purposely announced this as the first annual Jackson County Town Hall Forum.

Why should the Jackson County taxpayers attend this forum? We have a constitutionally established government “of the people.” However, when people neglect their citizenship responsibility to be informed on the issues they are surrendering their personal liberties to the few who formulate a government “for the People.”

Thomas Paine like others understood that a monarchy or an aristocracy will rule the ignorant. Thomas Paine and I appeal to your “common sense.” This is a historical truth that has been recorded in every generation and in every culture. He who controls the gold controls the rules. If you are ignorant or apathetic of how your taxes are spent, then you have surrendered your liberty!

I recently re-read “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. I had thought this analogy was communism. However, when the public is ignorant or apathetic the government digresses into greed and dominance by an elite governing class of aristocrats. The result “Some are more equal than others.”

We need public servants, not feudal lords. When government smells foul, we must cry “foul!”

We should be outraged when lawmakers exempt themselves from the consequences of their laws like health care and social “In”-security. The people” must demand a 28th Amendment. “Congress shall pass no laws whereby they may exempt themselves.”

Why? Because “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, … and secure the blessing of liberty… establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Phillip Rogers



The airwaves in Bryson City are active again now that WBHN is back up and running.

The radio station, the only one that calls Swain County home, went off the air about a year ago because of financial problems. Two independent efforts to rescue the station were launched. One spearheaded by Lloyd Brown, pastor of Spruce Grove Baptist Church, resulted in what is now the new Tom Harris Memorial Station.

The name was chosen as a mark of respect for the former pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Bryson City. Before he passed away, Harris had a daily program on WBHN for at least 35 years.

Brown said Tuesday that efforts are under way to secure a license in the new nonprofit’s name through the Federal Communications Commission. The radio station is focusing on gospel music, and also will offer some bluegrass and country programming.

The community only had until Sept. 16 to get WBHN back on the air. Otherwise, the FCC would have permanently canceled the license after one-year of being non-operational and the station would have been “dark” permanently.

To listen, tune in to 1590 AM.


Prospective college students who want to learn the ins and outs of campus life will have an opportunity for a sneak peak as Western Carolina University holds Open House on Saturday, Oct. 2.

Hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Open House gives students and their families a chance to tour the campus, including classrooms, residence halls, the library and WCU’s new Campus Recreation Center.

Faculty members will be on hand during an information fair to discuss academic opportunities and career interests, and representatives of student groups will be available to talk about extracurricular activities on campus.

Registration and check-in will be held from 8 to 9 a.m. at WCU’s Fine and Performing Arts Center. After a welcome session from 9 to 9:30 a.m., campus tours will be given from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The information fair will be held from 10 a.m. until noon in and around A.K. Hinds University Center. or 828.227.7317.


Haywood County Animal Control, the Haywood County Health Department and veterinarians from the county’s six animal hospitals are collaborating on a series of rabies clinics the week of Sept. 27-Oct. 1.

The clinics will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the following locations:

• Monday, Sept. 27 – Canton Middle School

• Tuesday, Sept. 28 – Jonathan Valley School and Central Haywood High School

• Wednesday, Sept. 29 – Hazelwood School (New)

• Thursday, Sept. 30 – Bethel Middle School

• Friday, Oct. 1 - Riverbend School

The cost per vaccine is $6. In addition to staffing the six clinics, Haywood County veterinary hospitals will offer rabies shots for $6 during normal business hours on each of the clinic days. Participating veterinary clinics include Animal Hospital of Waynesville, Balsam Animal Hospital, Canton Animal Hospital, Country Lane Animal Hospital, Junaluska Animal Hospital, and Maple Tree Veterinary Hospital.


TCA Tree Farm in Ironduff is selling “dig your own” 4-foot Norway spruce trees Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 as a benefit for the Haywood County Schools Foundation.

The trees are immune to the woolly adelgid that attacks hemlocks, and they grow over one foot a year.

Proceeds will be used for the foundation’s “Save a Teacher” fund, a project to use locally raised money to provide additional teachers for the Haywood school system.

The trees are $20 and can be dug up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. Buyers need to bring their own shovels and a five-gallon bucket for each tree. TCA Farms is located at 101 Flat Rock Gap Road in Waynesville. To get there, travel down N.C. 209 toward I-40, and turn left across from the Haywood Café Truck Stop onto Ironduff Road. Go .3 miles and cross a small bridge and turn left onto McElroy Cove Road. Go .7 miles down McElroy Cove Road and turn left onto Noland Gap Road. Travel on Noland Gap until you see signs. 828.456.2400 or 828.507.6432.


A major remodeling job to convert the abandoned Wal-Mart in Clyde to house the Haywood County Department of Social Services could get underway by November. This rendering by Asheville firm Padgett & Freeman Architects shows how the dreary big-box storefront will get a new façade more fitting with the mountains. Contractors are now bidding on the $12.5 million project. The 115,000-square-foot superstore will also serve as home for Haywood’s health department, planning and erosion control, building inspections and environmental health. Commissioners bought the Wal-Mart primarily to move DSS from its crumbling building, which would have required millions to fix up. In August, the county locked down a 40-year rural development loan, funded with federal stimulus money through the USDA, to pay for the project.


The Seventh Annual Maroon Devil Classic Golf Tournament to will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2, at The Ridges Resort and Golf Club in Hayesville. The tournament will be a four-man captain’s choice format.

Registration is $75 per golfer and includes green fees, cart rental, goodie bags, lunch, cold drinks, door prizes for all and several on course contests with prizes including: $100 gas card, two Calloway golf bags sponsored by Coca Cola, and $100 cash. 

For team registration or more information contact Jamie Fisher, 736.1951 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Matt Pegg, 736.8701 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or Joanna McMahan, 788.0065 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Haywood County Tourism Development Authority and Haywood Community Colleges’ Small Business Center will co-sponsor a seminar for small business owners titled “Findability on the Web: Tips and Tricks From The Pros” from 10 a.m. to noon on Sept. 28.

The seminar will cover topics such as the importance of local search, in-bound linking strategies, why keywords are important, how to analyze your current website and set reachable goals that can improve results.

The entire focus will be small business-centric and give clear steps and tools to connect to your customers online. Ty Hallock, of TopFloorStudio a Web and Mobile agency in Asheville and Ravenel Mansfield, of Ravenel Consulting will be the presenters.

The presentation takes place at the Regional High Tech Center in the Waynesville Industrial Park and is free. Participants are asked to pre-register to insure a seat. To register call the Haywood County TDA at 828.452.0152 or the Small Business Center at 828.627.4512. More information is also available at


Haywood Community College’s Division of Continuing Education will offer a new solar course series called Harnessing the Power of the Sun.

The series will provide more than 20 hours of instruction including some hands-on lab activities. The cost of the series is $75 and includes a solar thermal book. Classes are held on Monday evenings from 6 until 8 p.m. beginning Sept. 27 and ending Dec. 6. There are also two Saturday classes with extended lecture and demonstration times.

For more information go to and click on the Solar Power Course Series icon in the lower left corner.


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