Relationships & The Law Of Attraction

By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor |
“…every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.” - ZuZu Bailey “It’s a wonderful life”
Last week I introduced the Law of Attraction via the average Joe to demonstrate how we can attract scarcity into our lives when we really “think” we are relating to money from an abundant standpoint. This week I would like to use the average Jane to examine yet another “hot” topic we are all eager to explore...relationships.
Again, we must bear in mind that the Law of Attraction states that like attract like. What we believe is always demonstrated to us in our physical experience. We tell ourselves that what we want most in life is to be appreciated and loved by those around us. We might strive to make others happy by doing whatever it takes to meet their needs. Often, we fall into the trap of being the martyr. That looks like putting our needs on not even the “back burner” but more likely on the burner of a stove down in the basement surrounded by everybody else’s crap. We are taught that putting others first is a good thing, so why aren’t we attracting a person that sees our worth? Aren’t we doing everything within our power to find the right person to meet our needs and create a happily ever after?
The “golden rule” is a misnomer
The more accurate expression here should be “do unto yourself as you would have others do onto you.” Reiterating, that in the power of holding the energy you want to experience; it is important to remember that how you treat yourself is how others will treat you. Let’s peek into Jane’s world and see if her beliefs about relationships are indeed congruent with how she participates in life.
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“I cannot find anyone to love me the way I want to be loved. I believe I am a decent and fun-loving woman that puts my partners needs before my own. I am willing to be flexible with my plans and be available whenever my partner needs me. Their happiness would supersede my own for sure!”
Now, remember the universe reads vibration alone, so her language is not what the universe will respond to. The energy or intention behind the words is what the universe will make greater or more prevalent in her experience. The universe always seeks to cocreate life with us. We get to determine the agenda; it complies and brings us more experiences surrounding our dominant vibration. The following is an interpretation of how the universe “might” respond.
“Looks like Jane doesn’t feel loveable. She doesn’t believe her needs to be important. She’s willing to violate her personal boundaries for a mate, as she values his happiness over her own. We think Dick would make the perfect mate for Jane. Dick is self-centered, pompous and demanding. This will DEFINITELY match Jane’s energy. She’s all give, and he’s all take! They will be perfectly miserable together!” (The camera pans out as Joseph goes to get our beloved Clock maker Clarence, who is hoping to earn his wings).
Take two, and action!
“I believe myself to be a good woman and strive always to live my best life. I appreciate my mind, my heart and my body and know that when I meet a man that can respect these aspects of me, as I do, that we will have fun together! While I want my partner to be happy, I understand that it will always be his responsibility to show up and be accountable for getting his needs met. I am responsible for my well-being. I know I can negotiate tough moments and hold my personal boundaries. This is good news for my partner because if I can hold my own boundaries then I can respect his.”
“What do ya think? Steve is a good candidate. He has spent several years cultivating his personal power and learning to value his thoughts and feelings. At times he may not agree with how Jane thinks about certain issues, but he will be patient with her as they strive for resolution. He wants to be in an emotionally satisfying partnership, and he understands that being emotionally available is the most viable path to receiving emotional support. Clarence…arrange the rendez-vous.”
Did a bell just go off? I think it did, ZuZu Bailey!
It is the life we want to live that we must demonstrate through our thoughts, words and actions. If we expect someone else to love us, we must love ourselves first. If we expect someone else to respect us and our boundaries, we must respect ourselves and our boundaries first. The universe will always offer you the experience you think about, so think self-empowering thoughts! If you want to understand the whys of your life, just look around. Like attracts like, and what you think, feel, say and do is exactly the energy that will increase in your life. Make it a point every day to become aware of your vibration. When that magical moment of meeting your soul mate happens and you’re showing up with bells on, you can rest assure that Clarence Odbody has just upgraded from AS2-Angel, second class to getting his wings. In the words of George Bailey, “atta boy Clarence!” …atta boy!
Sabrina Matheny is an intuitive designer, life coach and spiritual medium. Her passions include running, speaking french and traveling abroad. When she is not working, she is spending time with her sons and watching murder mysteries. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.